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Fan Boy

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Everything posted by Fan Boy

  1. Listening to the Mic ed up game with Calgary, Diskenson is a ridiculously chirpy thing. He was complaining about every single play in the most annoying way. Every play was a penalty by the Bombers. Did he ever hear of the boy who cried wolf?
  2. Well don't forget the Maas hole.
  3. I am guessing the guy whose face graces your avatar would just as soon hit someone as anything else. Biggie seems like he could go any place any time too.
  4. Oh I think Jefferson could score again. BLM looked kind of shaky the last couple of games. Doesn't mean I think Sassky is going to win, Just that they won't get the whitewash.
  5. I can't even remember what that stuff looked like back then. Which is part of the reason I won't be taking up that bad habit again. My brains are much more valuable to me now than then. I used to do the Charleston Hughes drive home too back in the day. Won't ever do that again either.
  6. After getting his ring you mean.
  7. Mannix, there was a guy who should have got CTE. He was knocked cold almost every episode. I never saw him take a concussion protocol ever.
  8. CFL rights cost < NFL rights cost.. Doesn't mean anything else.
  9. The contrast with Johnny Football is quite stark.
  10. The appropriate response is to cheer for a scoreless tie.
  11. I was laughing my butt off after goalpost throw number 2. Number 1 was surprising but number 2 was amazing. It is not like those things move around a lot. Quite the mental toughness for Masoli to bounce back after those throws and a pretty awful interception. That 95 yard pass and run could have broken the Tabbie's backs but no they came back and the D tightened up.
  12. I guess Andrew Harris doing the same thing last game is also unforgivable. I know the Bombers are having a good season when this stuff is the debate rather than when to pin the tail on the coach.
  13. Oh the temper tantrums will be glorious!!!
  14. Hey the mascot is not on the field. He is an escort like a fighter plane is an escort to the bomber planes. Is your peeve better now?
  15. Oh come one now. Nothing is more fun than throwing mud at Rider personnel use. Poking at the green guys is always warranted. Whether it is head cases like Carter or washed up NFLers like Richardson, or Owens, there is never a bad time to throw some mud.
  16. I don't know how you can blame Mr. Jones. It was cruel to force him to take on 4 different jobs at one time.
  17. Ok I'll bite. What is the significance of Briggs in with Bennett. I know Bennett is QB3 but Briggs is a linebacker.
  18. More of a Jackson Pollock made with previously chewed chilli but a W is a W.
  19. I forgot that one. that would have been pretty bad. But he did catch a couple. Oops he caught 9 passes in 6 games for the blue. It seemed liked he caught 2. My bad.
  20. I don't think it is a good comparison. Bowman was really good off the field saying all the right things, recommitting to the team but terrible on the field. Bowman looked better in Montreal in one game than here in how many it was. He didn't get too many targets here but when he did he messed up too many.
  21. That is too much to pay. Would you pay someone to stab you in the back at every chance?
  22. The hits hurt more as you get older. The joints have been abused longer. I just can't see the motivation for TO. There is just not the exposure he needs to breathe. Publicity vampires have to be attached to an ESPN reporter to survive.
  23. RE: Spooner He accidentally consumed a PED substance that is not widely distributed and he plays a sport in which fast recovery from numerous injuries is highly advantageous. Quite a low probability accident. Stuff happens man. Need to research masking better my friend.
  24. I got 19 I think "h-e-double-hockey-sticks" counts as one word.
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