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Everything posted by mfranc

  1. Now if we're turning this into a "who's going to win the cup" discussion instead of a "who's making the playoffs" discussion... Y'know what? If I was a gambling man, I'm putting down some money on Montreal and Hamilton today. The odds must still be pretty fantastic, and neither team is truly as bad as their record indicates. Montreal needs a QB and they may have found one. Hamilton needs some health and to stop shooting themselves in the foot with stupid penalties, both of which can happen. If I was looking to make some cash, this is not a bad season to play the long odds. Montreal does have a great defence and some solid receivers but I can't see them getting three wins in a row with any QB they have on their roster right now. Hamilton? Collaros is still a wild card. Bet on the crossover team or the Argos because QBs are key in the playoffs.
  2. Eskimos are massively overrated. Their defence is pretty good but their offence truly stinks. The way Reilly plays he won't have a long career either.
  3. The Riders have yet to play either Edmonton or Calgary so I'm not sure that this statement can be made yet. I think the Riders will beat Edmonton twice (at home) and split with Calgary so it may come down to point differential. Winnipeg will edge out BC for fourth and the bye to the finals. Calgary has shown excellence in all facets of football. Until the Riders improve their passing attack, I'm with TBurg. If I recall the Stamps were excellent in the regular season last year too.
  4. The Riders have yet to play either Edmonton or Calgary so I'm not sure that this statement can be made yet. I think the Riders will beat Edmonton twice (at home) and split with Calgary so it may come down to point differential. Winnipeg will edge out BC for fourth and the bye to the finals.
  5. Gibson may fit in very well with an Etcheverry designed defence. Etch's schemes are based on speed and athleticism more then power and size.
  6. The Argos, similar to the Lions, do fairly well with regional television ratings (suggesting an appetite for CFL football). Personally I believe that both teams suffer from inappropriate sized and designed venues. The Argos should be in a venue around the size of Landsdowne or TH Field. This will make them a "hot" ticket again.
  7. I disagree. The Bombers have a 1 game advantage in the series on BC with 2 games left against them, 1 game vs Edmonton and 2 against Calgary. Bombers have already lost the series to the Riders but are in the driver's seat against the Lions. With all those West Division games left a loss to the Riders doesn't sink the Bombers. Heck, a win at the Banjo Bowl puts the Bombers right back in the thick of things. BC has a much easier schedule in the second half of the season though, compared to the Bombers. Right now the Bombers have two games on the Lions (with the Lions having a game in hand). With a Bomber loss this coming weekend the best the Lions can do is draw even with the Bombers (which leaves them a game back). My point is there are far too many interdivisional games left and with the Bombers presently holding the tie-breaker over BC in their hands it is far too early to concede anything.
  8. Myddelton is a ham and egger at this point. At best he provides a bit of depth.
  9. I disagree. The Bombers have a 1 game advantage in the series on BC with 2 games left against them, 1 game vs Edmonton and 2 against Calgary. Bombers have already lost the series to the Riders but are in the driver's seat against the Lions. With all those West Division games left a loss to the Riders doesn't sink the Bombers. Heck, a win at the Banjo Bowl puts the Bombers right back in the thick of things.
  10. What exactly do you want him to say? Whomever plays has to step up and make plays it is really that simple but you can't expect a coach to throw his players under the bus.
  11. IMHO Canad Inns and Mosaic were about as loud as one another. IGF, being a modern facility, really goes a long way in amplifying an already loud crowd. Can't wait for the new Mosaic in 2017!
  12. Edmonton doesn't appear as strong as they once did. They have a decent defence but their offence isn't scaring anybody (especially with Reilly banged up). Calgary and BC? The way the Bombers played against the Riders I think they'll do alright. With 8 games left I think the Bombers go 4 and 4 or even 5 and 3 (if they win the Banjo Bowl) if you take the tie-breaker with BC that is likely good for 4th.
  13. If he is injecting crack there is little doubt he was using last season in one form or another.
  14. If the Bombers would have gone for it and got stuffed people would be screaming for his head. It was a full yard which is far from a gimme. I prefer to play to win rather than not to lose. Which is fair enough but it was pretty much a full yard and it would have probably been an even split amongst how coaches would have made that call.
  15. If the Bombers would have gone for it and got stuffed people would be screaming for his head. It was a full yard which is far from a gimme. I'm okay with O'Shea's decision, but on TSN it looked like it was definitely less than a yard. To me anything within a yard the team should go for it every time. I'll have to see the spot again. The refs showed the exact distance on the chains. Definitely less than a yard. Just looked at. Pretty much exactly a yard. Tough decision either way.
  16. If the Bombers would have gone for it and got stuffed people would be screaming for his head. It was a full yard which is far from a gimme. I'm okay with O'Shea's decision, but on TSN it looked like it was definitely less than a yard. To me anything within a yard the team should go for it every time. I'll have to see the spot again.
  17. If the Bombers would have gone for it and got stuffed people would be screaming for his head. It was a full yard which is far from a gimme.
  18. I generally agree with you but there is something to be said for the simple stripped down design on Tim Horton's Field. The sight-lines look excellent and it looks to be quite intimate. Comparing TH Field to IGF or what the new Mosaic Stadium are is really apples and oranges. I'm really happy to see new facilities and would now love to see Calgary and Toronto get on board with better facilities.
  19. The thing is challengeable PI is creating way more issues then it will ever solve.
  20. Imo Sask. has the perfect combination of RB's right now with Ford, Allen and Messam this is the direction the Bombers need to move in the future to create versatility in their running game. I can appreciate Grigsby's talents and I'm sure he has secured his position but they need to find a back like Allen to compliment his style. As for Messam, might as well try to catch a leprechaun, Bombers will never find a Natl. back like that again. My tears still fall... What the Riders have is the perfect combination of offensive line! Hugh Charles was run out of town and he had 79 yards rushing in one half behind that o-line.
  21. Plays like this are why I despise challengeable PI. This is, imo, a very borderline type play that could be called either way. Under review it doesn't become any less or more of a penalty so they have to stick with the call on the field.
  22. Pretty pathetic when a guy who doesn't know any of the players or have any sort of script steps in and outshines the regulars. TSN's production values are woefully inadequate.
  23. Gaggerville
  24. Quite pathetic. You think Desjardins would be able to find a younger more promising QB to put on his Practice Roster but apparently this isn't the case.
  25. Esks look pretty beatable. The Stamps O-line is a thing of beauty and BLM is hard to criticize but their defence was rarely tested by a sad sack Eskimo offence.
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