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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. Because, we as fans are not privy to all the facts? Might be that.
  2. If that RTP was on us- I would be furious. Dame ducked, what are you going to do?
  3. Why? They are going to eat our lunch. We have ZERO push in the middle with our d- which gets us eviscerated on passes and runs... Our oline... everytine we come against a physical front... they become ******* matadors. OLE! Unless we fix those issues, the problems will rear their ugly heads everytime, against a good team.
  4. Nope. I figure the shine will wear off sooner than later.
  5. To be fair, the same could be said for the west.
  6. Purifoy mad. Getting into with a fan.. its awesome I chimed in thanking him for the TD.
  7. Well... looks like we are a sub par team now... It was a great run.
  8. Is it the losses or the **** managing of the GameDay roster? I'm more or less over the loss to the ALLCAPS, I'm pissy about the GameDay roster.
  9. Ueah, I took a look at the game day roster... and was all... "are we trying to lose or just to make it an interesting game?"
  10. Hah! We could literally be a 4 and 5 team after that week in deadmonton. This has all the markings of a trap game.
  11. We didn't beat the ALLCAPS, when their qb was a raw rookie on his first start... So, no- no guarantee. Especially when you factor in that the Elks might actually be better than the ALLCAPS. Hah! We could literally be a 4 and 5 team after that week in deadmonton.
  12. It like Osh and Co. are trying for... a handicap? Or... maybe a "**** you" to all the betting sites? It's almost like they are using the roster to... make an entertaining game? I don't ******* know what to think of this roster management... also, who is the actual architect of this monstrosity?
  13. This reads like a stream of consciousness from a poorman's Guillermo Del Toro's LSD trip... Oh ease up there @Pepper_Brooks, I enjoy your posts- i like weird. 😁
  14. I have to admit... I kind of want to see what a US presidential nominee, campaigning from prison looks like. I think I would be fascinated by the logistics that would be involved... not to mention how many people would still vote for him... maybe even elect him... it's like the ultimate freak show- gimme a ******* ticket!
  15. Preaching to the choir... we almost ended up needing a new tv when Crum tied it up. All I am saying... it was really nice to watch Dyce sincerely jubilant. Out of all the other Head coaches... I like Dyce the most- I think I hate or have a good amount of disdain for all the other coaches... Yup, its hate or disdain.
  16. Just watching a few clips and highlights of last game... the loss is a lot easier to stomach when you see the pure joy and jubilation in Dyce on the final game winning TD...
  17. Well if it's a culture thing... that is a tougher thing to rectify. I am being too critical- I think that we will probably roll with what we have going into Thursday versus the (LOL)ks and probably make some changes in the bye week. Also, The vets have proven themselves time and time again, so they at least get a little longer of a leash to get back to form. I feel though, that after the bye, we will probably see one of or both of Eli and Dobson.
  18. If it was easily rectified, then the question becomes- why haven't they? The Oline issues have been there since the Grey Cup loss.
  19. I disagree. The talent in the center of that oline is the problem... the fact that the ALLCAPS defensive line was in his face all night, sacking him, and those hits after Zach tossed the ball all add up... that's why Zach was off his game. So in a way, you're right, Zach's focus was elsewhere.
  20. That should be the main focus. It doesn't really matter if we have KL in the line up, if Zach doesn't have time to throw.
  21. Agreed, a few games in the first 1/3 of the season, they looked fat and sassy.
  22. I think the vets earned the right to have more than a few bad games, before moving on from them. Give them a chance to fix their game if they need. I'm ok with that, as long as changes are made if needed. I think they will make the necessary changes to field a better team before Labor Day.
  23. Who is going to challenge them? Are any of them Olinemen?
  24. Called it. 29 yard scramble for the game. Gross display. I dont think we are in contention for the Grey Cup. We are not on the same level as the ******* arblows or the lions.
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