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Everything posted by mfranc

  1. Actually most are okay with Sunseri. There is no replacing Durant but the Riders are a veteran team with a tonne of talent. Tino doesn't have to force anything.
  2. Apparently in may be "Tommy John" surgery. If this is the case he should recover okay. At least that's what a lot of us are hoping.
  3. There is a big debate going on. Personally I am in favour of rolling with Sunseri. Not too many decent vets around anyway.
  4. Maybe O'Shea can protest the result. It's not because of that. I believe every equipment you wear in the game should be approved by the league. I remember there's a player fined for wearing pink gloves (I think) a year before they introduced the 'pink' week. Okay. Got ya.
  5. Welcome to fan bias. It's the same type of crazy behavior that makes someone suggest Tino Sunseri is equal to Drew Willy. That's not what I said. Read it again really slowly. Here's what you said recently on the the Riders forumn. "I am sure we could care less what some Joe Sixpack Bomber fan thinks." "Pretty lame to come on a Rider board and post this crap." Being green or being a hypocrite.....hard to decide which is worse. Being green...it's always being green. You can always wish to be green Mork.
  6. Welcome to fan bias. It's the same type of crazy behavior that makes someone suggest Tino Sunseri is equal to Drew Willy. That's not what I said. Read it again really slowly. Here's what you said recently on the the Riders forumn. "I am sure we could care less what some Joe Sixpack Bomber fan thinks." "Pretty lame to come on a Rider board and post this crap." Being green or being a hypocrite.....hard to decide which is worse. Why bring that up over here? Do you want me to start dragging up what some of the members here post there? It works both ways but unlike you I am not petty enough to take it personal.
  7. He'd be a solid pickup for sure.
  8. Of course they are... Why blame durant who continued the play as well... Nope, blame everyone else first and foremost.. What? Why would you EVER blame Durant? Simple really.. If your going to blame turner for continuing the play after the whistle... You have to blame durant for doing the same.. He could have pulled up, he could have ran backwards for all I care... If both players didn't hear the whistle then obviously both are free from blame but if either one heard it or felt the play was dead and continued on.... *shrug* just my opinion.. Kind of a really strange comparison to make, imo. Either way, hard for me to blame anyone. Oh me too.. I don't see blame to be handed out in anyway really.. Ref can't make his whistles louder.. Durant and turner both couldnt hear a thing I'm sure.. Just a shitty play.. Blame our crowd i guess for being so dang insanely loud lol Can't blame anyone for this. Injuries happen in football.
  9. Maybe O'Shea can protest the result.
  10. Oh gee, don't be pulling that. At least own what you're doing here. You come here and play moderately nice, but more than a few of us have seen the way you speak about us on your home forum. Oh gee, don't be pulling that. At least own what you're doing here. You come here and play moderately nice, but more than a few of us have seen the way you speak about us on your home forum. I own everything I say and that can be said about a few posters over here as well. Anyway I love football and don't mind a friendly tussle every now and again. FTR I think Willy is a solid quarterback but I also believe that Sunseri is going to surprise a lot of people. Is that just blind optimisim because he didn't show much on Sunday? Tino looked impressive coming back against the Lions and played well in the last game of the season last year against the Esks.
  11. The more you have to deal with Rider fans the more you wish for bad things to happen to their players. Really? Some of you guys take things way too personal. If you weren't a Rider fan you would feel exactly the same way. You're one of the inmates in the asylum, of course you don't see how ******** you collectively are. Everyone else sees it though, No other fanbase in the CFL has anything but disdain for the Rider fan base. Y'all are annoying as all hell. To be honest if the Bombers were as good and successful as the Riders I'd hate you guys too. Problem is you're not. Good news though you guys are getting there.
  12. This is how you discuss football with Bomber fans over on your home forum. Don't act like this kind of treatment is exclusive to our site. Hey, if you're going to own it then own it. But don't say you own it and then whine when we do the same thing. Everything I say over there I say over here save for the colourful trash talk. That's cool for you to do that here so I should be afforded the same rights. At least I have the balls to use the same username.
  13. Oh gee, don't be pulling that. At least own what you're doing here. You come here and play moderately nice, but more than a few of us have seen the way you speak about us on your home forum. Oh gee, don't be pulling that. At least own what you're doing here. You come here and play moderately nice, but more than a few of us have seen the way you speak about us on your home forum. I own everything I say and that can be said about a few posters over here as well. Anyway I love football and don't mind a friendly tussle every now and again. FTR I think Willy is a solid quarterback but I also believe that Sunseri is going to surprise a lot of people.
  14. The more you have to deal with Rider fans the more you wish for bad things to happen to their players. Really? Some of you guys take things way too personal.
  15. You guys have a lot of hate. I'm hoping the Bombers finish strongly. I remain optimistic that Sunseri will hold his own. He's looked poised with limited reps. We'll all find out soon enough. Cheers and if I ever see any of you guys at a game I'll buy you a beer.
  16. Welcome to fan bias. It's the same type of crazy behavior that makes someone suggest Tino Sunseri is equal to Drew Willy. That's not what I said. Read it again really slowly.
  17. The thing everyone is overlooking is that the whole dynamic of their offense changes. They are able to run so effectively because yes, they have a great OL and a three headed running attack. But the other factor is that Durant has earned the respect of opposing defenses. You can't just key in on stopping the run entirely because Durant is still back there with the ability to hurt you for six points through the air. Tino isn't going to get handed that respect. Especially when teams watch film and see his inconsistency with the intermediate game. He's going to have to prove he can burn you with his arm before the run game can keep on trucking. The offence changes a bit but Tino's been with the team for awhile. Cortez will reconfigure the game plan. The Riders may stumble a bit with Sunseri but it is a great opportunity to get him some reps. I honestly think Tino will be a solid CFL qb. I'm not talking about what the Riders do. I'm talking about what other teams do against them. And that changes. A lot. I assume you believe other teams will stack the box and dare the Riders to pass? I'm sure Cortez will be anticipating that and prepare Tino accordingly.
  18. Durant is totally important. He is a warrior and one of the top two or three qbs in the CFL and there is nobody I would rather have leading the Riders into the playoffs. Why does that mean that Sunseri sucks? Nobody is saying Sunseri sucks. You should learn to identify a middle ground. In his snaps that he has played Sunseri has shown potential to be a solid CFL quarterback. He looked good against BC and not so good against the Bombers. Difference? The Riders had a big lead on the Bombers so they went into a conservative mode. Against BC Sunseri actually led the Riders to a victory. Maybe I'm wrong and Sunseri will suck but I'm cautiously optimistic he'll do a good job. I think you guys would feel the same in the same situation, what? they threw the ball downfield more with Sunseri in the game than they did with Durant in the game, and Sunseri didn't hit his receivers. That's a bullshit argument to even try and make. So he didn't lead the Riders to a win over the Lions or you are talking about the Bomber game? The bolded is what I'm talking about. They didn't go any more conservative against Winnipeg, I would even say they got more aggressive because they actually took shots down field with him when the most Durant did in the game was a few passes to Dressler. Durants passes were on target though and worked whereas Sunseri didn't complete his passes and led his offense off the field. So don't give me that crap about them going conservative. They went "conservative" because that's all they could bloody do. Okay. We'll see how the kid does but personally I think he does okay. I say he goes at least 4-4 and maybe 5-3. If I'm wrong that sucks for the Riders but is good for you guys.
  19. Both teams made multiple mistakes in each and every game so what is your point exactly? For F sakes, in the last game alone the Riders fumbled the ball twice on third and short! Add to that a myriad of penalties on the Riders in the first game and a punt return given up for a touchdown in the LDC. It seems that as fans we love remembering the screw-ups that our team made but so quickly and easily dismiss the other team's blunders. I wouldn't call a punt return touchdown a "mistake", that'd be like calling a rushing touchdown allowed a mistake. The other team gets paid to play too. What I'm talking about is fumbles. Interceptions. Plays that swing field position and momentum. You may have won all three and credit is certainly deserved for that but let's be honest for a second ... you didn't win a single game by more than one possession. Your margin of victory in each game was either 5 or 6 points. We turned the ball over seven times in the first game, twice in the second and three times in the third. That's 12 turnovers in 3 games compared to only 3 for Saskatchewan. Your turnover ratio was +9 and you only won by a combined margin of 17 points in 3 games. You don't think turnovers were a BIG factor? Not only that but we had over 100+ yards of penalties the last game. That right there can cost you the game. Kind of like the Riders in the first game at IGF on a short week? No wait, the Riders won anyway. Come on guys, focus on pounding the Lions. Umm...we just view the game, we don't actually get to play. Exactly! Typical Saskatchewanite...making no sense. FYI I said it CAN make you lose the game, I didn't say it was the only reason. Stop making it sound like the Riders are way better then the Bombers. They only won by less then a TD all three games. Oh and hey, congratulate your player for dodging that missed holding call when "what's his name" ran the punt return back for a TD. Missed calls both ways. Convenient that a Bomber fan only talks about calls that go against his/her team.
  20. Late game interceptions? Glamour stats for Willy, he loses all three games, and he's still better? Wow, you guys are something else. What, I'm not sure.
  21. The thing everyone is overlooking is that the whole dynamic of their offense changes. They are able to run so effectively because yes, they have a great OL and a three headed running attack. But the other factor is that Durant has earned the respect of opposing defenses. You can't just key in on stopping the run entirely because Durant is still back there with the ability to hurt you for six points through the air. Tino isn't going to get handed that respect. Especially when teams watch film and see his inconsistency with the intermediate game. He's going to have to prove he can burn you with his arm before the run game can keep on trucking. The offence changes a bit but Tino's been with the team for awhile. Cortez will reconfigure the game plan. The Riders may stumble a bit with Sunseri but it is a great opportunity to get him some reps. I honestly think Tino will be a solid CFL qb.
  22. Durant is totally important. He is a warrior and one of the top two or three qbs in the CFL and there is nobody I would rather have leading the Riders into the playoffs. Why does that mean that Sunseri sucks? Nobody is saying Sunseri sucks. You should learn to identify a middle ground. In his snaps that he has played Sunseri has shown potential to be a solid CFL quarterback. He looked good against BC and not so good against the Bombers. Difference? The Riders had a big lead on the Bombers so they went into a conservative mode. Against BC Sunseri actually led the Riders to a victory. Maybe I'm wrong and Sunseri will suck but I'm cautiously optimistic he'll do a good job. I think you guys would feel the same in the same situation, what? they threw the ball downfield more with Sunseri in the game than they did with Durant in the game, and Sunseri didn't hit his receivers. That's a bullshit argument to even try and make. So he didn't lead the Riders to a win over the Lions or you are talking about the Bomber game?
  23. Durant is totally important. He is a warrior and one of the top two or three qbs in the CFL and there is nobody I would rather have leading the Riders into the playoffs. Why does that mean that Sunseri sucks? Nobody is saying Sunseri sucks. You should learn to identify a middle ground. Thats like asking a rider fan to stay away from his sister. Stay classy.
  24. Durant is totally important. He is a warrior and one of the top two or three qbs in the CFL and there is nobody I would rather have leading the Riders into the playoffs. Why does that mean that Sunseri sucks? Nobody is saying Sunseri sucks. You should learn to identify a middle ground. In his snaps that he has played Sunseri has shown potential to be a solid CFL quarterback. He looked good against BC and not so good against the Bombers. Difference? The Riders had a big lead on the Bombers so they went into a conservative mode. Against BC Sunseri actually led the Riders to a victory. Maybe I'm wrong and Sunseri will suck but I'm cautiously optimistic he'll do a good job. I think you guys would feel the same in the same situation,
  25. You guys may like excuses but you'll never hear one from me. Sunseri may suck or he may be good. Personally I think the latter. With the team around him he doesn't have to be ridiculously good just solid. If he can avoid turnovers and make a few passes, which he has done in his limited playing time, he'll be okay. The Riders need to make the playoffs and then anything can happen. No excuses because injuries happen.
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