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Fan Boy

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Everything posted by Fan Boy

  1. That sounds scary for a big guy.
  2. That sounds like something someone who is follicle challenged would say. I know the type. I am that guy too. So is Richards going to break out this year? If all the other receivers are short he should at least be visible.
  3. I hope he is wearing a seat belt. I think there is going to be a bit of a bumpy ride.
  4. That is frosty if not downright crusty like a snowbank in March.
  5. I remember the first time I saw Ryan rip one and thinking well that's not going to last very long.
  6. I think you are going to stay blue in the ballz department. I have my doubts he shows up here this year. Maybe next year if he can't get a nibble.
  7. Can we please leave politics out of this? I can list off many faults with political parties at all different levels and different affiliations. Corruption and mismanagement exists everywhere. Part of the reason I enjoy sports is to get away from that garbage please check your garbage at the door. There are plenty of other places to spout infective.
  8. I suspect there will be a pile out back with a plaque.
  9. What major coaching positions are empty?
  10. Maybe I am crazy but each thread here is turning into negatron flag waving. There has to be a middle between overly negative and overly positive. If you follow other sports or work in an organization larger than 2 you must know that working towards a positive outcome requires building a positive culture. A negative repressive culture produces results in a short term but usually not in the long term. I don't see the harm in the Bombers trying to sell this to the fans and/or players.
  11. This reminds me I found something on the interwebby thing that was teasing some sports analyst who thought coming out of college that Brohms was a better pick than Aaron Rodgers (spelling approximate). It just goes to show how wrong some promoters of college QB's can be. How Super successful in College QB's can be not pro quality at all.
  12. This is totally correct. It has a lot to do with superpower myopia. Americans don't feel the need to look outside of the country for their (sports) entertainment except for the Olympics (if Americans are doing well). I know CFL is on ESPN in the US. I was in Michigan last summer and I just lay down on a motel bed cover knowing the Bombers were playing. I was thinking of getting the results if I could get the WIFi going. I turned on the TV and the Bombers were finishing off Montreal. Oh joy of joys. I wish I had stopped a couple of hours earlier. But I bet I was the only person in that motel watching that game.
  13. Exactly!! There are huge numbers thrown around but the guaranteed numbers are the only real numbers. Even then you see it all the time that NFL teams ask for a redo on the contract to free up cap space.
  14. Kind of sounds like the yogurt container I found at the back of the fridge. I can't be sure but I swear it squealed when I threw it in the trash.
  15. The NFL also renegotiates contracts down all the time. When you hear the enormous salaries on some contracts, it could be real or it could be a number that never happens. Any salary cap league is going to have roster bonus driven cuts. Would Westerman be here if veterans salary minmums didn't exist in NFL so that younger players are more cap friendly?
  16. We all remember some people complaining about the financing of IGF. Well those people have to look at how the NFL works. How much blackmailing goes on to force cities to spend not millions but billions. Just look what is happening now. It is amazing that a stadium is being built by one of the owners even though the money in the NFL is almost infinite when compared to CFL. with the money the NFL has it is obscene how they grab even the smallest coin. Several NFL teams even asked the American army for money for their flag wavy displays in games. No the NFL besides being the No Fun League is the Nasty F****R League.
  17. I am also very excited about Harris as a receiver out of the back field, as the threat has to spread the pass rush and open the middle for quick pass type plays. I seem to remember seeing Harris pass block fairly well but that might be selective memory now that he is putting on the blue. I have been thinking the same things you mention but also know I am wildly optimistic between every season. As a self diagnosed fan, I never know where the reality line is drawn. I really thought last year would be better than it turned out. The year before I wasn't so bubbly.
  18. The underlying truth is that nice guys are boring. Who is in the news? Nice guys, hardly. Trump and all the rest of his kind are disgusting but entertaining. It is the serial killers people remember not their victims. Nice guys are boring but easier to live with than interesting people. Whoah too heavy. Nice stadium, smaller like Percival. Better to be small and lively than big and empty. Yes Argos and all Toronto are annoying but we the real people need them to keep everything going.
  19. Too bad agility is as important as brute strength.
  20. I once missed a year in Las Vegas buffet, it can happen to anyone Gary.
  21. Funny the messy soccer lines were forgotten. Clearly a marketing oversight. Actually I am excited that the Argos won't be jerked around like the last couple of years. Rogers is nasty. My understanding is that MLSE execs were ready to take on the Argos but Rogers just stuck their foot out to trip up the deal. The amount of money to buy and run the Argos would be like round off for MLSE. I wish I had something from Rogers so that I could give it up. A healthy Argos team is a healthy CFL. Not that I want them to win against the Blue and Gold, I will not go that far.
  22. I bought a Royal Blue mesh jersey in the 80's (number 58 although I wavered on 32) It is not anywhere as nice as the ones today. One clear example is how much it shrank over the years. Good thing i never bought pants back then. If Royal Blue came back I might have to buy another one.
  23. What is with all this optimism stuff? We haven't won in a hundred years. We have heaven't been in the cup for a whole lifetime. We haven't had a winning record in a baker's dozen. You are supposed to spit fire and demand a coaching purge every year until we win the trophy. If you look around you will see that is how success is made by winners like that BC guy and the Calgary guy. And our GM guy is too young, look at him. Excuse me I have some bitterness cooking and I cant stand it boiling over on the stove.
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