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Fan Boy

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Everything posted by Fan Boy

  1. Based on attendance it isn't an NFL town either or at least not a Buffalo NFL town.
  2. That is very logical but this is a fan website and logic only visits here. Crazy emotional responses are the regular fare. We fans are either wildly optimistic or stubbornly pessimistic depending on the type of beverage you prefer. As much as I would enjoy Riders sliding down, it is going to take a while. We have seen the short term gain , long term pain approach and it is inevitable but it won't come fast enough for Rider haters.
  3. But Main Street's still all cracked and broken... Every street is cracked and broken. What is your point?
  4. As much as I would like to believe in our NI, I have to agree that BB don't have a huge stockpile of veteran NI quality. That was our weakness and still is but there is at least some light on the horizon. Current management is heading in the right direction but still a ways to go before we can stand equal to Calgary. BB are way ahead of last year and the year before. But you know the young guys might surprise. If you don't have a little hope then you probably should follow a different team. Maybe you could hang with the Red Blacks, Nowhere to go but up there.
  5. The thing that's promising this year is that we have a bunch of tickets in the top national starter lottery -- Westerman, Chung, Waggoner, Goossen, Bastien. If one or two of these guys develop into legit top talent we'll be in a way better spot. If three or four of them develop we will be set for awhile. I bet we'll see some serious bumps as everyone gets their legs under them but there's more promise here than there's been for awhile. This is true. There is some potential. Something about the rookie Chung starting gives me a warm feeling. I get the feeling he is going to learn from Picard the finer points of brutal. In one of the tweets in the feed there was a quote from a former Sask university coach saying Chick is going to school Chung. How does a DE school a guard, coach? Putting your pass rusher inside all game sounds weird to me. I am getting all Fan boy. Too many days until game time.
  6. At the risk of sounding like a fan boy I would say: 1. renovating offensive line 2. defensive coordinator who has playbooks (I still scratch my head at that) 3. possible ratio buster (58 NFL games played means something) DE (fingers crossed he is not worn out)
  7. My daughters think the the 6'5'' guy with the most gorgeous blue eyes and the terrific hair was a good catch. I was too shy to mention that he has good hands. They both though he should lose the sideburns. Evidently Elvis left the building a long time ago. I said he might be a good player some time in the future but they said something about him looking a like a "player" now. They aren't that into football.
  8. I figure there are a few older people on this board who have had to put together work teams so they can relate to how hard it is to put together effective project teams or departments or whatever. This aspect of football is really interesting to me. There has to be a balance between physical and interpersonal skills (think Kalif Mitchell) How many out of control young bucks can you have at a time (swaggerville) without busting cohesion. How many older wise heads can you have without losing overall athleticism. All these players have measureables (40's, bench strength ...) but they are people who have individual strengths and weaknesses. I know how hard it is to put together work teams , just imagine all this with compressed time frames, constant injuries and the maturity levels of kids who have been coddled to some extent even if at a low level. What a job it is to be GM/ Coach ?
  9. Nodding quietly, I pat my number 58 blue bomber mesh jersey reflecting on defensive glories past. Those are way too big shoes for these young guys to fill. Man I feel old.
  10. It's almost like O'Shea and his staff know more than a bunch of randoms on a fan site... no, that can't be right... What Tburg somehow manages to read: I could point out that at no point does OShea say anything about staying in the pocket, but I know Tburg could re-read it a thousand times and only come up with his interpretation a thousand times. No one in the Bomber org has ever used the term "pocket passer" in association with Marve. Brown also said on one of Marve's last throws of the game - I think that's the first time I've ever seen Marve go thru his entire progression of reads! Which is exactly what OShea (and every person here who understands why Brohm is still #2) is talking about. Nothing about trying to turn him into a pocket QB or not wanting him to move outside the pocket. Entirely and all about learning to read CFL coverages. Nothing about not wanting him to run for 20 yards. Entirely and all about him recognizing and making the throw for 40 that he could have spotted if he made it past his primary read. congrats, I agree completely. This is a pretty reasonable position for thinking people to take. I think MOS and KW are thinking people. I think they might be wrong in their thinking as all people are from time to time but If they didn't think Marve had a possible future here he wouldn't be here. There are ever so many football players out there coming out of college every year thinking they can play quarterback, you can always find someone to try.
  11. It is possible that their plan @ #4 has been Jordan Yantz all along and that the battle for a QB position has been between Marve and Portis. That's a possibility I guess. It appears that Janz will dress on Friday night. With Willie getting the first half, that leaves little time for the others to battle it out, and virtually no time for Janz. I'm thinking if he doesn't play, then he will either be cut or put on the PR if there's room.Aside from assigning him a different name to throw off the opposing teams, I can see the Bombers following the traditional path and releasing the Canadian QB (Yantz) because...well what's the point, right?But the Bombers and Walters/O'Shea are working a little differently than others we've seen and I can dare to dream. You know I feel that these guys are different. My daughter used to work in the stadium kitchen and O'Shea asked her how the players treated her at the buffet lines. He explained to her that how the players treat staff tells a lot about players. (my daughter says that eating meat is usually on the players mind). The previous coach she never saw.
  12. I know what you're saying but your definition of what constitutes "tv" is outdated and a little too broad. There is no such thing as "free" TV anymore as the broadcast signals available to antenna have been virtually cut off. Everyone that wants to access broadcast media has to pay for cable or an Internet connection at least. Why is it too broad? It is what it is. Content providers are free to choose their delivery methods and set the price points they want. This gives consumers 2 choices. Either accept the delivery model and pay for it at the price point they set or do without. It's up to the "industry" to adjust. Not the consumers. Consumers consume...generally they will want it at the best price. And nothing beats free! So unless the industry adjusts and gives the consumer what they want, they'll continue to get it as best they can. (See music industry) In this case stream it online for free, rather than paying at least $70 a month for a bunch of crap they don't really want. This poster is a part of a growing population (myself included) who don't pay for cable because they already pay for internet, and everything is available online. Some for a smaller fee, others for free. The more you say, providers choose what we get. The older/more out of touch you sound. Cable is dying. Streaming is the future. Give us streams! I also hate cable but I don't see how you can get "everything" without stealing. I know it is common for people to steal music and steal movies but how do you steal live sports channels. I have seen stolen sports streaming content and it sucked. And you know stealing is still stealing even everybody does it. I know the intellectual content that I generate is only useful to a limited number of people but I would not be happy if my work was used by someone else at no cost. I enjoy netflix but I am not getting live sports content there just so you know I am not against streaming just illegal streaming.
  13. The idea that Neufeld is the GM's pet project makes me feel a little less Fan Boy.
  14. Lady year? is that like year of the monkey? I don't remember that one from my place mat.
  15. You should have stumbled over and puked your Maui mai tai all over their transmission device. Opportunity lost.Or better yet, you should have sharted in the pool they were hanging out in. Too much collateral damage with that sort of nuclear option. There might be innocent bystanders wanting to use the pool. There is a code, we are not barbarians.
  16. funny thing isn't it? while listening to distant radio stations, they are often faint and fading in and out, but when the ads come on, suddenly all quite clear. something to do with putting money in the pocket.
  17. It should count for something but man football is ruthless especially if you are a team that is struggling to pull itself out of the mud. (that's us I am afraid).
  18. I don't think that is a jet. I believe that is a rough outline of a prop bomber as in blue bombers. The football body kind of gives it away.
  19. An interesting position to take considering who our defensive coordinator is. Maybe the politics discussed earlier regarding Brohm played out in Sask against Hurl. Maybe Hurl is a lot better now. Players do improve. Maybe we don't have any better options (I think you covered that one). We don't know the reasons but I don't think Hurl would be here at all if someone didn't evaluate him as capable. Somehow that remark struck me as being a bit too negative. Call me sensitive but let's be positive for a couple of weeks. We can trash the hell out of him during the rest of the year becasue it looks like he going to be there regardless of what you think..
  20. You mean weight loss aide.
  21. I agree that doing it at game speed would be pretty challenging. It's the opportunistic plays a player can make after the whistle or against a prone player that I'm thinking of. Think Kuale vs Buck or Kadri elbowing Fraser on a routine play. edited for english I once overheard a lunch conversation during grey cup week where two large gentlemen were discussing how mr.x (overly aggressive player whose name I can not remember but had injured players) needs to understand that football is a business and that he needed to approach the game with a professional attitude. You have to be able to work with people when you change teams. That conversation changed the way I looked at the game at the time (I was young). For sure there is a brotherhood and a responsibility but there are also players who do not get it.
  22. I missed that reference. What happened to Stamps? In a game a few years back Hefney inadvertently stepped on his nuts. "inadvertently" !! Yes that would be a bit distressing. I am sure there were "MY bad",s all around.
  23. I'm not sure if I love that movie because of rowdy Piper or because it's such a good movie... Either way what a great movie! That movie was a guilty pleasure for me too. I don't know if anyone can honestly call it a "great" movie but I didn't feel cheated when I left the theatre that day. Probably wouldn't like it if I saw it now though. Kind of like how I bought the original Star Wars movie for my grandson and sat through it barely.
  24. OK, now I'm suspicious. I'm beginning to think, after watching that scum and now, his picture, that Richards is not 6'5", but rather 6'0 with 5 inches of hair. Somehow I found that funny even though I am under 6 feet and have no hair.
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