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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. Yeeeeeeaah... I am going to go with the consensus of the scientific community on this one (Before you scream "NOT 100%!!!"), not some special interest undermine outfit like climate depot, as and extension of CFACT, funded by donors trust with notable money men like Koch family and so on... Cherry picking data at it's best. Seriously- what is with the anti-science crowd? How can you be against evidence based decision making?
  2. I thought it was hot- but not this hot. http://www.cnn.com/2016/05/16/world/climate-change-april-hottest-month/index.html http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/temperature-monthly-records-1.3584249
  3. Interesting Article: http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/trump-republican-party-implosion-1.3564282
  4. Funny, the above is applicable to some one commenting on your posts.
  5. Good god... we just got rid of harper now we have to deal with 4 years of premier Lurch... It's going to be a fun train wreck to watch
  6. http://www.cnn.com/2016/04/19/opinions/sutter-carbon-tax-washington-british-columbia/index.html Interesting article. Solid and elegant argument. "We should make bad stuff more expensive. And, by doing that, make good stuff cheaper."
  7. You obviously haven't been to the Blue Bomber Discussion part of these forums...
  8. Training camp fodder. I think we will be seeing a few less than IDeal OLmen signed IN the next little While to fill I
  9. Hey! Read the title! There is NOTHING fun about your post- stick to the topic, so help me... Yeah- you get a frowny face and a stormy cloud:
  10. Yup, need another serviceable back up in case our NI-RB goes down- but it does not need to be at the same position.
  11. I think we go: 12 pop-tarts - 2 stormy clouds - and 4 Buzz Aldrins With a Grey Cup victory this year. (one of these years I will be right)
  12. Not the same situation: Wily is South of 30 with many years ahead of him as franchise QB. Burris is north of Methuselah's age, probably in his final year for Harris to Transition into Franchise QB. So no, "Desjardin schooling Walters again" is a silly thing to say.
  13. Good Gravy! I am loving this Republican race! I would LOVE a Trump/Palin ticket! http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/palin-trump-campaign-boag-1.3413174
  14. Maybe Standing outside said free agent's home with megaphone in hand... Stripper-gram? Novelty fortune cookie? I dunno, just floating some ideas here. Edit: I like quoting your posts- give a whole new (and natural) dynamic to our forum names.
  15. If our team starts taking on the persona of it's head coach and starts playing the Way MOS did, people will be coming out in droves.
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