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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. We don't deserve to win. Look like garbage against the lowly ALLCAPS with a first Testarossa QB... embarrassing
  2. Chode smelly is the truth, chad Kelly is his "human" skin. Cofaj messes up... Bede say, "hold my beer"
  3. ******* chode smelly. And Unger every time he's on camera.. "Whatchu gonna do?" Whatchu gonna do?" Seriously Whatchu gonna do?" Its like he thinks we can do something behind the screen... Ugh.
  4. Huh, cofaj... who would have thought- he looks pretty capable tonight. Damn.
  5. Looks like Coxie went to the Rhymes school of creating separation.
  6. That's what a weirdo would say.... weirdo.
  7. Here is an excellent illustration as to why huge dumps of rain after a heat wave is so dangerous:
  8. He's "One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die."
  9. I have spent years discussing this- there is no debate, the consensus is there, so this is all deniers get from me at this point.
  10. I would replace the word contrived with ChatGPT.
  11. Follow my lead- don't cheer for anyone to win- just cheer for bc to lose. An example: Don't cheer for cofaj to make the throw- chide and jeer the db to whiff on the play. G Followed up with a "Hah, you ******* suck <insert random bc player> or <insert random bc #> if you want to further dehumanizing them. 🤣
  12. Gold or qhite pants with he 3rd jerseys would be cool.
  13. Well, if you want to know what poor man's milhouse would do, just look to what trump did with the Paris climate accord. You'll find your answer.
  14. His silencing of the Canadian scientific community was monstrous
  15. Mask was off a LONG time ago. No reasonable person believes he is a champion of democracy.
  16. The ******* award should be named after him.... "Aaaaaand the Awe Award for biggest douchebag and various asshatteriness goes to..."
  17. Masoli carves us up- i am always sphincter clenching everytime we play him.
  18. After Calgary being a black hole for Bomber victories for so long its nice to flip that script.
  19. Right after he throws an illegal block into the back of a Bomber to throw him outta the way to eat that stumps helmet. Instant karma.
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