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Everything posted by mfranc

  1. A whole 1% more accurate over their respective careers with a significantly weaker leg.
  2. He sold his house in Regina in the offseason and his girlfriend now lives with him. Unless she has a piano tied to her arse she can move with him elsewhere in the CFL. You are probably right that he ends up back in Regina, but it won't be the no-brainer you think it is. There are 2 teams who have already confirmed they will be throwing their hat in the ring on Dressler. (Ottawa and Toronto)...wouldn't surprise me if there are more. It never ceases to amaze me how Rider fans seem to think there team and city is some kind of Shangri-La that players would never consider leaving elsewhere for. Heard the same tripe about Andy Fantuz, Craig Butler, etc etc. Taman will need to break out the cheque book in a big way for Dressler, if he doesn't he will lose him to someone else. Unfortunately for the RIders that probably handcuffs them if Sheets comes back or in renegotiating new contracts for guys like Chick, TBrack etc. before FA. Taman may be considered a hero now over there, but they are about to find out that his long term SMS strategy is not fundamentally sound. So how would Toronto be able to offer any more money than Sask? They have just as many big names to 're-sign'... would think Sask has the advantage in that people actually show up to their games. What does attendance have to do with anything? Are you aware of what Toronto's cap situation is, or are you just rambling? The Riders have been documented by several media sources as being very tight to the cap presently. Haven't heard that about Toronto. The fact that their media is reporting that Toronto has strong interest in Dressler leads me to believe that they either have the cap room to offer him a big contract, or they are willing to make cap room for him. Off the books for the Riders this season: Simon Anderson Mike McCullough Shologan Butler Rey Williams Taman has the money to re-sign Dressler and there is little to no doubt that he will. Anybody thinking otherwise is just wishful thinking.
  3. Is this Popp's chance to take the reins again? Otherwise, who takes over?
  4. Kromah was a player that a lot of Rider fans had big hopes for and he never really amounted to anything. I thought he would get a chance in Hamilton but it never panned out. Maybe third times the charm? I still think he could be effective personally.
  5. Higgins is one of the worst coaches in the CFL today. Not going for 2 points on Sunday to tie the game was one of the single most foolish things I have ever witnessed.
  6. Tough to see any receiver getting 250K. Owens may be close but he is also one of the best returner/receivers in the game. Dressler's likely in the 200-210K range imo.
  7. From what I'm hearing Sheets has a decent shot of sticking with the Raiders. Not sure why Lawless is so convinced that he is coming back. Dressler is almost certain to re-sign with the Riders if released. He has tons of off-field connections there (including a girlfriend and off-season job) and he is a virtual god in Regina. Taman will almost certainly give him a generous offer and a few more dollars from another team will not make a difference given his history with the team. Similar to Kohlert re-signing in Winnipeg this is a bit of a no-brainer.
  8. Not sure at all how this helps the Riders. Milo has a fairly decent leg but goes through stretches. It seems like Milo didn't come to camp in very good shape. This is likely a move to put a little heat on Milo as I can't see the weak legged Palardy being an upgrade.
  9. This is unfortunate. Saturday Night Lefevour actually looked like he may develop into a decent quarterback.
  10. I put average. If you are rating the OC's throughout the league based on experience and success they are probably going to be Dickenson, Cortez then pretty much everybody else. Marcel is better then Khari's and Dimwiddie's of the world and probably about par with Tommy Condell and McAdoo out of Edmonton.
  11. They seemed to have eased up on the calls of late (which suits me just fine). Any play where the defender is going to the head or trying to hurt the Quarterback should be called but far too many borderline calls were being made.
  12. He's a pretty solid db as well.
  13. Hope that never happens because you could literally call holding on 75-80% of all plays. Talk about killing the flow of a game! you can probably call PI on the same percentage of plays too, they're both ridiculous things to be able to challenge but I bet holding affects the game more than PI does. You could be right about holding having a bigger impact. Challenges on any kind of penalties are ridiculous and leave the league open to criticism. Stick to ball placement challenges, td challenges and turnover challenges.
  14. Holding can be called virtually every play. Only the really blatant stuff gets called (thank God) or the game would have absolutely no flow.
  15. Hope that never happens because you could literally call holding on 75-80% of all plays. Talk about killing the flow of a game!
  16. The big issue was that the Bombers failed to generate any pressure on Ray. I don't care who he has to throw the ball to if you give that guy time he'll find someone. That's where the blatant holding was infuriating. When they did get a push it was just OK for the Argos OL to hold them up. Really wish Etchevary had sent some more blitzes. If you give Ray time he'll shred you no matter how many guys you drop back, might as well make him take a beating to get passes away. Ray wasn't burning the Bomber defence with long passes. Ray was getting rid of the ball quickly and his timing was spot on. Couple that with an effective run game and it made for a long night for Etch's defence.
  17. He didn't get cut. He was being placed on the Practice Roster but chose to go the Bombers 46 man roster instead. Tough to blame him but in retrospect Stoudemire should have been on the 46 with Marshay Green on the PR.
  18. Sorry if this was mentioned, but I saw THREE guys launch themselves at the running back consistently and not a one wrapped him up or even tried. Ridiculous. The lack of calls on game impacting holds from Toronto was infuriating. Our guys were holding do, no doubt - but they were called. In regards to the PI, I wish they would only overturn it IF it was absolutely so blatant the fact the ref missed it was astounding - which before this one was moreso the case (imho). This will be a rule change that will be jettisoned in the not so near future. Allowing challenges of PI creates more issues then it solves.
  19. Speaking from experience, absolutely anything can (and usually does) happen on Labour Day.
  20. In the early going, the refs killed us and the Bombers capitalized. The refs made a call or two in our favour later on. You couldn't on the whole think that it went mostly against the Bombers though, could you? Shocking. The thing that pissed me off early was how blatant the Argos holding was. Seemed like there was really bad and obvious holding on every play. I know the CFL lets a lot of holding go but it was ridiculous. Especially with a lot of the ticky tack calls that were going on all over the field. I thought the refs were just terrible until that over turned PI challenged, then I started to change my mind, gotta help the poor useless eastern teams out any way we can. I personaly think the Argos are just getting better. They did have over a week to get ready for us, and we literally had zero time to make any changes from our last game so they knew exactly what we were going to be doing on defense... When a guy like Ray knows what your doing on defense, especially with such speed at receiver, they are going to hurt you IMO Preparation is such a huge part of the game that one can never underestimate the effect of one team having a lot of prep time while the other has very little.
  21. I was really against the PI reviews when they were introduced and still hate them. The problem is two fold: 1. PI can look a lot worse when a play is slowed down 2. Offensive PI is unchallengeable. This was a pretty reactionary move to the botched non-call in the Hamilton/Montreal playoff game last year and should have been thought through a bit more.
  22. Great athletes don't necessarily make great football players. Look at Shomari Williams; tested off the charts but no instincts at all.
  23. Rider fan living on the West Coast of Newfoundland.

  24. Tough to be the worst owner in history in a league that had U.S. expansion, the Gliebermans, Harold Ballard, and Feterik.
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