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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. I don't recall Wally winning back-to-back grey cups, tying a franchise record for regular season wins and coming 1 point shy of a three-peet... but I have a lousy memory, so I don't know.
  2. Agreed- almost perfect series finale. Great episode. "I laughed, I cried, it became a part of me". -Selma Hacker.
  3. You didn't read either of the links, did you? You should- it might broaden your horizons. It might also strengthen your opinion or perhaps change it.
  4. The point he is making is a valid one- at one time the majority of people in the south thought that slavery was acceptable- it's not. Just because a majority of people think one thing, doesn't make it right or even true. That was his point. That was his argument. You talk of love and you balk at the idea that the language being used is dehumanizing... That is the major issue here, using a moral foundation approach seems the best way to deal with this crisis. take some time and check out this article, it really outlines a really effective approach to this crisis. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/understanding-morals-is-key-to-accepting-safe-injection-sites/#:~:text=Internationally%2C safe injection sites have,public drug injection or nuisance.
  5. First of all- I don't "vote JT". I am probably voting ABC and do my best to deny seats for the cons. Secondly no "reverse psyche" here- I legit know very little about how the liberals have been governing and all I hear is about the scandals and how corrupt JT is. You persuaded me to do a little research on what the Liberals have accomplished, and I was actually surprised at some of the decent things they've done. I know that when I am 65, I will be thanking the Liberal government. Also, my childcare costs have gone down... those are real things that have impacted me in a very real and positive way- now cons tax cuts for the rich... not so much. Noted- I think EVERYONE here on the board knows how you feel, you did your duty, you can get down off that soap box now if you're sincere about the bolded. Anyhoo, good luck to you and your corruption crusade.
  6. its actually pretty funny... I was mostly meh on JT... then you get in a snit about JT and brow beat everyone in how monstrous he is, what a demagogue he is, oh my god, clutch my perls- he is the most corrupt PM in all of candian history!!!! I did a bit of research on his failings and so on- there are many, some big, but most are meh. I did however checked his track record for policies and changes he has made and how has he fundamentally changed Canada... and to my surprise- the Liberal party under his leadership has done a lot. a lot of good stuff. so... thanks? Your petulance has actually swayed me more towards JT. I don't know if I should curse you or thank you.
  7. PP implies the conspiracy sex scandal in the ******* House of Commons... and your defense is that no where did the cpc manufacture the conspiracy theory.... That's not the issue here... if you cant see what the actual issue is here, I don't know what to tell you. The mental pretzel you have twisted here is pretty amazing- I hope this is more of your trolling for shits and giggles and not your actual mental acumen.
  8. Agreed, he has come a long way from Milton Waddams and his little red swingline stapler. That was an excellent ending to a great show.
  9. Agreed, not suggesting more than 50% of Albertans are extremist, racist, and bigoted. What I am saying is, if you support an extremist, racist, authoritarian-leaning and bigoted party to form laws and govern- you are not a centrist, nor a moderate. That's just the facts.
  10. You are just like your MBB moniker- You're not making any ******* sense. 😁
  11. Well. Yeah. They have to contend with 4 more years of a UPC majority- I'd be in ******* tears too.
  12. Many center of right and moderate right support an extremist and bigoted party- are they still considered moderates? They are literally supporting people who make the laws (with a majority mandate nonetheless) with this extremist and racist and bigoted bent. Are they still centrist? They may think they are, but they aren't.
  13. This is exactly the example I was thinking of today... lol No one thinks you are a trump supporter. that "very fine people on both sides" post was for an entirely different reason.
  14. ok fair- then which party do you suppose is more racist than the others? It is not a complete fallacy that a party is more racist than the others.
  15. Ok, so no one can talk about a racist incident without acknowledging the racism in all parties, all people, all institutions, all racist incidents, and so on? So, if I bring up the racist "barbaric cultural practices" tip line of the harper era, I have to bring up every incident of inaction by governments of the past to discuss the tip line as being inherently racist?
  16. Why so confused @Noeller? I felt it was a good journey, and I feel they didn't stick the landing.
  17. Sorry @Noeller, I just felt really let down with that ending. The entire series was building to that point, and it was totally anticlimactic. also, totally called the ending. Told my wife 3 episodes into this last season who would "win" and what roles some of the peripheral characters would. I also called the "twist". Including the reason... So yeah- I felt let down with that last episode.
  18. Meh, I feel ripped off... very unhappy with the final episode. Feels like I wasted a bunch of time on this series.
  19. Who says this? No one on these boards. No one i know says this. Just you and a smattering of Milhouse supporters i reckon. The inquiry is going to be redacted to hell - everyone knows this... its the nature of the subject of the investigation. And Milhouse is going to yell an scream to whip up a frenzy for his followers about how the deepstate, anyifa soros... blah blah blah **** Trudeau! And those dumb clucks are going lap that **** up. Tax cuts are essentially directly contribute to deficit spending in a big way.
  20. How is that a free pass to trudeau? Those issues were here long before him... Is his government solving all these issues? No. They could do better. But to blame Trudeau for this... thats bananas.
  21. He did say "some" not all... and he's right... to the very loud minority, it is. Nothing moronic about that.
  22. The absurd pic of Milhouse holding 1984 is awesome... The smugness oozing from it with overtones of ridiculousness... double plus good.
  23. Wallstreet already knows this... You can tell by the fact they spend a **** tonne on government lobbyists to gut regulations... But, you already knew that. Which leads me to the point: what game of silly bugger are playing at?
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