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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. Ok. I'll Bite. How are Trudeau and Biden corrupt? Can you actually substantiate any of these claims or are you just full of it and treat you with the same credibility as alex jones?
  2. False flag. It detonated above and did not damage anything. May 9th is coming and it's probably staged to: A) drum up support. Convenient excuse to cancel the military parade... to, yiu know, hide the fact all their vehicles are out fighting or are destroyed.
  3. Same energy: It's not that he doesn't want politics on a sports forum, I think it was more the "hyperbolic garbage... without so much as iota of evidence" part that he has an issue with.
  4. Not looking to absolve him- he did what we did, and he should be held accountable for it. Do I think the shmucks are trying to blow this out of proportion, embellish this, and politized the **** outta this because they really have nothing to run on other than, OMG, he's a thug? Yes. Yes, I do. It's sad that that the NDP is saddled with this leader- too much baggage. I feel that NDP policies with a terrible leader are much better than PC policies with or without a good leader.
  5. Hell, I will even deliver it to your seat!
  6. I wish you well and a speedy recovery! If you are going to make it out to the BB, hit me up so I can buy you a beer.
  7. Yes, we all saw that- the issue for me is how khan misrepresented what happened and lied to the House in order to politicize this.
  8. Sure. But the fact the PCs lie about what happened just to frame him acceptable due to his past?
  9. I heard him on the radio this morning he said EXACTLY what many MBB posters were saying- they are going to use Khan's clean record and Wab's past history and politicize the **** out of this... Lost a lot of respect for Khan. What a "piece of ****".
  10. TIL, this is not a deepfake:
  11. No one wins with the underground crossing @ P&M. Have you ever tried to get from one corner to the other... madness.
  12. Which is weird, cuz I always thought her party governed right of center.
  13. 100% part of the Dominion settlement suit.
  14. It's faux-upscale place... where your featured steak is a top sirloin and is served with "Haricots Verts" (which is just green bean in french) - it screams "try hard".
  15. It's all sizzle no meat when your featured steak is a top sirloin filet for $38- **** that.
  16. Damn... of all things to slow russian tank production...
  17. True that, exactly- just like Harper and the GST... wait- nevermind. Classic starve-the-beast tactic.
  18. You're working right now for the government... no, I'm not... LOL - who the **** signs your cheques you meatbag?
  19. The polling is sound... your and conservative shill's takeaway of the poll is ****. The question in the poll was: "The Conservatives would still maintain my support/interest if they adopted: Defunding the CBC completely" Anyone not voting for the conservatives would fall in the "maintain" category. It DOESN'T show that a majority of Canadian want to defund the CBC. For example: I wouldn't vote for little pp. They want to defund the CBC. I still wouldn't vote for little pp and the cpc. Therefore I would be in the "maintain" group. The logic leap required to equate the poll to the majority of Canadians here is stupid as ****. Angus Reid poll isn't biased- the application of the poll to push a ******* narrative is biased as ****. If youvcant see that, you are willfully ignorant because you think it proves your point or you just don't know how to interpret information. Either way, your take on this is wrong.
  20. Holy ******* garbage source... Stephen Harper's journal of masturbation material is less biased and more factual... https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/true-north-centre-for-public-policy/
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