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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. Not sure why the Lions are getting these deeper shots... Sask should be giving up the short stuff and take away the intermediary and deep routes. The Clock is their best friend right now... use it.
  2. Man... BC are ******* douchebags. Like chippy and cheap after every play- and the refs let it go.
  3. Ha! The Bomber fatigue is real- it will be Betts based on his production from 5 games.
  4. I am rooting for a lions loss. Its too bad, I was hoping to hop on that green forum during this game- but it looks like i have been suspended for the second time this month- some pretty thin skin over there.
  5. FFS, please don't act like that guy. smh. Please, don't be that guy.
  6. Did evans just preen at the crowd for a dig? Assclown.
  7. Cheap shot... you dont unload on some one after they crossed the goal line... If yiy want to unload on him, get there before he gets to the goal line... so cheap.
  8. No kidding... lol Just going over all the bullets we dodged... and hoo-boy, the ball bounced our way A LOT.
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