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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. What? They didn't celebrate Canada Day this year?
  2. I was talking from personal experience and self awareness... I am sure there are many that would be much more productive WFH, I am just not one of those people.
  3. Me too, I could never WFH, I know myself too well- my productivity would drop to 17%
  4. Not sure which rider terms you are talking about... I don’t see "sister-wife", "brother-husband", or "at least still have these two left" when pointing to their teeth.
  5. The only parody of football is the one in the crotch of Canada.
  6. My daughter's green belt testing draws more fans than the argos.
  7. To be fair though, . A "classic" NBA game and Pro PickleBall > Argos football.
  8. Yes, I heard you. That's why I conceded the point, because we are not dscussing the same thing.
  9. Sorry, I was under the assumption that we were talking about increased productivity.
  10. Isn't that a loss in opportunity? I mean a good owner/manager would recognize that effort and increased productivity to perhaps better use it to benefit the company.
  11. Or increase the wage of those that still have to go in. In a work place where you have a certain segment of the work force that has transitioned to WFH, yet another segment that continues to go into work on a daily basis- its unfair to those that are still required to go into work, that the WFH group gets the benefits of saving on, parking, transportation costs, the additional time lost when commuting to and from work, while wages remain the same. It just creates a further divide in equitable wages between certain groups. Don't get me wrong, I am all in favour of WFH if the work can be done almost or as well as from work. I am a huge advocate of WFH and see the huge benefits for both employees and employers. I just feel that those that are still required to go into work are being "left behind". If anything i would rather the employers pony up some sort of bonus for those thatvhave to go into work to offset the cost and time of commuting, than reduce the wages of those that are WFH. I think that would be fair. I also agree with you @Richon all your other points.
  12. I am all for WFH, I think it's great, especially when used in an organization as a hybrid work force- be it department or employee. However, the WFH employees should have their wages reduced or those that go into work, should get a raise/ bonus or what ever.
  13. "Rising above the DB..." Sit the **** down DF, he was in front of the db...
  14. Can youbcall a horse tackle on a defensive end, just asking for a friend... lol... Call the police, there is a mugging in progress.. lol
  15. They were so stunned that it was called a TD in the first place... CC crew saying , "WTAF....?"
  16. Oh boy... the officiating this year is ******* brutal... Not just against us... I am sure that its been equally brutal for everyone.
  17. Now... how the **** did the ref even call that a TD... ffs
  18. 44 is always last one on the tackle... when the carrier is down...
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