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Fan Boy

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Everything posted by Fan Boy

  1. We have had one at Pembina and Bison for weeks I'v seen every day driving home (grinding teeth and muttering). oops I just realised you meant BB putting up a billboard. No need. I think that tweet mentioned above tells the story very well.
  2. Maybe I should be fitted for the tin foil hat since I see this has non zero probability. I can't see why you would bring this guy back to the league after being out for a couple of years. Maybe he just wants the BB OL to worry about their elbows more than their schemes. so weird but scary at the same time.
  3. Wow! How many of the young uns here are going to get that?
  4. How many pick six's you got in there? I think @almighty31 has figured that thing out. I am getting all excited that the streak might end. That miserable thumping almost every Labour Day.
  5. I think you would be kind of red black rather than blue after 5 days of not breathing.
  6. whoah let me enjoy some happy for a bit. We have the off season for all the free agent stuff.
  7. It is going to take some massive marketing effort to get the Argos relevant again in the Toronto market. I have hope that it will work. After that then maybe momentum will bring Vancouver back to the CFL fan base. Canadian style football is quite popular in Quebec at least from a talent point of view so there is some hope there. Call me a crazy optimist but there is a chance the big cities can be reclaimed.
  8. Big city residents use transit. That's not the issue. The big city hubris is the problem. I remember going to a Grey Cup game in Vancouver and listening to people on the train mock the game and the league. I still think Toronto can recover. While MLSE does not own the Argos the owner is a big wheel in MLSE and look how their sports franchises have succeeded without much success on field, ice or court. It will get better. I don't know who is going to rescue the Lions.
  9. Me, I am seeing picks being game changers. I don't think we will see a lot of BB sacks but I think Glenn might throw a pick or two with an early throw. I also agree the BB special teams will tilt the field position. I am ready for the game right now.
  10. The teeny tiny part of the game I saw showed both quarterbacks to be very much a work in progress. I wasn't jealous at all which surprised me since these guys get good press. To be fair there were a couple of moments for both but not there yet.
  11. He didn't just poke the bear, he questioned the bear's integrity and if you know anything about bears without their integrity they are nothing. Well they are bears one way or the other. By the way sports reporters probably have more integrity than any other kind of reporter or I haven't been able to catch them lying so easily as other types of reporters.
  12. Forget about salaries, I want to know if the BB can afford a billboard in Regina. I also want to know if the rider store actually gets a bump in sales from that billboard close to the IGF or is this just trolling. On the other hand maybe I don't want to know about rider store sales.
  13. I know it has been said before but I can't believe there is this great big discussion about the cap status when we really don't know all the salaries. This is just throwing mud or whatever. I think we can discuss merits of play calling or player performance but salary cap management is almost completely opaque. Just look how long it took for the green team to get their knuckles rapped.
  14. I think you ran out of words to read.
  15. I think we saw that game at the old stadium years ago and it was great. Hardly sat down that game.
  16. Gentlemen who stretch their jerseys I think is the way I would say it if I was in their company.
  17. I have to laugh at the billboard at Bison drive and Pembina for Sept and it doesn't even have the crying Jordan face on it. Yet I don't know if the bombers have 50 in them but a couple of pick 6's might help them get there.
  18. Do we know the structure of the contracts? If both Willy and Nichols have play time bonuses, only one will get the playing time.
  19. It may not be all him but in the past hard hitting safeties set a tone for the defence. I think it fires up the db's as a group, gives them an extra hop in their step and boosts the confidence but then I am being kind of old school here.
  20. Could be. That is one sweet giant steel tipi and there's enough natural gas to fill newspaper columns for life.
  21. I wouldn't want to guess the age of a user named Arnold Palmer but I think that is probably in the range of age where 20 years ago is easier to remember than last year. I remember 55 - 10 like it was yesterday.
  22. Is this a joke? I mean look at the huge overreaction to inflate gate. Do you think if Spygate hadn't happened there wouldn't be such an overpunishment for what is in the end a minor infraction. I am not saying Patriots are innocent since they actively campaigned for teams to control balls, so why else would you except to manipulate the balls. Whatever back to our favourite form of cheating at football. Caught green handed. I shouldn't smirk but seeing so much Rider merchandise in Winnipeg stores drives me nuts and I would enjoy seeing Jones squirming.
  23. The real worst thing is I am not sure which coach you are talking about? Sad thought that one.
  24. Who are these people who think the Tabbies just stopped, bowed and handed over the football with a wink? The Bombers TOOK the ball away. Even a tip is an effort play. That game was so encouraging for defense and almost encouraging for offense. I agree with mr no vowels, there is a lot of room for improvement but a lot of improvement was shown too.
  25. It will be a long struggle for the Argos to get relevant in the Toronto sports landscape but I believe the new owner has the capability of making it happen if he really wants it. Tanenbaum is a big deal. I have more faith in him than a lot of the jokers who have been owning the hapless Argos. All the Toronto sports franchises (like all North American franchises) are important to the media to keep people tethered (me included) and Tanenbaum is on the board for Bell as well as MLSE. He helped bring NBA back to Toronto after almost 50 years. Look how MLSE has convinced Torontonians to buy the crap of a hockey team all these years. I have more hope in the Argos now than I have for years.
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