Wait... what "Dem tricks" are you talking about?
This isn't about whether or not she lied about it... it has to do with the amount of stock people put into the transgression. I mean people have completely written off what she says/stands for/ proposes to do because of a small transgression she has already apologized profusely to the proper people. Unfortunately, those small minded people are missing out on an awesome candidate who would do so much for the USA's middle class and marginalized people.
But it is trump being a racist bully that appeals to the weak minded and those that don't see themselves as a racist or a bully.
oh, and a side note- your Warren/Ivory meme smacks of white supremacy and hints at aryan notions; equating White with purity. you should be careful about the memes you post, people might think you are a white supremacists (Not saying you are, hence the "heads up").