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Everything posted by mfranc

  1. Which is precisely why he's on his what? 4th team? Third I believe. Saskatchewan, Winnipeg and Edmonton.
  2. Devin Tyler is solid.
  3. yeah I just hate when players show that battle level, much rather have a team full of *******. Please provide an example of QB with a high "battle level" were the story ended well. Kerry Joseph did win a Grey Cup and then kind of faded away but it wasn't due to injuries. He wasn't a great quarterback but he had an outstanding "battle level."
  4. I agree with you for the most part, but I pray that the Eskies do beat the Riders, otherwise the ex-pat Rider fans on this forum will be insufferable. Somehow, I think they just might. Commonwealth has traditionally been a death zone for the Riders. Even with Durant I felt the Commonwealth game would be a loss. Hopefully I am wrong.
  5. Agreed. A team can't be short-sighted when it comes to the health of a starting quarterback. If playing posts zero risk to his shoulder then play him otherwise let Willy heal properly.
  6. Boudreaux is already good and only 25. He's much younger then the other International defensive ends on the roster. David Lee and Ainsworth are support players/special team guys right now and maybe always.
  7. Solid move if the Riders can extend Boudreaux beyond the season. A 25 year old DE who had 7 sacks in 12 games last year? Decent depth. Flipping 3rd rounders for 4th rounders is no big deal but the Neg Lister could be.
  8. Signing him to be our backup would've been nice. Crompton had the misfortune to be in Edmonton when the circus was at Commonwealth, much like Elliott was here in Winnipeg last year, so in both cases, their real value was unknown. Crompton has the physical tools to be a CFL quarterback. We'll see if he has what it takes between his ears.
  9. Funny stuff. Two thumbs up!
  10. It does matter. If the game is on the line will he make the catch? Reliability matters big time at all positions.
  11. Willy's tough but the Bombers need to be careful not to mess him up long term. Playing injured quarterbacks can lead to long term issues and shoulders can be hard to heal (ask Lulay).
  12. I want a new running back that can pass catch and averages 8.5 yards a carry.I want two new international receivers, one a clone of Jerry Rice and the other a clone of Randy Moss. I want a new national tackle that is a clone of Walby. I want a clone of Doug Brown for DT. I want TSN to pull Rod Black from CFL telecasts. This is a wish list I can get behind 100%.
  13. I certainly don't remember Rigney but Walby was as big, nasty, and good as any I can remember.
  14. Agreed. The inability to find better import talent for the OL is vexing to say the least.Willy holds onto the ball too long though, he's always looking for the home run, throws too many picks as he's still learn'in. Willy already has improved over his few starts with the Riders. The offence will gradually be geared even more to Drew's skill set then things will really start to click.
  15. Crap.... (Shaking my head)... Moore has a high ankle sprain. Turf toe was his previous unjury that he already returned from. Unfortunate really. When he plays Moore is as good as anybody.
  16. Never say never. Anything can happen in the CFL and Brohm may be a pleasant surprise.
  17. This is his curse. Tough to have a guy that could let you down at the most crucial part of the game. Super gifted player however.
  18. Perfect. What he did is as bad or worse then what Rice did to his wife.
  19. The Hamilton Tiger Cats say NO If Riders continue to scheme to get receivers wide open, offer good protection and sloppy tackling from opposition Sunseri will be just fine. C'mon man! Give the kid some credit for getting it done. When he plays a real defense we will. But Ottawa??? They absolutely stink. Actually Ott has a good defence. They held Edm to 10pts & BC to 7 pts.
  20. The Hamilton Tiger Cats say NO If Riders continue to scheme to get receivers wide open, offer good protection and sloppy tackling from opposition Sunseri will be just fine. C'mon man! Give the kid some credit for getting it done. When he plays a real defense we will. But Ottawa??? They absolutely stink. Actually Ott has a good defence. They held Edm to 10pts & BC to 7 pts.
  21. There is no place in society for what Peterson did to that child.
  22. I think I'll avoid game day threads. Too many guys want to talk $hit and then get all huffy when they are called on it.
  23. Happy to hear he is getting his ring back. The story by the "perp" is more then a little suspect.
  24. Yes because 9-3 and defending Grey Cup Champs = "awful." How about 3-0 versus the Bombers with 2 wins at IGF? What does that make the Bombers? Why are you bringing up the Bombers? It was a poor football game on both sides, especially at QB. Accept it or go back to Riderfags in your Tito Sunshine jersey. .
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