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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. Looks like it... that's really disappointing
  2. Agreed, I am trying to get outraged by this... but... I can't. **** Trudeau! For not facilitating my rage!
  3. Huh, this would explain the entrance music to the inauguration of the 118th congress:
  4. Ok, so elections decide who is right and who is wrong in terms of candidates? That is an interesting take... I whole heartedly disagree with that assessment. It's a popularity contest- not thorough vetting of party policies, comportment, nor actual visions of governing. You give too much stock to stupid people.
  5. WHo are you referencing and right or wrong about what?
  6. Welcome back. Hope your time off of MBB has been good. Looking forward to the riders turfing these two and get a good HC and GM in place to become much more competitive... Rather have a healthy rivalry with a good team then just rolling in and kicking a bag of wet kittens.
  7. Cuz the Manitoba PCs propped up an Addams family cast reject that was wholly unlikable and won- and the MB NDP saw that as a challenge and was all- "hold my beer."
  8. This is exactly why this issue was brought up in the house. such a transparent smear job. Even if he did swear and give a bit of a squeeze in the handshake... it really does not need to be brought up in house- that was pure performance art... I have no love for Kinew, but the 500k, endorsing Stephanson months later and this performance... I have lost A LOT of respect for Khan.
  9. Nowhere in this article does it say he resigned in disgust... Corrupt? Possibly, but you are literally making **** up and posting it as fact. The fact you are unrepentant while being proven over and over that you are wrong, screams cognitive dissonance. Everyone else can see it- why can't you?
  10. perhaps take your own advice and and unbelievably.. in the same post nonetheless...
  11. Pinball will get his O'Shea, but not the coaching one.
  12. Yeah, I am reading up on it and it does seem to be very vague. one says it's to promote Canadian content... it seems to be all over the place- doesn't explain the role of what the CRTC would play... making online content beholden to the same rules as cable providers.. and so forth.
  13. None of this is indicative of a centrist voter. The clue is how often you use "hate". and yes PP is included in as hate. Also... this is not even a thing. He resigned because of health issues, unless you are calling him a liar, which would be odd...
  14. Bill C-11 is not an all out assault on free speech- that is hyperbole. It looks to need more work and to be ironed out, and that is what they seem to be doing in the senate right now. The Chretien/Martin government had a MUCH different environment when they were governing, where being fiscally prudent was the order of the day... that is not our reality right now. Also, I think you are mistaking the Overton window for your political center. The Overton window shifts, while what you consider acceptable policies do not.
  15. What moderate policies are you referencing here? What specific policies do you see them moving away from that they should embrace? I feel you are trying to both sides this thing... I keep asking you for specifics, yet you never provide any. I suspect you are just going by your "feels" at this point, with no basis in reality...
  16. I wish they would have kept the original plan of Wookies instead of God damn ewoks.
  17. Sadly... it was her editing that saved that movie IIRC... https://www.sfgate.com/streaming/article/star-wars-george-lucas-marcia-editor-wife-15991031.php https://thedirect.com/article/star-wars-george-lucas-wife-marcia-original-trilogy
  18. Gives me a chance to see it with my kids in the theater? teat or no teat of said emaciated bovine- **** it:
  19. Sweet- I hope they return all three movies to the theaters at some time...
  20. this looks like it has real good potential.
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