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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. After Calgary being a black hole for Bomber victories for so long its nice to flip that script.
  2. Right after he throws an illegal block into the back of a Bomber to throw him outta the way to eat that stumps helmet. Instant karma.
  3. You enjoyed it more BECAUSE of the first half. Lol I know I did.
  4. Ok, let's go TD for Demski! Use your new found dad strength!
  5. Run game wasn't working in the first three quarters... we ropeadoped them
  6. We need to make some changes to the oline. Just not up to the usual Bomber standard
  7. Zach is off tonight... and has been for the two previous games...
  8. JOHN Lui to Mills, "What was your oline able to do for that success... " Mills thought bubble: "Holding?"
  9. We need one pile pusher on the interior of the D and maybe need some changes on that Oline.
  10. Maier, pudgy to fat. Fast food = fat Fattiest of fat fats = McDonald's Maier = Mayor. Mayor of McDonald's = Mayor Mccheese Mayor McCheese = Fat Maier.
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