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Fan Boy

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Everything posted by Fan Boy

  1. Was that me football player or meh football player? I think both applied.
  2. How he ever made it to the big show I just don't get. Then he parlayed that into media stuff. I don't get how he got into the media either. He was even more useless there.
  3. Beans and rice. Moors and Christians in Cuba, Casa Miento (spelling approximate) in latin America. A staple. My lunch today even. So watch it no the rice slagging.
  4. If anyone was a potatoe that would be Sean Salisbury. Much more potatoe than steak that is for sure.
  5. Come on now. Rice. It is obvious that Kevin Glenn is more like a Tim Bit. Ok but not the full pastry.
  6. I never said he was bad I said he was OK. It definitely hurt the team when he went down in the ECF. I was more defending potatoes than slagging Glenn. Still I think there are still a bunch of us who felt that he just didn't have the royal jelly that Willy has.
  7. That's kind of odd considering the Riders sold around 25k season tickets that year that so many bomber fans were there isn't it? You guys can laugh at how bad we are all you want but even this year there are 26700 season tickets sold so the myth that any team will ever outnumber our fans in our stadium is simply that, This is Migs for sure, right? People had to turn to something, with the impending skyrocking of manure prices........ I don't get the connection with manure. There were no missed field goals involved here were there?
  8. I didn't get a good look at the roughing the kicker play. The announcer just sort of said Well... and then they went to something else. ( I watched this game from the comfort of my dry couch). I know I should have been out there yellling in the rain.
  9. Yea! you don't like french fries. You don't like poutine. How about the golden goodness of Willy Dilly chips. Come one man give the potatoe some love. Glenn well not so much, he's OK.
  10. It only takes a win to get the conversation going all rainbows and sunny skies. After the last couple of weeks I wasn't sure there was any of that stuff left in anybody. I know it sounds weird but even during the first drive I was feeling a bit positive. All the plays were short and the defense never collapsed like it had in the past. Once the BB moved the ball a bit after that I could see that the team wasn't down and that they could come back. In the past an opening drive for a touchdown at home would have deflated the team a bit.
  11. I think Sha Na Na performed at Woodstock so even before the 70's there was a 50's revival sort of. It turns out they only got paid $500 so they couldn't have been too popular. They were on just before the famous Jimi Hendrix performance.
  12. I think Sha Na Na performed at Woodstock so even before the 70's there was a 50's revival sort of.
  13. That Dynasty talking stuff is either someone who is jerking on the line or someone so bitter their eyes are tearing up so they can't see. Their memory is not so good either. The bad old days were bad. The Kelly era offense was so bad my wife at her first football game ever asked me why the the "ball throwing guy" took a hand off instead of standing back like the other team. She thought it would give him more time to find someone to throw to. The first game ever and she saw how screwed up the team was. She also asked why that guy was running along behind the line instead of downfield. I had no answer for that.
  14. No I think he meant the verbal bricks Elliot threw at everyone instead of being a leader. A few can throw a ball and run but fewer still can lead. I think Brohm (spelling approximate) is not a leader and the team collapses whenever Willy goes down. I thought Picard would be a leader but it does not appear his leadership extends past the line where he is said to be an influencing force.
  15. Garza. Sammy ******* Garza. Was that the son in law?
  16. I think you missed the part where the architect said he didn't expect the use of electric forklifts only hand lifts on the concourse. That is just silly. There are a lot of beer kegs to move. My daughter worked in kitchen and they had to move carts of food though concourse dodging customers and always taking way longer than they wanted. What no thought about serving the boxes where the big bucks come from. The stadium is not just a place for playing a game it is primarily an entertainment center and the customers have to be made as comfortable as possible. Some serious screw ups in overall design.
  17. Hate to be the spoiler but I just drove though North Dakota, Minnesota, Ilinois and Michigan and they all have bad roads too. Not as many because you can see the money put in by the Federal government going back 50 years. The amount of money that must have been spent is stunning. It is all about priorities.
  18. I am not an architect but it sounds like a guy who didn't think through the ramifications of his decisions and then expected the customer to catch his mistakes. That does not sound reasonable to me. Have some pride, think about the application. 2 to 3 season facility sounds like a crock. Football is played in the snow every year and winter comes every year so build a building to withstand winter. The restriction to hand jacks sounds crazy. Maybe the customer should have had another opinion on the design from some other architect but this sounds like a bunch of whining from someone who didn't do a thorough job. Wow.
  19. Has everyone exhausted their Rod Black hate already? We are dipping into the past now when there is so much Rod Black suckiness to uncover. Rod Black doing a football game is like a baby crying while you line up in a grocery store but for 3 hours instead of 2 minutes.
  20. This thread lives forever or until the green guys string together a few wins.
  21. I nearly spit out my Caesar when I heard that. But glad I didn't because my wife would not have appreciated a red zone on the coffee table.
  22. Cornish is way faster than any of those guys, Unless my memory runs slower than yours. He is not fast by any means but fast for his power. I am not in love with Hurl but no linebacker in today's mold can stop Cornish dead in his tracks. The only way would be to hit him before he gets a chance to move forward and modern offenses are not going to give defenses that opportunity. That would happen only if Calgary decided to hire Mike Kelly as the OC.
  23. Any championship team in any sport relies on more than just coaching excellence and player excellence. Injuries at inopportune times like broken arms in a Final or an achilles tear in the first game can derail the best or worst teams. There is a lot of luck involved here too. On the other hand when I see Reinbold (spelling an approximation) on the sidelines I can't help but think of the motorcycle riding ear stud wearing placeholder of a coach and how inept those teams were. I don't think luck had anything to do with how bad those teams were. While we are wallowing in past misery just think how many Sask Grey Cups in a 100 years (is it 4 or 5). The Bomber 10 seem downright glorious in comparison. Someone mentioned while those Eskimo teams that won in the 70's were almost unbeatable the Bombers were still very good teams that just could not get tot the top of the mountain.
  24. Wild isn't the name that comes to mind when Henoc M is in recent past. Much better example of what we all want Hurl to be but then he would leave for the big bucks.
  25. The thing is there is only 1 winner every year. If being the winner is the only thing that counts then most of the time you are going to stew on stomach acid. In anything there is only one person, team or business who is the best. In all the major team sports there are a few teams who are consistently better than the rest for years. (I am not sure baseball is a team sport - just a collection of specialized individual skills) Unless you are cheering for those teams you are relegated to looking for improvement except for a fluky championship. If that is not good enough for you, you should probably do something else for a hobbie. I remember watching Lakers dismantle New Jersey in NBA finals years ago and my 5 year old daughter said. "Daddy if you aren't cheering for the yellow team you are going to be sad." I for one have followed the bombers since Mack Heroin and Dieter "you should have seen the other guy" Brock times. Ups and downs have come and gone. I think we are in an upward trend unlike the previous years. If you are frustrated now, then you should cheer for Calgary because you are going to have a better time for years to come.
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