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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. Well... Yeah- this is MBB the week after a loss. What... you were expecting rational posts this week? Silly, silly boy.
  2. So... you're saying riders suck? I ♥ you.
  3. Being an asshle is nothing to strive for.
  4. Damn son, you know the tishats and crygers are playing
  5. In other news... water is wet. It's crazy- I am not one bit surprised...
  6. That's it you win- you're not right, but you win. I can't tell if you are trolling or really this obtuse... but you have the smug part down.
  7. The Pee-Pee tapes will be leaked right before the 2018 midterms.
  8. Nah- I still prefer our O over yours. No, no, no... Hurl is yours- Karma dictates it.
  9. Nah- I would have him around. I would LOVE to see how MOS would deal with him.
  10. it was a comedic analogy... In no way am I saying that a old outta shape dude is on par with a professional athlete- I find it distressing that you fail to pick up on that. So- you are telling me that it doesn't matter how that ToP is spread out? You equate the physical fatigue of 2 min on, 2 mins off, 2 minutes on, 2 minutes off, 2 minutes on, 2 minutes off, 2 minutes on, 2 minutes off, 2 minutes on, 2 minutes off, 2 minutes on, 2 minutes off, 2 minutes on, 2 minutes off, 2 minutes on. to 14 minutes off, 16 minutes on. ??? Tell you what, go and run a Kilometer in two manners - do 100m sprinting, 100m walking, 100m sprinting, 100m walking, 100m spinting, 100m walking, 100m sprinting, 100m walking, 100m sprinting, 100m walking. then go and do 500m walking then sprint the last 500m. let me know which you think has the greater amount of physical exhaustion.
  11. It's uncanny how much Michael looks like his dad... It's like Kirk Douglas had sex with himself and pooped out Michael...
  12. Yeah- you guys can have the Sask O, Sask ST and Wpg D- we'll take the rest.
  13. I call bull ****- Eskies Oline never hold.
  14. That logic is faulty. get up- go do 40 wind-sprints, come back and tell me you're not tired and gassed and I will wag my finger at you and tell you "There is NO way you should be gassed- you should be well ******* rested after sitting on your duff all morning."
  15. How was the ToP break down by each quarter? I'm betting the lions had the ball for MOST of the second half and gassed the Bombers D in the 4th quarter.
  16. No way, going for it was the right thing to do- the execution however... well we saw what happened.
  17. Andrew Harris
  18. Strangely... they did in voting for KGB-don. Voting for KGB-don was throwing a brick through the establishment window, unfortunately, many voters didn't realize that they shared that same window.
  19. $$$ - that is the worst thing for democracy. Superpacs are a bane on democracies. WTF?!
  20. But...but...but... HILLARY!!!!!!!! WITCH HUNT!!!! ON OBAMA'S WATCH!!!! Sadly enough... this will not affect his base.
  21. GoP=Party before country Weirdly enough, I think that if The Pee-Pee Tape gets (ahem) leaked- I don't think it will affect KGB-don's core base supporters... I am looking forward to their justification of said water sport video: "That there is KGB-don practicing trickle-down economics..." "KGB-don's used to having everything made of gold- even his showers..."
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