thank god this long ordeal I have been having is almost over, it's bad enough that a Cold kept me from leaving the house, but then I had to get a cavity filled wisdom tooth pulled, I could only eat soft foods for several days (meaning no junk food either, though granted Ice Cream wasn't off the menu I just couldn't put toppings on it so Blizzards were out of the question as well) I joked to my mother that "When this is over with I'm going on the biggest junk food binge of my life" and I've looked at way to many recipe making videos on facebook (my dietician told me that I shouldn't torture myself over stuff from the US I can't get here, wait til I tell her I finally got my hands on the cheese spray)
what I get myself tomorrow will depend on whether BP will have launched their new menu but I think we may not see it til November, I'm disappointed they didn't do better for their 60th.