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Fan Boy

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Everything posted by Fan Boy

  1. We're going to have to start calling Willy the Wolverine. He cracked his bones.
  2. That is very manly looking 24 year old. He seems eager to get going to based on the twitter stuff. I am hopeful but good QB's are pretty hard to get. Brohm was an NFL draft pick right?
  3. No. J-Homo is no more. You're almost as bad as Nate with that stupid spelling. It's a Key and Peel reference. Get with the program Jacquie. Oh and I thought you were referencing "Jocko Homo" the DEVO song from 1977. "We're pinheads all."
  4. Moore definitely looked like a keeper Saturday. The question is whether the injuries are going to continue or is this just a bad luck streak. He does fight after the catch to gain extra yards and that will eventually lead to more injuries. That long catch and run he had was full of twisting and turning, any of which could of led to an awkward hit. I am glad I don't make these decisions. It is so easy to criticize the management from the seats but there are an amazing number of variables to try to fit into a winning equation. As a management exercise, analysing football personnel moves is quite entertaining in itself apart from the actual games.
  5. ...this is how the cfl has been for how many seasons? Nope the CFL is the only league in the world with bad teams. Every other league only has good teams. The Cleveland Browns say HELLO! The Washington (somewhat racist) somethings SAY HI and "I'll never change my name even if the copyright is not enforceable".
  6. ...this is how the cfl has been for how many seasons? Nope the CFL is the only league in the world with bad teams. Every other league only has good teams. The Cleveland Browns say HELLO! Now that Kevin Costner is their GM, they are going to be just fine. I hear he's a wizard at manipulating the draft. He should be fired for that Manzell (approximate) draft pick last year. That was a flaming bag of footballs that need to be deflated.
  7. Their oc really liked the fake end-around. Hey I'd use it. it works. Especially at college level where defence has to be superhyped on every game and not pro level personnnel. Mind you we aren't going to see the play where the linebacker knifed through and broke up the play. Thanks for the highlights Fanboy. Holy smokes, kid has a rifle for an arm, a nice touch, a gorgeous pump-fake, and can run the ball. However, the offense he was running had all kinds of mis-direction, slants, reverses, etc. We don't do any of that here. Not my highlights. I am way too lazy to find them, but I agree with you the misdirection works really well in college but not so much in pro level. He kind of threw into coverage but hey if I had number 6 catching for me I might take chance every once in a while. All the motion before ball snaps that every CFL team uses is a kind of misdirection that often sets up successful plays.
  8. Would that be before or after they cart Willy off the field for the last time? Kidding ... Kidding!! Just the thought makes my lunch heavy in my belly. Like all coaches get fired, all quarterbacks get injured ; but for the love of all things blue please don't joke about it.
  9. From Arash Madani's tweets, it doesn't seem like the players are a big fan of his either. Why some coaches try to reinvent the wheel I've never figured out. Many coaches feel they have to put their personal stamp on the team., take ownership. It is one misguided way to look at leadership. Hey look I made everyone uncomfortable, I am the boss. Now follow me. You see it all the time in (mis) management in or out of sports.
  10. Leggett can do a lot of things. He's able to show that being closer to the LOS. I liked their 30 fronts with all the backers on the field. Hurl has been playing very well and now taking on more of a role on 2nd downs in recent weeks. Couldn't agree more... I fell like the defence adds another dimension when Simmons is out there too.... Imagine having Bass, Simmons, Muamba and Leggett on the field at once... I would pee my pants before every game and I'm not that old.
  11. Well he was using the smelling salts before kick off I bet riders wished they had traded for Nichols a few weeks ago but it sounds like Glenn is ready to come back I think the smelling salts are a pre game ritual. Sort of like pounding the shoulder pads. On that topic... I've noticed a lot of guys hit shoulder pads instead of helmets in celebration now... and I really like that... nothing makes me cringe more than I guy (especially one with concussion history) getting smacked in the head a bunch of times after making a nice play... The celebratory hits to the head are love taps. It's the helmet to helmet, push against push that generates massive force that bounces the old brain around like a baby rattle. If you already have a concussion then any little tap is a pain but if no concussion the love taps are nothing. I remember these things even though it was a long time ago.
  12. Both Sask and the Lions could use Tate, though I don't see Calgary giving up their insurance. Why would they? Then they would be like us sans nichols or like BC is now. Im actually really happy that we got nichols when and for what we did.. He coulda fetched a bit more with the QB concerns still creeping up in BC and potentially Mtl. Yes, finally we are that team that snags a needed player and other fan boards are saying...why didn't we do that? Timing is everything and I agree it is good the Bombers made the QB move in time. QB's should be in demand (like they aren't always in demand) BC looks like they need some help. I said it before but there a bunch of bad teams this year not just the Riders. Lulay didn't look great when he was in there. Now it is Beck's turn to look bad.
  13. You think that would happen? You think this is a Slapshot movie? Years ago I went to a Grey cup game and now I am forgetting which one. We ate in a mall restaurant and the next table over was a couple of players. You know how football and basketball players are a little conspicuous especially in certain positions. I kind of listened into the conversation (not eavesdropping or anything) and they were discussing a player who had been headhunting. They were saying that this guy doesn't understand that this is a business and the game is a workplace where they have to look out for each other. It is too easy for careers to end. They said you have to be responsible to the players on your team and the players on all the other teams. In no way was Austin going to hurt the guy but for the head coach to act that way, it is going to encourage more blatant behaviour in your team. You might as well wrap your knuckles in tin foil and put on the plastic eyeglasses.
  14. This goes to show how these things go. I am not the only one here who thought last year's defence was a series of weird ideas. We see how guys slip through the cracks and it has nothing to do with the player himself. I know it was 1 and 9 team but that defence is coming around. Messam (spelling approximate) had a couple of big runs but he got stood up a bunch and that did not happen a lot last year. By the way does this fit the story that Walters is useless at Americans?
  15. Agreed 100 per cent. If he comes here, he'll be a project. This isn't a bad move though by any means. Personally...I think everybody gave up on Smith too early. Smith was also around 30 when he finally came up here. He had bounced around for a while in the NFL. Boyd only turns 25 this month. This is a good point. There aren't too many guys that step in from the college and produce right away. Easy to miss that these rookies aren't necessarily young kids. If you throw the kids into the fire mostly they get burnt.
  16. Their oc really liked the fake end-around. Hey I'd use it. it works. Especially at college level where defence has to be superhyped on every game and not pro level personnnel. Mind you we aren't going to see the play where the linebacker knifed through and broke up the play.
  17. so this Bass fellow is an American. Did the blue bombers find him?
  18. Oh I have no doubts at all that he wants to.... He wants to make his second rounds of the CFL before he retires. Oh I have no doubts at all that he wants to.... He wants to make his second rounds of the CFL before he retires. Got to hand it to Glenn, discouragement does not seem to be apart of his vocabulary. I am not a big Glenn fan but you kind of have to admire how he has bounced around from team to team finding at least limited success while not looking at alll like a football player. You look at Willy, he's skinny but tall in the mold of the NFL quarterbacks. Glenn doesn't look like he has the muscularity to take linemen hits but he has been doing this for years. He must have some fortitude and positivity. I still don't want him on my team.
  19. Well he was using the smelling salts before kick off I bet riders wished they had traded for Nichols a few weeks ago but it sounds like Glenn is ready to come back I think the smelling salts are a pre game ritual. Sort of like pounding the shoulder pads.
  20. I think it's already taken.
  21. Why would you think we have no one capable of playing Nose? Id have to double check to be 100% sure, but i am as certain as i can be with out doing that, that all our DTs have been DTs in 4-3 defense and not a NT in a 3-4 D. Its not only a different position entirely then 4-3 dt, its the key stone of a 3-4. I think bryant turner would be pretty good at playing a 3-4 DE. If none of the players have played nose tackle then why would you think a slimmed down Turner would be good at it and not some other larger gentleman we have on the roster. If Collins has been doubleteamed often as has been suggested on the board then we already have our man wouldn't we.
  22. you know what came into my head when I watched this game: The Blue Bombers aren't totally screwed. They still have a chance. Montreal's defensive backfield had some familiar names on the jerseys. I saw Bighill fall down on a running play when the runner gave a little deke. Before I saw the name I said to my wife "that guy is going to have a hard time sticking on the team playing like that." Just wow. He spun around, did a curtsy and sat down. There are a lot of bad teams out there this year.
  23. Good QB's are hard to come by in any league. This year has been amazing in that a few young guys have actually been passable for a few games. The shine comes off pretty fast even that.
  24. ummm no - he isn't more mobile. But don't take my word for it - wait and see when he gets in a game. I think he used to be more mobile. But that was before wheels fell off. He's running on the little spare tire now.
  25. I am guessing you mean kickers have made 85.9 % of their one point converts. I don't remember 99.4% field goals being successful last year. sorry... Accuracy counts.
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