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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. I expect nothing less from the cons.
  2. What ever, Bomber fatigue or just plain hate- as long as we raise the Cup in November, all will be as it should.
  3. Agreed, the Bomber fatigue is strong across the league. But, man... the Argo and Lions... ugh, I have tired about these two teams since last year's non-stop Rourke-ka-paloose-a-fest, turned 24/7 Betts-bloc-patry-rama, now the Vaj-matastic-gogo-thon-kneebrace edition... and the Dame-doo--whop-bopparama... it non-stop... like we get it... Doman's doing a good job getting interest in the Lions... good. But holy ****... take your head outta their asses for a moment and breathe... And the Argos... GC Champs, 6-0 and still no one gives a **** about them- i legit feel sorry for them, they need all the press they can get...
  4. He's reviled by a few on here, but he is generally considered a Saint by most. He single-handedly saved the Blue Bomber organization, respected among his peers, started so many initiatives for cancer care. And probably one of the greatest presidents and COOs of any organization. Surprised there isn't a statute of him at IG field.
  5. Agreed, not good for us. And **** Chris Jones and the horse he rode in on.
  6. Almost as bad as Lyle Bauer. But that is a whole other level.
  7. Sun, rain, snow, hurricane- Kenny gives no ****s. LAWLER
  8. Shoot- I was hoping someone could actually give a good reason why it wasn't flagged. Thanks for clarifying.
  9. Love it, but I think you hurt Maier's feelings.
  10. Thanks @Rich, I know I speak for many on here when I say that we really appreciate everything you do- thank you for all your hard work. This an awesome community that you've created here.
  11. At this point... the CFL reffkng and the ******* command center are a ******* joke... instead of making the right call at any point, initially or as a correction they double down and post **** like this; And this statement or "reason" is not a reason at all other than, "because we say so".... **** them. I see @BaconNBigBlue disagrees- good, I would some sane explanation as to why that was not flagged. Honestly, if you disagree, I would be more than happy to hear your take on it.
  12. Just finished season 2 of Star Trek:SNW... I really enjoyed it. I can't say enough good things about this series- they have a gooder in this series.
  13. Isn't it the foot that is furthest up field on the ground (whichbis usually the backfoot). But if he plants that lead foot- that would be procedure. Well we didn't until yiu brought it up... sheesh.
  14. Of we continue to play the way we did in that first quarter... he might not be wrong.
  15. Or...hear me out... Drew Brown is the first Bomber to throw 4 TDs in a relief appearance...
  16. Lol, PI and a one handed catch... Lawler can't be denied.
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