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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. Defence getting back up to dnuff... Now the o has to get with the ******* program
  2. Looks like dicklesd is doing the ol draw a pi on the others ideas of the field again.. that guy flopped... I re member when he did that ever freaking play when they first introduced challenges. Oh well er look like ****
  3. Also... where the **** is the GOLD! As in the "Blue & GOLD"....
  4. Not sure why you included those 2014 Argos uniforms...
  5. It should be, there was like 5 rouges and one of them was the winning point.
  6. To be fair, that irked me to Fireworks > drone show. Fireworks + drone show = 2x+good
  7. Wait what? There were festivities and all that stuff. There was much celebration and jubilation. I am not sure what you are talking about.
  8. It's tougher these past few years. I mean the two best teams in the CFL went full out on the western final... and both teams kicked the **** out of each other... and who does the arblows play on the EF, ******* weak-assed Montreal with no sacks and very fee pressures... I see a repeat of last year... go toe to toe with BC, get banged up and then the winner limps in to face the barely pushed arblows... I want the ALLCAPS to maul them this year.
  9. Hopefully when Zach is hanging them up, Rourke will get signed here- unless we have a better prospect.
  10. What? They didn't celebrate Canada Day this year?
  11. I was talking from personal experience and self awareness... I am sure there are many that would be much more productive WFH, I am just not one of those people.
  12. Me too, I could never WFH, I know myself too well- my productivity would drop to 17%
  13. Not sure which rider terms you are talking about... I don’t see "sister-wife", "brother-husband", or "at least still have these two left" when pointing to their teeth.
  14. The only parody of football is the one in the crotch of Canada.
  15. My daughter's green belt testing draws more fans than the argos.
  16. To be fair though, . A "classic" NBA game and Pro PickleBall > Argos football.
  17. Yes, I heard you. That's why I conceded the point, because we are not dscussing the same thing.
  18. Sorry, I was under the assumption that we were talking about increased productivity.
  19. Isn't that a loss in opportunity? I mean a good owner/manager would recognize that effort and increased productivity to perhaps better use it to benefit the company.
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