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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. On a Bomber forum... are you going to argue the optics on this one? Love your passion for the CFL and Argos and all that and i genuinely enjoy your past posts... but, c'mon...
  2. Cowardly dig there. True that... more than chode kelly ever did.
  3. No. No, it was not. There was nothing "HYPER partisan" about the appointment. You decry how the lunatic fringe is taking over politics, yet you encourage this odious behavior by supporting it... How do you justify that? I mean really, how do you square that logic?
  4. Good God. What an up and down game... Happy to get the W
  5. Of course... a flag.. let's see how bad that penalty is
  6. The downfall of the Richie hall defence.. no pressure, no defence. So no holding calls really **** up our defence
  7. I have no problem with that decision. 50+ with Alford receiving...
  8. The refs gave 7 on the non call hold too. I just wish the refs would be consistent for both teams. It makes it ******* so hard to watch.
  9. Harris is going to have himself a nightvif riders get away with mugging our d line.
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