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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. Fixed for accuracy. It's hyperbole, not hyberbole. So much for accuracy, you can't even spell. Apologies, fat fingers. Hyperbole, nonetheless. Back away from the cliff and discuss rationally.
  2. He had a free challenge and considering the situation I think he should have thrown the flag. It was late in the game. What was he saving it for? I don't know... maybe for an instance where he has proof? So you want him to just arbitrarily throw a flag because it was a long catch? Let's say that he did that on another play and was unsuccessful because it was a legit play,he did what you proposed he should do (Toss a flag on a long play even without evidence) and I don't think you would be here defending that. I seriously doubt you would be defending that. So why bring it up and blame him for it? Serious- some people -damned if you do, cussed if don't.
  3. True but at the same time the team did fight back to get close. It doesn't matter when the points are scored. Just that they are scored and the refs significantly hurt our chance to tie the game. That argument is pure hogwash they hadn't lost the game at that point but they were behind. The bad call didn't cost us the game. It may have contributed but it wasn't the sole reason why we lost. just wasting my time. Haters gonna hate no matter what and the logical will always win out in the end. And logic says that they significantly hurt their chances to win when they only put up 25 yards to Calgary's 137 in the third quarter and spot them and 11 point lead in that time. They kept fighting and that is great but you simply cannot nap for a quarter in professional football and expect to win. That's too is logic. That's absolute BS. Who cares what quarter the points are scored. The reality is they did score the points which put them in the position with the ball at the end of the game and in a favourable spot to at least tie the game. So who cares that they did nothing in the 3rd quarter. What if they scored 30 points in the 3rd but the Stamps scored 31. Would you use the same argument? The fact is that at the end of the game they had the chance to tie or win. That you can't argue. This is kind of the point. If that incorrect call was made in the 2nd quarter, then people wouldn't be blaming it as the reason the Bombers lost the game. Yes it was a horrible call. Yes it probably cost the Bombers points and potentially cost the Bombers the win or a chance to go to OT. But it wasn't the only reason why we lost. It was not the only reason we lost- absolutely agree. As with any game plays are left on the field, mistakes are made, and the other team just out plays you. But this no-end penalty was someone else's cuss up that took away our chance at tying up or even winning the game. Also I am not sure you can move the timing of that bad call- the timing of that bone-head phantom penalty is at the crux of the matter and actually magnifies that phantom penalty .
  4. True but at the same time the team did fight back to get close. It doesn't matter when the points are scored. Just that they are scored and the refs significantly hurt our chance to tie the game. That argument is pure hogwash they hadn't lost the game at that point but they were behind. The bad call didn't cost us the game. It may have contributed but it wasn't the sole reason why we lost. just wasting my time. Haters gonna hate no matter what and the logical will always win out in the end. And logic says that they significantly hurt their chances to win when they only put up 25 yards to Calgary's 137 in the third quarter and spot them and 11 point lead in that time. They kept fighting and that is great but you simply cannot nap for a quarter in professional football and expect to win. That's too is logic. That's absolute BS. Who cares what quarter the points are scored. The reality is they did score the points which put them in the position with the ball at the end of the game and in a favourable spot to at least tie the game. So who cares that they did nothing in the 3rd quarter. What if they scored 30 points in the 3rd but the Stamps scored 31. Would you use the same argument? The fact is that at the end of the game they had the chance to tie or win taken away from them by a third party. That you can't argue. FIFY
  5. But you can't. All the " other plays and squandered opportunities" absolutely are the teams fault and they should wear it. The thing is, that game breaking incident wasn't the incompetence of the team, it wasn't the Stamps out playing the bombers, no bone headed coaching mistake- it was 100% on the Zebra on a bllusiht call. They gave that game to Calgary, that is what is infuriating about it.
  6. Oddly appropriate given that our team falls like said house, in the face of adversity.
  7. Came into this thread expecting a "please stop sucking" request and walking from thread with expectations met. Also, I Love the Bombers but lately (re: past decade) it feels like the unrequited sort from some John Huges movies...
  8. Yeah, I tried that November 17, 2007... and look what happened... So, let me have free reign- it's my body.
  9. Seriously... I am totally unable to comprehend this. Anyone have any idea why we are a perennially terrible team.
  10. I think the fear is being the riders first victory... No one wants to be that team.
  11. After the game, this what fans of both teams are going to be doing:
  12. Huh? Where did that come from. I heard he was battling the flu, not the hung flu. Where did you hear this?? Is this some new form of self defence using projectile vomit? If so, sign me up!
  13. You never have the "right" to be an arsehole.
  14. So you fail to see how giving our players practice time benefits our organization? Well Cuss! We just saved ourselves a month of, Pfft, practice and training camp, who needs that headache.
  15. Who Did Smith Mug on Messam's TD run. I was looking for the number, but I couldn't see it due to his jersey being pulled down around his waist...
  16. Make it to the big dance and win the grey cup.
  17. 14 wins and a ticket to the big dance where we win. Which completes my prognostication of 2015 being the year we win the Stanley Cup and the Grey CUp in the same year.
  18. Oh god if only that Celts logo was a Riders logo... that qould have been AMAZING.... Sooooo, anyone here have good photoshop skills?
  19. Do you mean Migs was incorrect when he said that Durant would be ready to go for the playoffs last year? Can't believe it, blasphemy! He was throwing in the dressing room! He was ready!!! Do you mean Migs was incorrect when he said that Durant would be ready to go for the playoffs last year? Can't believe it, blasphemy! He was throwing in the dressing room! He was ready!!! He was throwing darts....DARTS....40 yards downfield hitting receivers in stride. I wish the Bomber stadium came with glory holes that we could see what we want to see on game day. I'll admit that I don't know what glory holes are and I'll also admit that I don't want to think about what they could be. Don't google it with out a parental filter if you have kids around. that being said- I had a good chuckle a few times in this thread.
  20. If I recall correctly his arm was broken on a very late hit by a nasty prick playing for the Als at the time. Can't recall his name...all I remember is PRICK! Kevin Eiben.
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