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Everything posted by iHeart

  1. There was euphoria around Tim Daly? okay I guess fans must have thought he was a saving grace but then ended up being a real letdown (same thing as Lapo, sure he sucked his first season here, pretty surprised that he even got a second season but that ended up turning well #RememberSwaggerville)
  2. There was euphoria around Tim Daly? Wings was a huge show in the early 1990's, but other than that Tim Daly hasn't done much. Basically what Daly did was get us through the rest of the 2004 season, but then sucked very badly in the next season (just like Tim Burke) I spelled something wrong in one of those quotes didn't I?
  3. oh man I did hear about the seats being added as a result (does this make room for more season ticket holders?) I mean the nose bleeds can be a bit of a pain, the last game I went to, no one was sitting beside me on one side so I was able to put my coat there (I mean I know that the lower bowl seats are better, I was low enough to get within an ear shot of Bryzgalov when the Wild were in town in 2014, yep I was lucky enough to see Hutch's first game as a jet)
  4. 2005 was a real bad year for the bombers, the Euphoria of Tim Daly ran out fast and was gone by bye week or something, and we got Doug Berry (I miss him as a coach, he lasted the second longest in 25 years (amazing that Dave Ritchie lasted as long as he did, five and a half seasons) I still don't understand why Berry was canned in 2008, the Bombers went to the playoffs even though we didn't go to the grey cup)
  5. Hawks take it in game one I heard about the Bolt's arena's policy, and it's kind of dumb not accepting out of state credit cards, considering that playoffs are one of the big things that put more butts in seats?
  6. Hey that reminds me what happened to the Bomber that got sidelined for the rest of the season after getting a season ending injury that happened very early in the season
  7. hopefully the Bombers will have better luck against the Riders this season
  8. well that's what happens when a team makes the playoffs for several consecutive years in a row, they get low draft picks, the jets aren't that high in the draft lottery this year either, but they get to pick twice in round one (I think) I wonder if Duressler knows about this yet?
  9. Now why in the world would Mario want to part with the Penguins? especially since they do have a fan base and good fan attendance, and that they have made the playoffs for several consecutive years Hopefully they will not go to Vegas, because the Penguins deserve better the only choices are Seattle, Hartford, QC and Toronto maybe we should buy them! kidding we have a perfectly or rather good enough team here in Winnipeg, and as much as I would like to see Crosby or Malkin wearing a Jets logo it should probably go to a local buyer or the relocation choices
  10. I didn't know this site did status updates

  11. can't wait to see the new one
  12. oh right, well my NBA relocation history is pretty rusty
  13. I was going to do a poem which would be a spoof of the night before christmas, but I could only get like the first line done (it's a good one, but where do I go from there? besides the mommies and daddies were in their beds holding onto their laptops and iPhones and Tablets) We've had our team for four years and they have played three and a half seasons (Remember the lockout) and sometimes I look and wonder what would it have been like if the Coyotes moved back. But then I Iook at the winning streaks, and the amazing saves brought on by Pavelic and Hutchinson, and I say to myself "well I'm happy with the team we got, considering a good chunk of them actually wanted to come here" I still look at other things that happened on this day (and the only other interesting thing that comes close on this day was that Survivor premiered and thus reality television then took over) I wouldn't give up this team for anything.
  14. I thought Seattle had an NBA team
  15. only four to seven games until the season is done, whoever wins will win, Sure Edmonton is picking first, but judging by what I saw on the FotWJ page it looks like Jets'll be picking twice in round one (kind of think that's a little luckier). I want Chicago to win because it's better than nothing, but at the same time, the Bolts should win because well, since this decade started the cup has either gone to the BH's or the Kings (or in that one unfortunate occasion, the Bruins) it would be nice to see someone different take the cup home, even if it's the team I don't want to see win.
  16. the chat just stopped working well this game could have ended better
  17. Yeah indeed, what are the odds that both of Atlanta's former teams are in the playoffs
  18. and Perreault is hurt
  19. You would think pav broke the internet, but it was already down when I arrived to post yesterday
  20. Pav really brought it today
  21. chat hasn't been working. Now the jets can't play like they did on tuesday everyday
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