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Fan Boy

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Everything posted by Fan Boy

  1. It is for sure true that letting Harris go and keeping Ray was something lots of us saw as nuts, but Harris is not the first young QB with a future that the Argos dug up. It seems to me that people have areas of expertise and blind spots. Finding usable QB's is one of the Argos strength and not keeping them is one of their weaknesses.
  2. Gurley had 5 TD's so the yardage is understated a bit. I would also note that Dressler hasn't played 10 complete games either. I like the idea of the Gurley we saw earlier in the year. I don't know about a Gurley that gets purged with teammates like the morning after a night out.
  3. Brandon Isaac (spelling approximate) hits on our QB's in the past especially Buck were dirty.
  4. I hope that was good for you. Seemed like you had something stuck in their for a while. It is good to get that stuff out before you get rotten from the inside out.
  5. Probably the opinion is being weighted even if only subconsciously by Loffler's rookie status. I saw (what I thought were) some mistakes Saturday but he really has played extremely well. Of course there is no such thing as a perfect player but he still has room to grow into a terrific player.
  6. He was. Weird to think of depth on this team after the last half a dozen years of thin rosters.
  7. I hope Frederick was practising picking up the ball.
  8. That coaching tenure point is pretty interesting. I never thought about how much turnover there is. Although some coaches just slide in so the continuity really as bad as the dates would say initially.
  9. I think this is not so clear cut as there are many DB (in all leagues) who are plenty fast but not great catchers. Football is great in that many different positions allow different physical skills to be utilised. Since returning kicks also involves catching I am not so surprised that receivers are common. It doesn't really bolster the argument that DB's are slower than receivers. Someone who is totally dedicated to this argument needs to go through draft information for the last 100 years and determine with a low p value how statistically significant their results are, Or you could just walk away muttering to yourself.
  10. We need to score more points than them to win. There are many permutations of special teams, defence and offence that end in this result. We have seen many of these permutations this season. Calgary is the best team without doubt but not unbeatable.
  11. I love those stories. I am waiting for the Fritz Hansen stories. Got to be a couple of hundred year old guys on the board. Seems like it sometimes.
  12. Were they similar? there were plenty of picks in the other game. This one not so much.
  13. That PI call on Randall was even more weak in slow mo. If the BB get those kind of calls against the Stamps, it will be a tough game.
  14. I put money down on Saskatchewan at least beating the line based on how close the games with the BB were. I actually expected Sask to lose by 1.
  15. I don't think that one would have survived a challenge. I think Randall should have been more vocal to MOS but on the other had you don't want to go all Jonesy on challenges.
  16. Doesn't it feel good that we can legitimately complain about calls and still win? Like a breath of fresh air.
  17. As opposed to some other time?
  18. Did you guys take notes or can you actually remember that kind of detail. If you can wow! I consider it a good day if I can keep the kid's names straight.
  19. You mean so he can retire.
  20. Better yet, he was wearing earplugs.
  21. I am hoping for Flanders, just because Simpsons jokes never get old and internal competition is great for excellence in football. Yes we ARE talkin bout practice. We always talk about practice. Football practice is useful and important. Basketball practice not so much.
  22. We have always lived in that world. We just have more access to hear the stories. There is less filtering of stories or fact checking before bringing stories to public.
  23. I totally agree with the O'Donnell assessment. I watched part of the Calgary Edmonton Game last night. I was explaining to maybe a future son in law (who is a techy not a sports guy) how O'Donnell's height might not be as advantageous as it first appears because of leverage issues. We were watching him and saw he had his hands outside his opponent around the shoulders or chest almost every play. It looked like he was trying to lift a kid into their highchair or like a gentle tackle.
  24. sounds like Ebola now. Cato was escorted off the premises. whoah. Sounds like the QB is a leader, leading a revolt.
  25. I know this is the internet and all that but, but what is this about?
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