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Fan Boy

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Everything posted by Fan Boy

  1. The only time he's ever started a game he was 14/23 for 194 yards no tds and no ints.... Let's see what he can do before we go completely doom and gloom. Those numbers aren't horrible, perhaps the guy just sucks coming off the bench into shitty games?Yeah resting on the bench tends to affect a QBs aim.Maybe resting ,caused his eyes to stray to the turf hence his ground balls.How many turf skips we gonna get now? 90% of the game is half mental. Only 30% of the time though. And you never eat at that restaurant, right?
  2. Absolutely you do, not disagreeing with that at all. And I am nitpicking at this point, I get that. I guess I'm just disappointed that the guy we've been developing was so bad, he got beat that quickly. Or that he wasn't replaced sooner, given the amount of injuries we've had. I'm happy that a guy we just signed is so good that he's already beat out a guy we've been developing for a few months. Great job Kyle!! Glass half empty... Glass half full... Bonus points for colour emphasis. A nice blue star.
  3. I am not the only one here that thought the defense was showing improvement. Offensive and special teams turnovers have been the biggest killers not the defense as has been in the past. I will say that the defense has sagged a bit after turnovers but the ability to push through that kind of adversity should come as the defense matures. If bombers can evolve into the killer defense they had in the past I would be happy even with a mediocre offense. Teams can still win like that.
  4. Sataus Quo... when did we sign him? was he on the practice roster?
  5. Wrong to whom? The fans? We can criticize all we want and have our reasons for doing so, but we aren't in any position to say his roster moves are wrong, or right.I don't think I know more about football than MOS but evaluation of performance isn't as hard as you make it out to be. He deserves to be questioned. Question O'Shea all you want. Evaluation of players doesn't start and stop with just what you've seen on TV and at the games. There's a lot you don't see, unless you're at every practice and in the meetings. I hate that rationale. It's apparent that O'Shea is stubborn, sticks with players far too long and has terrible roster management. So what you are saying is the characteristic that makes the coach appealing to players is his fatal flaw. So I saw a coach a couple of years ago who constantly threw his players under the bus and never took responsibility for being over his head. Festering locker room was the result. So a coach who is all about maintain evenness, professionalism and gradual improvement should start pulling a player off the scrap heap and throw him into fire. That sounds like a desperation move. Oh sure I know you are going to say this is desperate times. I say no way. Things are getting better if you subtract the terrible injuries. Only Hamilton looks really good this year and they just lost to Montreal who just tossed their coach. The bombers are not great but no team is great this year. It is not impossible for Calgary to get beat Saturday. I don't know if I would have said that last year and for sure not the year before.
  6. I don't think impact on special teams equates to starting. You can ask the Team President about that. Agree - except they both got starting reps last year and didn't look out of place. I don't disagree, it seemed that Sherman had some good defensive work I don't remember Jones taking defensive reps. On the other hand a new DC is likely to use his players a bit differently and maybe even put something down on paper.
  7. I think that statistical analysis of OL is pretty hard without making up measurements from direct video analysis. What makes football great is how complicated it can get and still be a simple as knocking the snot out the other guy. Baseball has lots of stats for individual players and it seems you can just drop new players into a team and expect good results. In football the interaction between teamates is very critical but hard to measure without video analysis.
  8. I don't think impact on special teams equates to starting. You can ask the Team President about that.
  9. If Bowman doesn't shine and gets nullified, it has to say something about Popp. If Bowman goes on a tear for the rest of the season, that says something about Higgins' judgement. Still unclear to me why he was sitting to begin with. Dude is a stud. It would be like us benching Westerman. I only saw the last half but I specifically watched Bowman because those tweets were weird and I was curious if he had fallen of the edge since football sometimes works that way. I saw him make one slip and slide but mostly he was in the play or doubled or an extra blocker was in the area so the decision to sit him seemed more questionable. Certainly Hamiton had him in mind in their protections. I wonder about Higgins more now.
  10. I don't have the numbers to back this up but I think you have to look at the effect of a sack in stopping drives whereas hurries and hits can still result in a positive result for a particular play. It seems to me that the loss of a down (you only get two tries really) and the usual loss of yardage is far more important. Also holding penalties are not near as bad as sacks so they can't be given equal weight. At least in a holding penalty situation the team has a chance to recover from the setback unlike a sack situation where you just might lose the QB altogether as well as down and distance. I have seen that happen a few times. But to summarize this is just musings without statistical backing. Babble on.
  11. Turns out Glen Johnson and I have more in common than I thought. Isn't that mandatory dress code? Although I add a BB jersey or shirt to that.
  12. I think there is more than just blocking here. There was was some great cutting and space recognition.
  13. Well that does sound rather definitive doesn't it? Sounds like the carton is getting a bit lumpy or the bacon is a bit shiny.
  14. JFG have the runs?? I think that means he's not getting any passes. Hopefully Argos don't have any spies on this site.
  15. Frame this post and call it 'bandwagon jumper'. I have noticed fair amount of crustiness with this clown.
  16. Its not that no one dies , its just there isn't any river nearby. The desert does not give up its secret easily.
  17. Jocko Homo ?
  18. This is kind of a scary comment. Did MOS just figure this out and y wasn't this different skillset used more often when the status quo wasn't working.I for one hope Marve lights it up and shows all the haters what's what including MOS Jk just squeak out a win baby..☺ How is this a scary comment. This is a typical MOS comment that is just a thinly disguised sneer at a dumb question. It you find this scary then you are really looking for crap.
  19. My wife ran inside half an hour ago after sorting buttons outside and called me to tell about the fearsome lightning. Hey if you can't sort buttons then you can't sort out football plays. Oh I forgot to say I live a couple of Jon Ryan punts from the stadium in Fort Richmond.
  20. And I think I can speak for most here and say Brohm's Bacon and Cheddar Chips has a nice ring to it... I think the Brohm chips would have no flavour and all the chips would be broken..
  21. I agree. We all feel bad about the injury but you can't go back and say the team should have given up after a couple of fluky things. A tip interception, a block put and a kickoff where the ball bounced back were not an indication that Willy was ready to be benched. There was still even the slim possibility of coming back since this all happened very quickly. The hindsight around here is ridiculous.
  22. Hurgle burgle raba bobo yamu bolish. If I had a hammer, I'd hammer in the morning. Edmonton and Hamilton have hammered the team enough. Whoa this team has been nailed down pretty well. The optomism of the preseason: Yeah Picard will get dirty so Willy doesn't have to take clean hits. The O Line isn't made of feathers anymore it is made of muscle and money. Willy won't get dirty and hard hits every game. Wow those bubbles have popped pretty well. There has to be a way to neutralize a defense that blitzes so much. There should be a way to take advantage of that. There should be lots of open areas for dump off's. That first game seems a long, long time ago now.
  23. Have to say, I think Walters did good with the first rounder this year, and looks to have a real find in Waggoner with our supplemental pick. The other picks...we'll see. If my memory is correct Chungh was touted as CFL ready by analysts so as much as a fan boy as I am I can't give Walters so much credit with Chungh.
  24. I would think that with the long grey cup drought in bomber land the fans here would appreciate that at least Taman got them a cup. Sacrificing the long term for the short term is what sports teams do all the time. The Blue Jays are doing that right now. The Boston Celtics did it a few years ago. Only a few teams are great for years on end: Patriots now, old time Montreal Canadians, 70's Eskimos. It is hard in a salary cap league to maintain success. At least he got the Riders a ribbon. That being said I don't wish that he was here.
  25. The big rain game was an exhibition game. I remember that because I had 2 season tickets at the time and couldn't convince anyone to go to just an ex game with threatening weather. It was BC and their players were standing on the bench because the water was as high as the bottom of the bench (just the fascia not the actual seat). You couldn't see the sideline hash marks at all. The best part is that the Red River Ex was on at the time all around the stadium and I watched people on the swings melt in the seats as the rain got heavier and heavier. What crowd was there was huddled under the stadium hoods (can't think of the proper term). There is no way a goal post got hit with lightning because if it did there would have been a stampede. People were running from the rain they would have ran screaming if there had been a lightning strike. I was happy in my poncho and would have noticed the lightning. When you go to the game alone you drink a lot less and remember a lot more of the game.
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