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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. The way the oline dominated him, you'd expect him to be wearing the Gimp suit.
  2. Yes, because we can't ***** about an aspect of the team prep, that CLEARLY can be better... because they hung a 50 burger on BC... YOU LEAVE MY ******* DORIOTOS OUTTA THIS CONVERSATION!!!!
  3. Just because it wasn't an issue this game doesn't mean it doesn't suck.
  4. By the look of how crooked his face is... some already beat you to it. No serious... watch him in interviews, the top half of his head (from his mouth on up) leans noticeably to his right. But beware, what is seen... can not be unseen.
  5. Are we playing as undisciplined as the refs making out or ...
  6. Exactly- if Zelinski was more like Lukashenko, there would be no need for the SMO.
  7. Wait.. what? How has the Ukrainian offensive failed? It hasn't even ramped up yet. Who uses "SMO"? other than russians? It's a war. the aggressor is russia. Peace talks might be on the horizon. Who is gettin grid of Zelenski? These are interesting takes and I am interested in hearing more. On the russian war on Ukraine, it's pretty one sided here- very interested in hearing another take.
  8. This needs to be enacted- otherwise, they will be pardoned the next time there is a gop pres.
  9. Damn... Just checking out the schedule and realizing that the arblows could conceivably run the table this year and literally be 18-0.
  10. ... Huh, I don't hate this... I know I should, but I don't- yet... Colour me optimistically skeptical.
  11. Last game: 6 points and gave up 7 sacks. Thats more sacks than points...
  12. All the above, and... surprisingly insightful. Went with the kids and they both really enjoyed it. I recommend it.
  13. Yup. There is a clear separation of teams in the east. The ALLCAPS are intriguing- time will tell if Crum is legit.
  14. Thank goodness, I want someone in the east challenging Argos for first- i am done with the east always having a cake walk.
  15. Tell me we are on a bye week, without telling me we are on a bye week.
  16. We were a mid tier team up to this: Then we became dominant.
  17. Because, we as fans are not privy to all the facts? Might be that.
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