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Everything posted by FrostyWinnipeg

  1. Ah there's always a strong chance of snow in the mountains in Sept and almost a given for Calgary too. Edm has had snow in June. Winnipeg be damned but that does not happen here. So take that Alberta!
  2. I would have rather played Lulay. Lulay will never be the same. He'll be lucky if he retains sensation in his arm after so many shoulder surgeries. Wonder if B.C. will go with Glenn or go after someone else. Tebowmania Reborn!
  3. I believe the minimum set by the NFL is 60000 which Skydome does not have but if they removed the hotel it might come close.
  4. Blonde? Not gold? No future for you two. Has to be gold...has to!
  5. The W is an iconic logo. Everybody who is a football or sports fan knows what team it represents. Washington State?
  6. I like the current uni's just missing the royal blue and a decent logo. BTW, the seats aren't Royal Blue either, WTF?!?
  7. Who won the Super Bowl? A team with neon in their uni colours. Just saying.
  8. I still think 9-9. Beating the 2 East teams and B.C. here. Which would place us 1st in the east but I think we'll wind up last in the West. I do think we are the weakest team in the West. I'm waiting for the B.C. Lions to wake up.
  9. So-so on the Toronto Argonauts is high praise!
  10. I like the Trivago guy but am quite shocked that women did not like the disheveled look. Thought they loved the whiskers?
  11. Apology accepted. Now Noellers comments about the Sun Blog people coming over....
  12. They deserved better as they didn't quit. Okay they did not quit in the 2nd quarter but still....
  13. I'm okay with the FG but they should have challenged the spot on the play before then.
  14. I'd get rid of the shoulder stripes, they look off just stopping at the chest. I'd throw in a new WBB logo other then that....meow to the HTC unis.
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