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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. Of we continue to play the way we did in that first quarter... he might not be wrong.
  2. Or...hear me out... Drew Brown is the first Bomber to throw 4 TDs in a relief appearance...
  3. Lol, PI and a one handed catch... Lawler can't be denied.
  4. Iam still incensed about that ******* non-call on Zach's head... And command center had the chance to get it right... and theyvare like "**** it". The tinfoil hat wearing me, "the Elks losing constantly is a bad look on the CFL", we gotta do something".
  5. The Elks are playing an amazingly clean game. No flags.. inpressive
  6. Nice. I have faith in our second half adjustments. As long as we get a stop and put up a few more points before the half... we got this.
  7. The ref sho ing Dru Brown... perfectly encapsulates this ******* game.
  8. Not sure why I should be more interested in this game then those playing it?
  9. Sticking it to Corky, the Juice pig? Kenny Lawler is going to have himself a game.
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