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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. "I don't want to generalize and say all young people are naive and just do it, " Then don't? I was unaware that this was illegal. I gotta say, I always look forward to reading your posts.
  2. Yeah, but one is a nicely coiled pile on grass- the other is a slowly liquifying mass on a hot tar road.
  3. We have difficulty with mobile QBs. I am good with cofaj taking reps.
  4. Looks like I am going to pickinging up a PS5 in the near future, lol
  5. "One of the 'flexible' sculptures prepared by Chinese artist Li Hongbo by processing thousands of layers of paper is "Apollo";" Each on of those pieces is manually glued in a honeycomb structure- this allows the sculpture to have max flexibility and retain the sturdiness.
  6. What is the penalty for going over the operations cap?
  7. You mean the one that looks like Robert Polson is trolling Wab?
  8. Good analogy- sadly, staying with mom would be the better of the two **** choices.
  9. Put him here: I don't see any of this "unwavering support of Biden" here on these forums. He is a deeply flawed candidate, but he is the best of the bunch. I think you should let yourself go a bit and add to the political commentary here, it is one sided and could use a fresh perspective. it's the political climate these days, money in the form of superpacs have tilted the democracy on it's head. All that you have mentioned are concerns for me- and probably most of the posters on here. RFKjr is not going to change any of that, even if he became POTUS- not sure why you think that would be the case. both are terrible, yet you watch both hear what they each say and more importantly what each omit. Reporting is in a sad state these days, but there are some great people out there doing great work. Sure, RFKjr is an option- just a very poor one. Besides, RFKjr syphons votes and gets trump elected. That is the end game- RFKjr will be used as a useful idiot in this election- regardless of what his platform is.
  10. Anyways, good on those guys for getting the win. Bc is no push over- kind of amazed they pulled it off.
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