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Fan Boy

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Everything posted by Fan Boy

  1. We're talking about location of the stadium again. Polo Park was not easy to get in and out of. I found it easier to take the bus back then. Placing the IGF stadium there made a lot of sense. There is currently a transit station being built there and the bus congestion will will be eased and taken out of the automobile traffic so that will be better. This location complaint is ridiculous. I don't go on Jets boards but do the people complain there because I have been downtown on Jets game days and it is horrible. I guess people would prefer the Ottawas Hockey arena in the middle of a big empty space. I have never been near there on a game day but there sure would be room to park. Besides making the games a day experience is much better idea.
  2. I hope the Jets are not a real reason for lack of fan support as they seem to be entering an up stage in the cycle. I am not a hockey fan having never played the game but I notice the team seems to be better with a hot shot rookie. I just hope that the inevitable excitement does not eat away any further fan support from the BB than it already has.
  3. No matter what the sport, professional athletes appreciate a coach who does not publicly blame them for the coach's mistakes. MOS took the blame for this but in reality the whole team let up in allowing BC back in the game regardless of the final play. One of MOS's positive attributes in comparison to previous coaches is protecting the player in public and roasting them in private. I presume most of us here have played sports or worked in a larger organisation and know how awful it is when the so called leader calls out everyone in public and acts like their bone headed decisions never happened.
  4. I think the correct answer for some here is to stamp our feet and pout until we get what we want right now. Changes need to be made but a wholesale change is an overreaction.
  5. But I thought the Riders were the heart and soul of the CFL. Canada's team even.
  6. So you got green people riled at you. Can't see how that happened.
  7. The purpose of this board (like the internet in general) is so some people can say stuff and other people can get pissed off. Oh and to show pictures of cats.
  8. This football game is not one you can play well while coasting. I believe that was last week's problem. Eastern Team, just finished beating BC at BC, feeling pretty good, lets just coast a bit. Boom! Beaten up by an old man with a bad attitude.
  9. It seems the Eskimo organisation as a whole is being dickish lately.
  10. Well if they had worn the microphones earlier they wouldn't be wearing them now. Dumbo is acting like a child. If you don't do your homework because it is inconvenient too bad. You will still have to do it some time.
  11. This must be the official line. I heard Mike Reilly spout this last week on the Waggle podcast. I know there are more knowledgeable people here that can correct me here but I don't get how running no huddle would be different than running a huddle with microphones turned on. Weren' t the microphones turned on in huddle? Even if that were a legitimate concern that should have been dealt with at the board of directors level in negotiations with TSN.
  12. Really. I don't lock my doors very often. If someone intends mayhem a locked door is not going to stop them. If the purpose is to rob, a locked door is not much of an obstacle. The point in the film was to highlight the culture of fear that is down there. Even with a demographically decreased crime rate, and more people in jail than ever before there is still a ridiculous fear of crime in the excited states.
  13. All I have is memories but I am satisfied. That was as glorious a game as I have ever attended. I even ran onto the field (never before and never again). I did not participate in the destruction of goal posts as I am not a vandal (I am half Ukrainian- the bottom half so it seems). Greg Battle carried the team on his wide shoulder pads.
  14. How about the Bombers and Edmonton in the Grey cup with the Bombers winning 50 - 11 mainly with defensive turnovers. Just like before except this time Edmonton is the East.
  15. Those of you who have better memories will correct me but hasn't Calgary lost out before to teams with lesser records in the last few years?
  16. Never mind that. I wouldn't want to go to a sex party where someone who looks like me would be invited.
  17. I don't even know what that means. I'll file it under "joke that I don't get"
  18. I know the NFL has all the best athletes and has some of the most spectacular plays, overall I find it boring. I remember when the Washington team celebrated int he Dallas centre field Star. The Cowboys went nuts and ever since then No Fun League.
  19. I can remember life as a twenty something almost athlete. When you get that many overgrown kids together there is going to be rec drug use. You would think that athletes wouldn't risk everything but the game of football is a big risk. Just stepping onto the field is a risk.
  20. Do you have evidence that Chung is planning on running away or is this just general paranoia? Not that general paranoia is all bad. It has kept me safe in a couple of situations.
  21. There is also the conflict with presidential debates. I actually doubt anthem protest would put viewership down. There are plenty who would watch just to shake their fist and yell how their democracy is threatened by peaceful protest. My favourite reason for not watching is stupid rules like kickoffs through the endzone (do they still do that. I haven't watched a game this year, maybe after GC) and fair catches which are really boring in my humble opinion, not to mention no fun league.
  22. I think Friday will be more winnable if the latest jewel is in the line up.
  23. I think that was a joke for all the poop throwers that throw a handful whenever anything happens.
  24. I want Gurley and not just because he is big but because we can have a fan club and wear Gurley boys shirts. That would be cool.
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