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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. @Throw Long Bannatynealready posted
  2. Oh wow, that is actually a sound plan. Good on them.
  3. https://www.wired.com/story/how-to-make-a-cloth-face-mask/
  4. trump lawyers threaten Cohen to stop writing his "tell-all" book... and then this: Epstein suicided... Cohen covided... good job Barr
  5. He should take her in a heartbeat:
  6. See, meanwhile I look at it from the perspective that I will take every precaution to not get infected and spread Covid to those i come into contact... my family, my friends, neighbors and in turn all of their loved ones... you, your wife... your kids... I am ok with the physical distancing because when someone needs to be placed on a ventilator... I am helping them get one by doing my part in not overloading our medical system. I'll more than likely be fine if I get it... Others though, with underlying medical conditions might not. So I am fine with physical distancing... I can go without that haircut, I will double check to see if I truly need to get something or can i do without or have it delivered instead... Physical distancing should be more out of consideration for your fellow humans than fear for one's self.
  7. Ladies and gentlemen... your 2020 candidates for the President of the United States! #smh
  8. I initial thought so... but @Tracker posted an article about trump and the citizens of 'mericuh. They are essentially in an abusive relationship: trump being the malignant narcissist serial abuser and the citizens being the abuse victim. And if the 'merican voters soundly reject trump... well what happens when a woman grabs the keys and children and are walking out that door on a malignant narcissistic volatile serial abuser- not going to end well... I thought it was going to awesome to watch it unfold... but man, that put things into perspective... I am actually frightened and concerned for the people of the USA...
  9. Holy ****... you're right he actually managed to bankrupt 'mericuh. Once again... Initially shocked... take a moment and then realize that is totally on brand. There has to be a word for that...
  10. Dafuq? I have no love for HRC, but to say that she was equally bad? give your head a shake man. She 100% would have been a much more competent and less corrupt choice than the asshat-in-chief. 100%. Tell me I'm wrong- with evidence. For every negative thing you can name for HRC, I can easily give you a litany of the same **** trump has done.
  11. Ok. So all this hand wringing and pearl clutching at the lock-down.... two questions: what would liked to have seen happen? Before the lock-down and quarantine process that is now in place. and the next question: Given where we are now, how would like the government to proceed?
  12. I would love to see fox and trump turn on each other... that would be really awesome to watch!
  13. Wow... that was an eye opener- thanks.
  14. Susan Collins of Maine would be concerned.....
  15. True that. It was a very good documentary; highly informative, confirms what we talk about here and pretty much sets out a clear path. I highly recommend it.
  16. Oh boy... It kind of boggles the mind. But then when you sit a sec and think of everything that has passed... it's like yeah, that's totally on brand.
  17. Surreal... yet strangely enough... not at all surprising.
  18. Just in case anyone thought this was anything other than legalized fraud:
  19. Wow. you can see it in real time.
  20. Look at who the POtuS is and then try that question again.
  21. Some context for the above post:
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