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Everything posted by mfranc

  1. As a proud Brandonite and diehard Bomber fan, I'm sure you'll understand why I take issue with the above statement. Just because it's the "Winnipeg Blue Bombers" doesn't mean there aren't Bomber fans outside the Perimeter Hwy in Manitoba. You wanna slag the Riders and Saskatchewan, have at it. Leave my city out of it.As a former brandonite, i will gladly say brandon was.. By far... Some of the most boring time ive spent outside of winnipeg... houstons was unbarable, every other bar was a dive or a hole in the wall, restaurants minus humptys and bp were closed at 9 or maaaaaaaaaybe 11. Other then a so so whl team and some decent university sports, what else is there? Sorry man, i tried to love brandon, i really did..No need to apologize to me. I can't change what your experience was like living in Brandon, but if your only criteria for judging your time here is Houstons, how late restaurants are open and the BU Bobcats I would say you missed out a little while you were here. But to each their own.I lived in Winnipeg for 12 years and enjoyed my time there for the most part, mainly because of the friends I made and the experiences I had there, not because of the Forks or the Goldeyes or the dance bars or the Ballet. Hell if I have the urge for RWB or the WSO I'm only 2 hours away. Simple fact is Brandon is around 50,000 people, Winnipeg is 700,000. The main difference is variety or more of the same things. Winnipeg may have 50 chinese restaurants, Brandon might have 5. All that means is I have a few less takeout menus to sort through, still get a damn good meal. And I will put Little Italy pizza up against any pizza joint in Winnipeg! People from Toronto or Vancouver say the same things about Winnipeg that you say about Brandon or Regina. You happen to be in a bigger city than me. Is there more to do in Winnipeg than Brandon? For the most part yes. That doesn't make Winnipeg better, just bigger. My rambling aside, I think the main reason I took issue with your post is that being a Bomber fan in Brandon isn't easy. There are more Rider fans here than Bombers fans, and it's not like they're all ex-pats from the Rectangle. A lot of them choose green because they hate Winnipeg and its perceived arrogance to the rest of the province. Cheering for the Riders becomes easy for them. It's a normal reaction I know, hating the big guy on the block (much like most of Ontario hating Toronto). But there is a lot of Blue and Gold here too, and we don't need Winnipeggers bashing us. We get enough of that from our Rider neighbours. You used to live here so I figure you would appreciate that point of view. And a so so whl team? Brandon's only missed the playoffs twice in the past 20 odd years. The Bombers and Jets wish they were as so so. Different strokes for different folks... All family and friends lived in wpg... met some cool people but in the end I simply couldnt wait to leave... Its weird tho how many rider fans live there... especially considering crocus has a freakin football team... You would think next to nfl dreams, being a bomber and not a rider is what kids should aspire to.. There's actually three high school football teams here. And yes there is a lot of passion for football in Brandon. But the amount of Rider fans here goes back to the points I made in my last response. Some expats living here combined with proximity to Sask and disdain for Winnipeg means a lot of Green here. Also doesn't help that for the past ten years the Riders have been much better than the Bombers so the casual and younger fans gravitate to the more successful team. When I was a kid my Mom, who wasn't much of a football fan, cheered for the Riders. When I would ask her why she would say she liked how the Riders included the entire province, unlike the Bombers who mainly focused on Winnipeg itself. That is also a factor with some fans who I have spoken with over the years. Now I don't necessarily fault the Bombers for this. After all they are the Winnipeg Blue Bombers not the Manitoba Blue Bombers. And to their credit the Bombers do attempt to reach out to the rest of province every now and then (Players visiting schools in the Province, the stop in Brandon on the way to Labour Day, selling merch and tickets through Co-op, training camp in Brandon years ago, etc). But when we all see what the Riders do to include their province in the team and how they merch everything and everyone, it does sway people even here in Westman. Although I have yet to see Weston Dressler and Chris Getzlaf visiting Brandon schools. Thank god . So many Winnipeggers trash talk Brandon that isn't even funny. You'll never hear that crap coming out of my mouth.
  2. You do understand that a massive number of Rider fans have never lived in Regina right?
  3. Blah, blah, blah...why do you always need to prove you were right? Blah, blah, blah...it's so exhausting. Blah, blah, blah... What's wrong with patting yourself on the back? If you make a good call, there's nothing wrong with it. Not even about patting myself on the back, it was just incredibly obvious. We all knew it. I guess I should have said what *we* knew was going to happen. Tino sucked but I'll give him a few games before throwing him under the bus. Willy was gone anyways so I hope Cortez comes up with a young QB friendly package which has them getting rid of the ball quicker.
  4. Hey sucka! Always lovely to see the gutless trolls show up and try to cause a ruckus.Sunseri? He's got to get rid of the frickin ball. Standing around like a statue made the O-line look worse then it was. The TiCat interior defensive line is a beautiful thing (and Nationals too). Offence and special teams were weak sauce. Defence? They had good coverage but Collaros was squeezing the ball into tight coverage all day with a quick release and good scrambling. This is the Collaros the TiCats wanted to see. It's going to be tough without DD but there was plenty of blame to go around. Peace and enjoy the bye week. It'll give you guys a chance to heal up. Also, note that I wasn't on here acting like a jack ass after the Lion/Bomber game. PS Bombers suck
  5. Lions may not have been able to hit 250, but I bet the Stamps will.... I wonder then If O'Shea will finally open his eyes I'm not sure Bomber fans will want to watch the Calgary game without being being heavily sedated and maybe even in restraints. All signs point to it being a painful game to watch. With 5 of the past 6 games being losses and a real possibility of Willy being out, the team morale has to be sinking rapidly and a rout will be a deathblow to any fantasies we still have about being in the playoffs. The Bombers are a good team in an excellent division. They are on the right path but injuries, which are inevitable, have exposed a lack of depth when compared to the other four western teams.
  6. The Bombers are not playing any worse but are starting to feel the effects of the schedule, injuries and playing western opponents.
  7. That was a collapse of epic proportions. Tate looked solid but he has had his own durability issues. West is getting crazy with all the quarterback injuries.
  8. Bombers now have a tough road yo the playoffs with or without Willy.
  9. Exactly. We pursued them as they became available. Were we interested in all 3 ot them. Undoubtedly. If we had managed to land Collaros or Burris would we have lost out on Willy. Not necessarily. Rumors around the time of these pursuits were that we wanted one of Collaros and Burris AND Willy. Sorry but you all are really speculating if you think Willy goes from one team as a backup to another team as a backup.
  10. If a team can put up over 150 yards on the ground at will it is an issue. The Lions don't exactly have a Calgary or Saskatchewan level O-line so if they are rushing from 160 the scheme is being exploited. This could be really ugly against Cornish.
  11. Nice blitz.
  12. Game over.
  13. Have to hold them to three to have a chance.
  14. Nah...the collapse will complete soon.
  15. Argos with no discipline
  16. Terrible penalty to take.
  17. Too bad he's such a flake. I don't give two donkey balls about his personality. He's a winner. How many starts does he have? He's 29 going on 30 but hasn't started much. It remains to be seen if he's a "winner".
  18. Big drive coming up for Ricky Ray.
  19. Going to be a good finish.
  20. Too bad he's such a flake.
  21. Bubblegum Tate!
  22. That was pretty reckless by BLM.
  23. BLM lit up.
  24. Argos need a big play on defence or special teams.
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