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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. I wasn't aware out west they have physiotherapists with magical skills that the ones in Winnipeg don't have.... " Let me give you this blue little pill. All your troubles will vanish." Not sure if this is a Matrix or Viagra reference...
  2. anyone have a stream link for the SB?
  3. No Kidding, You can hear the collective sigh of relief on these boards... heh
  4. What does it even matter when they bother to announce it? Because the more it delays the more it looks that it's not a done deal. It's not a Jets gameday today, so what's the excuse now? Maybe the media is busy covering the Jets from last night still, given that it was kind of a historic evening with Perreault and Maurice. Maybe Kyle Walters is busy on the phone with Johnny Sears or Ian Wild. Maybe Richie Hall has the runs. Maybe something else. Again, it doesn't really matter. They'll announce it at a time that works for everyone. ..or maybe there's NOTHING to announce yet. Or maybe, they are doing it on purpose to get you all riled up. Kyle Walters: "heheheh Look at M.O.A.B. squirm.... lookit him go cuckoo bananas!" Wade Miller: "I KNOW, did you see what he just posted on MBB?" In reality, it's stupid to think that Miller, Walters and O'Shea will spend time reading thru all of the post in this board. It's even more stupid to think that they will give a heck who are the posters in here. Don't you think they should be spending their time improving this football club? Whoa there big fella, i was just kidding. I thought that was pretty clear- guess i should have used the smiley emoticons. Why does this reminds me of:
  5. What does it even matter when they bother to announce it? Because the more it delays the more it looks that it's not a done deal. It's not a Jets gameday today, so what's the excuse now? Maybe the media is busy covering the Jets from last night still, given that it was kind of a historic evening with Perreault and Maurice. Maybe Kyle Walters is busy on the phone with Johnny Sears or Ian Wild. Maybe Richie Hall has the runs. Maybe something else. Again, it doesn't really matter. They'll announce it at a time that works for everyone. ..or maybe there's NOTHING to announce yet. Or maybe, they are doing it on purpose to get you all riled up. Kyle Walters: "heheheh Look at M.O.A.B. squirm.... lookit him go cuckoo bananas!" Wade Miller: "I KNOW, did you see what he just posted on MBB?"
  6. So many good things to say about Hall, he is a first class man. He is very experienced and draws up good game plans each week. Strictly IMO where he fails is adjustments during the game. It appeared that we rarely made any halftime adjustments under Hall, he simply seemed happy to stay the course even at the expense of losing the game. My other beef with Hall is in the last few minutes of the game when we were trying to hang on for a close win, he just wouldn't turn up the heat and end it. His defensive philosophy is such that allows other teams to hang around late into games. He is waiting for opponents to make a mistake more so than trying to force a mistake. Letting him go could very well turn out to be a mistake, time will tell. I believe Hall is a great hire for the bombers, he is strict with discipline and runs a tight ship. His schemes are solid. Adding Hall probably brings 2-3 more wins for you guys based on some of the ones you lost last year. For any of you that get to meet him he is generous with his time and friendly. Always has a minute or two to take pictures with the kids or whatever. my 2 cents Thanks for your input!
  7. Uhg.... I still really wish we landed Stubler. I like his defence.
  8. How can we accurately compare Washington & Leggett when they have different jobs? How often did Leggett have to cover a receiver 1 on 1? I like Johnson, but I think it'd almost be a certainty he'd lose his job before Washington if we had to make a change. He lost it last year for awhile. It's not apples and oranges, but it's quite a ways from the same thing. Crabapples and golden delicious? Seems there is more crab apples than golden delicious in this thread... I like the signing- there, some golden delicious for you you guys:
  9. Cutler is a coach killer. Even when he plays well he just gives off negative vibes all the time. All the tools to be a great one. But that's his problem, he has all the tools but he's also one himself. Always either pissed off or indifferent. Not a leader by any stretch of the word. How can you win with a player like that? He'll get the next HC in Chicago fired as well. Yup. His history does not lie. If Trestman's mentoring, coaching, tutoring had no effect on Cutler, I say good luck Chicago. Cutler is hands down one of the worst team 'leaders' of all time. I remember a MNF game three years ago. A rookie OT missed his block & Cutler was sacked. He pulled a Drew Tate & screamed at him on the field on national television. Even some of his teammates called him out on that one saying how wrong he was. That's not leadership. That's being an ass. It's only called leadership when someone with Back to back 400+ yard passing games; most 6 TD games: 3; most passing TD's in a season: 50; most consecutive 2+ TD pass games: 13; most consecutive 3+ TD pass games: 10; back to back 5+ TD pass games; most TD passes in a quarter: 5; most TD passes in a perfect game: 6; most consecutive single-season passes with 0 INT's: 358; most consecutive 2+ TD 0 INT games: 9; most career 4+ TD 0 INT games: 12; 2 career 6+ TD 0 INT games; most career 50+ attempt 0 INT games: 3; best single season TD/INT ratio: 36/4; most career postseason wins: 16; most consecutive postseason wins: 10; most consecutive home wins: 35; perfect regular season record (16-0); most consecutive postseason home wins: 8; highest postseason game completion percentage: 92.9%; quarterback of the 2000's New England Patriots Dynasty; highest career TD/INT ratio: 2.608/1; lowest career INT rate: 2.2%; 7 time Pro Bowl selection; 2 time All Pro; 3 time Super Bowl Champion; 2 time Super Bowl MVP; 2009 Comeback Player of the Year; Patriots all time passing leader, 2 time Offensive Player of the Year; only unanimous NFL MVP; NFL 2000's All Decade Team; 2 time NFL MVP- does it (which is pretty much every game)... at least that's what the media will have you believe... as opposed to Jay Cutler...
  10. Cause it matters so much considering it's ******* december.....smh Just goes to show the rampant dysfunction that still exists in the Bomber front office. Power struggle for a month and a half over firing a coordinator. Why are you married to this idea that the length of time it took to make the announcement automatically means there was a power struggle? That's a pretty huge leap, based on complete lack of facts to support that. I guess when you leave the fan base twisting in the wind for 7 weeks after the season, it leaves a lot of time for speculation. My bad, I guess. I should just buy my tickets like a good little boy and stop questioning anything the Bombers do. Lemmings Atomic. That's all they are. Can't question because you're not loyal. Can't ask why things are taking so long because you're impatient. Some fans would jump off a 500 meter cliff if Walters told them so just because Walters told them so. Relax he'd say, you'll land on your feet. Won't hurt a bit. They'd believe him. I'm just glad the guy is gone so we can move forward with a coach who can actually build a defense. Besides, like the majority of us didn't think it would end this way? There are so many strawmen in this paragraph you're going to have buy some farm land. Nobody, literally nobody, is saying you "can't question" the team or franchise. Can't question? With the kool aid drinkers here??? Sure. Where have you been the past 6 weeks? Anytime anyone asked anything about the Bombers & the status of the coaching staff, in particular the coordinators... they were put down, insulted, mocked & ridiculed... You guys can mock me all you want for saying what I just did but I feel vindicated as I was against this hiring right from the start & never changed my mind about Etcheverry & that eventually he would be fired. Hate to see anyone lose their job but he was the wrong hire from Day 1. That's funny ISO - weren't you the one running me down for my diatribe on calling it as it was with Willy? You defended him to the point of being ridculous - claiming his 4 for 12 for 30 net yards in a half was because of no open receivers. In the Edmonton game, Brohm came in in the FIRST half and WHAM had more yards passing in the first drive then Willy had yeah no open receivers I can't tell... was this meant as a Personal Message, but was accidentally posted on the forums? Because the other reason looks petty and vindictive with a dash of smug.
  11. I am skeptical though... Was it Bene, or the fact he had Solomon and Bighill as well as a glut of talent on the D? Those two boys alone would make a lot of coaches look better than they are. That being said- I would be cautiously optimistic if we got Bene.
  12. Cause it matters so much considering it's ******* december.....smh Just goes to show the rampant dysfunction that still exists in the Bomber front office. Power struggle for a month and a half over firing a coordinator. Why are you married to this idea that the length of time it took to make the announcement automatically means there was a power struggle? That's a pretty huge leap, based on complete lack of facts to support that. I guess when you leave the fan base twisting in the wind for 7 weeks after the season, it leaves a lot of time for speculation. My bad, I guess. I should just buy my tickets like a good little boy and stop questioning anything the Bombers do. Lemmings Atomic. That's all they are. Can't question because you're not loyal. Can't ask why things are taking so long because you're impatient. Some fans would jump off a 500 meter cliff if Walters told them so just because Walters told them so. Relax he'd say, you'll land on your feet. Won't hurt a bit. They'd believe him. I'm just glad the guy is gone so we can move forward with a coach who can actually build a defense. Besides, like the majority of us didn't think it would end this way? Pfft, the benevolent Kyle Walters would never ask such a thing. By his Grace and all things Blue and Gold, if he did ask such a test of our faith, we would land on our feet and it wouldn't hurt a bit. Now go repent for your blasphemous slander of anything Blue and Good.
  13. Just peculiar that (presumably) it was such a hand-wringing decision. Is Mike that stubborn or that delusional? Or worse -- are the available replacements that bad? Actually, what I took away from Tait's new blurb on what happened is this: MoS wanted to see if he can salvage the system (and Etch) with a few tweeks, realized that there would be too many changes necessary and that Etch's scheme couldn't work with all the changes so he had to let him go and find someone else that schemes the way MoS envision's his D to look like. He did his due diligence and didn't rush to make changes for change's sake. I am good with how this went down.
  14. They Should Bring in DeVone Claybrooks to Wpg for a meeting.
  15. Hey Guys, Can you please start another thread to deal with your hurt feelings and what not- I came looking to read about Drew Willy our QB; not about pissing matches, hurt feelings, misplaced egos, i told you so and other such nonsense.
  16. I really think what it comes down to is that a lot of fans want to see the coaches and players as angry as they themselves are after losses. So some fans want this kind of reaction? I'll take MOS' handling of PCs any day.
  17. I am going to trade mark this... Shitacular ®
  18. I think this is more accurate: Full credit goes to harvwallbanger off the other site, for this brilliant (and accurate) re-imaging.
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