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Fan Boy

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Everything posted by Fan Boy

  1. On another note I am not so sure about Canada (media domination) but in the U.S. there almost no regulation of supplements compared to food and drugs. Why? politics of course. I heard of a case where a "natural" supplement that was supposed to act like viagra actually had a broken viagra pill in it. Everyone not just professional athletes should be very careful when using supplements.
  2. That team looks like the kind of team that has to have smoke blown up their **** so that the fan base doesn't run into the fields to wait for the telethons to start.
  3. I doubt a gimpy QB gets a long look in NFL. I think Streveler will be back. I don't get the interest in Arbuckle and Masoli. Is Masoli going to be available to play at the beginning of the season? Has Arbuckle shown so much as a starter? I know The Argo's have been mismanaged but there clearly was no confidence in MBT. He would put up big numbers in a game and might not start the next or he would throw a crippling int.
  4. I imagine 281 at draft time last year is < than today's playing weight after a year of training at pro level.
  5. I haven't bought any yet either. I have been dropping serious Xmas hints and if that doesn't work or I want more then to the store with a big bag. Last week exposed a serious lacking with only 3 shirts to wear for the work week, A championship shirt would be very appropriate for next year's grey cup week.
  6. Oh the board will thrive. Conflict creates activity. As you can see the post cup after glow is almost gone and Lapo is a good target for the wrath of only winning one Grey Cup. Obviously the team should have got a better QB and OC and stayed an extra day to win another cup.
  7. Speaking of dirty does anyone know who twisted Streveler's ankle? I watched the CFL wired on TSN and I couldn't see it there. CFL Wired did give a better view of the the Hansen 2 for 1 hit than the broadcast did.
  8. I really like saying his name.
  9. Hey I said he could be an OC, I never said I want him to be an OC here. I would rather seem him work somewhere else. I have no idea how far along the line Buck is but it is always good for an organisation to promote when it is appropriate. We are talking like it is a given that LAPO is out of here. I think he is too but he will probably be back in 5 years for round 4.
  10. I think he can work as an OC just not the boss. We all have worked with odd ducks but it is only hell when the quacking comes from the boss.
  11. Come on man. That is so cruel even to the flatbillies.
  12. The guy who could hire me when I know my job is in jeopardy is always one of my best friends.
  13. Oh I agree. I was just throwing shade on the motorcycle BS that Reinebold used in 1997. Fun Fact: Someone stole my coffee cup at work so I used a 1997 Blue Bombers schedule mug I found in the cupboard there. I almost spilled the coffee shaking with the PTSD from that season.
  14. Hey Reinebold signed witht he Bombers as a head coach from a special teams Coach. That worked wonderfully. I know I was full of wonder on how that all happened. On the other hand MOS also jumped from STC to HC. But he stepped in not rode in on a motorcycle.
  15. Dickenson is a whiner. When he is miked up it is insuffereable. My hormone affected daughters whined less than that guy. That annoys me in a leadership position.
  16. It has already been established math is not the strong point there.
  17. I stopped the video replay and clearly there are 2 more defenders than receivers. Fat chance that is getting caught. Burnham (sp?) doesn't play for those guys.
  18. I am wearing a t shirt underneath. I am not sure if it is the hair or the belly but I haven't seen that button for years.
  19. James West Cool. I am wearing a number 58 mesh shirt from 1985 or 86 at work today. I wear it every game that I watch. I think the Glenns are podcasters or are there more groups of Glenns. Sounds like a great time.
  20. I am shocked to hear you say they played undisciplined. Penalties were down but boneheads were up.
  21. OH OH OH. I know a team thats real good at that.
  22. Well Actually (I'm one of those) there were 5 DB and 3 receivers in the endzone within 20 yards I think that even without a goalpost the Bombers would have had a good shot at knocking the pass down.
  23. Actually he appeared twice in opposing shots so someone saved money on extras.
  24. Wasn't Goltz the one who did a snickers commercial with Robin Williams. That's a bigger star than a lot of guys come on.
  25. It turns out it is trash day in Regina on Sunday.
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