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Fan Boy

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Everything posted by Fan Boy

  1. That's the guy. I remember he was a bit of an underperformer with a bit of pedigree or maybe not.
  2. I think that was in reference to the basement of Eaton's which is now part of the hockey arena/ shopping centre area which has a somewhat transient clientele who can look a bit sketchy at times. I don't think this was a reference to a situation like the QB we had for a bit who turned out to be an addict. Name escapes me right now.
  3. I don't disagree the pie would have been bigger if more catches. I just meant raw totals.
  4. Look at the team passing yards. Not a big pie to get your slice.
  5. Just like in Edmonton. Except Augustine gets the long run through a giant hole instead of Harris.I didn't feel number 33 was at his best last game and now we know why. If the replacement is half as effective as Harris at his best that is still pretty good.
  6. I will talk about it if you like. They are playing great.
  7. I have never been in a professional locker room but I expect a guy who is not living up to the paycheque is resented a bit and giving him the boot might actually be seen as a positive move.
  8. I remember the 2 american women sprinters who tested positive sample A but not sample B. Miraculous. There is a great deal of hypocrisy in performance enhancing drugs and the safety of prescriptions drugs is pretty questionable at times. The Oxycontin debacle was pushed by the same system that vivifies performance enhancing drugs (while not regulating the manufacture of the same performance enhancing drugs) I don't buy the judgemental attitude. If I was athletic enough to make the use of PED's useful I would have used them for sure. These athletes are already sacrificing their bodies for our entertainment (playing football was fun too), what is a bit more long term damage.
  9. This is going to be the first LDC for me without TV, internet, cell phone or alcohol (maybe I can figure a way around that one) in 30 years so oh boy. I don't even know if I will get the radio reception. I will be at a cabin. If I can't get radio it is going to be agonising to wait. LDC hasn't been great over the last number of years.
  10. Whoever shows up is just going to sit unless 2 meteorites hit the 2 QB's in front of him. I would hardly get worked up, I think the kids are all right. Macguire (is that right?) showed well in preseason and has probably improved by working with the team.
  11. 51 is the number I wore in high school. I kind of played like that too but I was a bit bigger.
  12. Don't let facts get in the way of good fear and panic.
  13. Well, I would expect a polar bear expert to be calm, cool and collected but the rest of us are running around like a bunch of 6 year olds looking for the banner to run through, not sure to which side to run. I do have to agree that a team that has won mainly on defence and specials can absorb losses to offence better than an offence only team but Harris is a BIG loss ... more than Nichols.
  14. I don't think they take hair anymore. My daughter used to do it regularly and she said she can't donate anymore.
  15. Bah Humbug, All you kids with hair. When I shave my head I have to rub it to see if I got it all.
  16. 500 games in attendance? That is amazing!!
  17. I agree with the what. I think everyone expected both to play. Gray was with the team last year already and Kongbo is considered to be NFL type material so we (I) were all drooling over the prospects. To be fair I drooled when Chung joined the team and drooled with tears when I heard he left and I drooled when I realised the team would still roll. I think I drool too much.
  18. Bre-X Wow. That is one stinky example to pull out. Blame it on the dead guy. I think the Nortel stock drop is a better example. One analyst described how drinking beer was a better investment because you could get a a deposit from the empties.
  19. To be fair Wilder did look pretty impressive in his first couple of games. Then I presume everyone figured it out.
  20. Holy crap I missed that the first time.
  21. I saw him on the sidelines and he seemed a bit shorter than 13 feet tall.
  22. Nope. 299 yards passing at most, maybe 199 but win the game in a managed way.
  23. I remember plenty of people who thought "Kindly" was another word for "SOB".
  24. Definitely lower. But sounds like the liver got worked out too. Different from my Montreal injuries but close.
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