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Fan Boy

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Everything posted by Fan Boy

  1. that did not stop player movement in NBA because the players make too much money to make it matter. The difference between 150 and 175 million dollars is just ink not lifestyle. It won't work in CFL because there is not enough money in the cap to move that much to a player. BC Lions exhibit 1.
  2. Liver or lower?
  3. Oh yes almighty31 knows all about it. I mean the hammie hurty thing.
  4. Here's the Scotsman you were looking for. And he didn't invent it you soggy chip.
  5. Bob was pretty adamant about that; I mean as adamant as Bob gets.
  6. Only for beer and coffee.
  7. I am so excited I almost peed my pants. But that could have just been being old too.
  8. I think hat on sideways terrible works too.
  9. A few years back Deiter had a bruised face and the story was "bar fight" and "you should see the other guy . Ha ha ." not going to miss a game with a couple bruises.
  10. And he is half the man he used to be. It would take a long time to get that meat back.
  11. No need for real men football players to look like pretty boy actors anyway.
  12. it might have been about all the shops open around town selling smoking material. Bet he doesn't remember. Probably about the smokey air we have been having.
  13. wow. I am not sure which is more amazing. that I read the whole thing or that I agree completely. Not just because "our" QB won't rank high but that any QB trying to avoid turnovers will rank low. I totally agree that Mike Reilly throws balls up in the air and if it isn't caught who knows if it bounces in the air for a pick.
  14. You see some posters here believe when you put on the blue golf shirt and hat the spirits of ancient football players inhabit your body and you absorb all the past insults and calamities so that you are consumed with a burning rage for revenge. Or maybe some people are just stupid.
  15. I look more like the guy on the left with less hair.
  16. Must be a lot of old guys here cause the monday musings suddenly turned into a debate about a lame coach who was hobbled by a lame GM. That stuff is so back of the closet never to be seen again I can't even remember what it smelled like. I do remember sitting in a car listening to a preseason game and it was some ridiculous 40 to nothing or something.
  17. Congratulations on being a sane fan. I would like to see key players taking the second half off after working out their thrashing muscles. We can see if the young ones can hold it together,
  18. I agree. This is little more than a scrimmage. If Nichols plays more than a quarter maybe a half, there is something wrong.
  19. You should change your avatar when you make a "serious" comment. I keep waiting for the "handled internally" or some such natter.
  20. I bet that's the only way he would take the job. That and the free lawn fertiliser deal that is coming without doubt.
  21. The "fox40"? This is some sort of whistley thing right? Just in case I checked urban dictionary. Pealess whistle it is.
  22. I believe you have just snatched the pebble from his hand.
  23. Watch out for Sackstenchewan Meth. Look what it did to the rider mascot.
  24. If all this does not happen then the universe is indeterminate and I will take up yoga.
  25. I think they used them all in the secondary. Actually I missed this game. Seems like family first was the right decision this time. Probably not Friday though.
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