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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. The WH just sent it's Ukraine talking points to the Democratic Party in Congress. I am not even making this **** up:
  2. God I hope so... There should be a whole lot more of these trump enablers that get crushed by justice.
  3. Also... The Barr summary was very effective. There is no Barr summary for the Ukrainian shake down.
  4. Regardless of how this shakes out in terms of trump being held to actual accountability and what the voters do in 2020- The Democratic Party did it's constitutionally mandated job and defended the constitution. History will show that they are on the right side of this.
  5. I feel this will be making a big come back.
  6. Agreed. I think that transcript and the whistle blowers testimony might move the needle a bit... My hope is that with impeachment, they get better investigative powers and more teeth to actually holds the stonewalled accountable. We'll see though... gotta temper those expectations... The Mueller report was damning as hell and barely moved the needle.
  7. Prison would a good start. I would hope there is enough crominal evidence against the trump org to warrant involuntary dissolution of their corporate empire... then we would be getting somewhere... like a real life Schitt's Creek where the patriarch is left in prison to die- that is reality TV that I would watch....
  8. I recall Harper ran 7 deficits and a very janky surplus of about a modest 2 bil? IIRC.. they made that by selling off a few crown corps (profitable ones) and selling in a fire sale all of the GM stock they acquired from the bail out... Them Cons- so fiscally astute! The reality of the conservative game (con game) is to starve the beast to force cuts to social safety nets. Cut the GST. Oh **** we have HUGE deficits! We have to tighten our belts and cut welfare programs! It's a scam. I don't want to have to deal with those shenanigans anymore- leave my pensionable age alone, I don't want to wait an extra few years.
  9. Nuclear power is a solution that just creates another problem. Disposing of nuclear waste has been an issue that hasn't been resolved in 40 years- if you can resolve that, then yeah have at it. Bernie's plan is knee jerk, he should look into more and maybe look into disposing of the nuclear waste in a responsible manner. John Oliver had an informative and entertaining segment on it two years ago. Also... I find it odd that you reference James Hansen, when everything he stands for regarding climate change you just plug your ears and shut your eyes about. Is his opinion only valid when it matches your ideology?
  10. Oh boy... this is going to be off the hook, yo
  11. What specifically are you referring to? Hansen has said a great deal of things.... Bunch of Gretas? Totally necessary and totally on brand for you.
  12. Alright, alright man... Just let it go already. 😁
  13. The science is settled on this. Wideleft is dealing with facts and evidence- you are the only one trotting out fairytales and emotion based responses. Nothing you say regarding climate change is backed up by fact. I mean you accept that world is round based on science and evidence, why are y ou so opposed to climate change? You haven't even read the green new deal - it's about transitioning with as little disruption to the economy as possible. I call bullshit on your equating renewables to be just as dirty as natural gas. You have to stop being so dishonest if you want to talk seriously about this topic man...
  14. 100% agree. I would even go so far as to offer up a carbon tax fund to present to the Brazilian Government as an incentive to be good stewards of the Amazon.
  15. No. No. I am not advocating to pull a Simoni or a Henoch- Just relentless pressure him and hit him hard during the game.
  16. No- he needs to face the music in Winnipeg. Let's see some between the whistle justice.
  17. A lotta help that **** does us... what a ******* joke.
  18. I don't recall anyone saying it was going to be a cake walk. Needs to be done. Sure clean up the emissions, that is part of striving for carbon negative- couple it reducing and eventually replacing.
  19. Going through that list and it seems many of them have non-petroleum based alternatives and a lot of the examples listed... Can live with out.
  20. Wow- that's awesome- thanks for sharing.
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