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Fan Boy

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Everything posted by Fan Boy

  1. Registering with IRS is rather pointless for CFL franchise. We went down that road before.
  2. Especially if you happen to be a young blonde woman.
  3. I don't follow hockey so much but the season does appear to wrap completely around from one year to the next.
  4. Are you pretending to be a flatbilly? (Who came up with that name? - Deserves a Banjo Bowl replica trophy)
  5. That's why Jones made sure to say the salary cap was tight. Cover for dumping Dennis.
  6. I find it hard to believe that Jones said that and if he did that he meant it or if he did mean it that it matters. I just don't believe anything that Jones says.
  7. I feel like fighting today. I say 7 games.
  8. When the WAG had Greek and Roman statuary on display Leggett was in pictures as modern equivalent. He was in fact amazing. He obviously has the genes and the work ethic to make the recovery if anyone can. On the other hand recently an NBA center ripped his achilles and the talking heads are writing off his career even though there is a lot of money in NBA wallet for rehabilitation although nothing in this guy's on court work ethic says he can cut it.
  9. I doubt many NFL teams would pay for players on the bubble. Despite having a lot of money NFL owners are greedy. Look at how many pay for their own stadium or even pay a fair rent. Why did Westerman get to the Bombers in the first place. Star players get big contract announcements but there are often renegotiations which are not announced that severely eat into the headlines.
  10. Only in that he has been on a lot of teams... ie not so much.
  11. That was some good burn right there. Warmed up my hands on the monitor this cold windy day on the prairies.
  12. I kind of like the ball in play single point idea. The rouge survives but is not so automatic. There is more drama in coming up empty with a missed short field goal instead of at least one point (except hitting the post, I know).
  13. I just saw a tweet talking about the upgrade in receivers for Collaros. Crap. there is something to that. I don't think Collaros is that great but might be an upgrade to the tortoise and the hare.
  14. That is an excellent point.
  15. The Sobeys family could swing that too if they had an inclination. I think all these families are all about making money not putting it into something that gets used 10 times a year.
  16. I wonder if Rigmaiden was involved in drafting linebackers for the lions?
  17. Morley gave me a candy once so he is A OK in my books.
  18. Did you actually remember Earl Morall? Holy MF you would be old and not senile.
  19. I doubt any DC would say it anyway. That is like telling your poker opponent they always rub their chin when they bluff.
  20. Collaros did not look like anything I would want to pick up off the side of the road. Looked more like something I would wipe off my boot.
  21. That's when college coaches are in their prime. All old and wise like a good grandfather. The money and prestige of big time American College coaching makes a CFL job pretty unattractive. I can't see him ever coming back.
  22. 1985 was a weird Grey Cup for my buddy and I. We got all excited about 1984 and figured for sure Bombers would be there again. Montreal was a much crazier place than the old peg. We had 10 beer delivered to our seats at a time. I didn't know lap dancing even existed. My buddy left with a girl sitting behind us and I didn't see him for days. That kind of thing never happened in any other Grey Cup game I went to..
  23. 1990 was awesome. A defensive licking on the then hated Eskimoes. That is the only time I ever ran onto the field after a game. I was really taken up into it. I kind of sobered up watching the goal posts come down and was afraid someone was going to get hurt.
  24. I was hoping the new ownership of the Argos would make a difference. Maybe there will be some progress, it hasn't been long. My understanding is that the Argos would be under the MLSE umbrella if it wasn't for the hard ass Rogers people. I don't understand this thinking at all. Cable companies have to know that sports is the only thing that keeps a lot of people subscribed to cable. Netflix and all the wannabe's have really good content. Rogers is not acting in their own best interest. I don't think hope is lost. If you can make MLS exciting there has to be a way of reviving interest in the Argos.
  25. Oh no she is a school teacher. She was trying to make up nice things to say about a bunch of little spoiled brats. I am 56 years old. You are mistaking me for an Alabama politician; I am Manitoba born and raised. Only after you replied did I see how bad 'schoolwork' can sound.
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