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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. Retaliate? For what? being the better team? Minny SUCKS
  2. My absolute favorite response:
  3. Yup- I thought that was amazngly dirty... should be a suspension. Wild that dirty of a team?
  4. Just did- thanks for that.
  5. Trust me, I've tried....
  6. Like the spineless rat he is.
  7. Of course we will find out about it from TASS Russian News Agency
  8. Watching News today, then checked into fox "news" and I swear- they are in a different reality than everyone one else... Everyone is covering the March for our lives... not one mention of it on fox... If it doesn't fit our narrative... it doesn't exist.
  9. Sure you can- those denier theories have peers over here: https://www.tfes.org/
  10. Good stuff here MarkF! I am very curious to hear Pig's explanation/rationale/excuse.
  11. The GOP just went full David Duke... https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/20/politics/holocaust-denier-gop-illinois-third-district/index.html Man... this interview is shocking. NSFW
  12. Fify https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/donald-trump-alter-ego-barron/2016/05/12/02ac99ec-16fe-11e6-aa55-670cabef46e0_story.html?utm_term=.d9d79fb86b46 Of interest... trump may have named his youngest son after one of his tough guy alias
  13. First- this is ******* crazy and scary. Secondly... every time I hear him talk- I concentrate on the actual words shitting from his food hole, and think of predictive text... READ. HIS. WORDS! READ. HIS. WORDS! READ. HIS. WORDS! READ. HIS. WORDS! READ. HIS. WORDS!
  14. No need for reed to offer 190k. I stand corrected- I forgot the 50k The Dumpster fire tax. So 240k seems right actually.
  15. I think Hardaway had leverage- then Kyle took it from him. Kyle's awesome.
  16. How much of the dickishness is Henoc and how much of it is Hardaway? I like to think that it's more his agent - Henoc seemed like a genuinely good guy.
  17. Do you have any articles specifically on these issues? I would love to read them. I could google but, I want the material you were reading. it's legit- I know very little of the state level politics.
  18. Wow, you don't get it at all. I'm done- you're on Ignore.
  19. Nice... stay classy.
  20. Funny how that works... you don't find something if you are not looking for it.
  21. Yeah- when BOTH parties piled on with that "reckless spend" ****- I was pretty aghast at the duplicity of that attack... cheap political points... What was it about Harper's tenure, that gets you to believe that he was a strong leader? Serious question- I had Harper hate for too long. I judge Harper on more than his economic record- it's his egregious abuse of power while PM, it's well documented. oddly enough, that **** Harper pulled, PALES in comparison to what's going on down south today... True, but JT didn't run on a platform of fiscal restraint. it still boggles the mind how he was upfront with his huge spending and won.
  22. IIRC, the Cons were in complete denial that there was a global recession and that the stim package was forced upon them by the minority parties and then the Cons took full credit for the whole thing afterwards- it was weird. All of that would have been averted if he didn't cut the GST. Also- I think the Haper Cons are the only federal gorvenment to hit two recessions (2007 and 2015 basically book-ending his time as PM). Harper was one of the worst PMs in Canadian history when it come to the economy. I whole heartily agree with you on cutting personal income tax and keeping (dare I say increasing the GST?)- it's more fair.
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