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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. Actually, the growth is 18.5% during that period. The growth in the private sector during this time is 9.8%. So, its double you say. True. What is missing is context. During 2011, the Harper government did a 25% slash of jobs ACROSS the board. Every facet of federal public servants were affected. So, after Harper's government got sacked, the public sector had to catch up and rehire a tonne of staff to get back to decent staffing levels to deal with the back log and be able to effectively administer public services. Ok. So, then private sector grew 9.8% during the time frame mentioned. If you factor in the 25% initial deficit, the government is well behind the private sector in terms of growth.
  2. It's like @GCn20's account was hacked by Ezra Levant. I mean... ****, socialist and unionists teet sucking? Lol
  3. For me, its the upper lip- is that a stash, rash, chapped skin or allergies? It throws me off, every time I look at him. Every. Damned. Time.
  4. Who the **** cares- we really shouldn't. He's a self-admitted troll, who knows what he really believes. Anything to mess with the lefties here on MBB.
  5. Yes, because the RCMP does that sort of thing... Like, ALL the time.
  6. Try adding "Brotherman", see if that changes anything.
  7. Nah, not with this. Not cool. I said my piece, you choose to do what you will.
  8. Well... we have 7 to 10 players who score TDs regularly, and so many that can pop off and score a td at any time- but we average 5 tds so far... chode is playing the LOlks... The Bombers, I have a 1 in 20 chance of getting it right- with chode playing the LOlks... I have a much better chance.
  9. Does the lock of the week have to be a Bomber?
  10. On a Bomber forum... are you going to argue the optics on this one? Love your passion for the CFL and Argos and all that and i genuinely enjoy your past posts... but, c'mon...
  11. Cowardly dig there. True that... more than chode kelly ever did.
  12. No. No, it was not. There was nothing "HYPER partisan" about the appointment. You decry how the lunatic fringe is taking over politics, yet you encourage this odious behavior by supporting it... How do you justify that? I mean really, how do you square that logic?
  13. Good God. What an up and down game... Happy to get the W
  14. Of course... a flag.. let's see how bad that penalty is
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