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Everything posted by mfranc

  1. lol Matty has had a hate on for the Riders forever. Don't you guys ever get tired of conspiracies?
  2. What's the score?
  3. Hank played well but ended up turning into Frank with the game on the line. Kudos to Tino for picking his game up. The kid looked great in the fourth quarter. My Grandmother would have looked great with all the time he had to stand and throw to wide open receivers. Is your Grandmother a free agent?
  4. Totally agree.
  5. I'll still be pi$$ed if the Riders miss the playoffs with a better record then the second place team in the east.
  6. Hank played well but ended up turning into Frank with the game on the line. Kudos to Tino for picking his game up. The kid looked great in the fourth quarter.
  7. Whatever. Rather win ugly then win pretty but maybe that's just me.
  8. C'mon now. You can't blame Pinball.
  9. Yes, those pesky refs. Ottawa pooched the dog in the second half and are full marks for the loss.
  10. I sure hope the Bombers paid attention to the Calgary-Montreal game. Hamilton, Toronto and now even Montreal are playing much better. CFL is getting very close. East is looking much better at the right time.
  11. Trolls were fed. Maybe we can give the Rider fan his own forum so he can post ad nauseam about the history of message boards, the politics of message boards and his own message board career in an echo chamber. Seems to be what he/she wants. Then the rest of us can talk football. You cry too much. Pretty good bye week for the Bombers you should be in a better mood.
  12. Crazy game. Rider defence looked like crap and a typically bad ref job by Murphy. Sunseri started to play decent in the second half. Good to see. Touchdown catch by Dressler was a fantastic play. Anyway, sometimes your team gets lucky and today the Riders were lucky.
  13. I swear that's the Bowman who was with the Bombers. Yup, and the Riders before them. He's is so physically gifted but mentally soft at times. Looked like he was turning over a new leaf this season.
  14. Doubt it. Calgary is going to have an easy time against Montreal. The curse of the strip clubs may be in full effect.
  15. Willy is still a relatively inexperienced starter despite how well he's done. Willy will get even better at avoiding pressure and getting rid of the ball thus cutting down on sacks. And just how many sacks do you think he can avoid with more experience if he still has the same O line? That o-line will improve, get healthier and some new personnel. Willy has done an impressive job but all quarterbacks are guilty of contributing to sack counts at times. Bottom line? Wylie only makes the Bomber O-Line better. You didn't answer my question. read it carefully. Haha. You want an actual number? Ok. Uhm, anywhere from 7-10 a season. Now that is stupidly funny. Not really. Willy was always more prone to sacks then Durant (or most veteran quarterbacks) because of a lack of mobility and not getting rid of the ball. He has a quick release but holds on to the ball too much. He is a lot better this season but has a long ways to go. Now if you don't believe that some of the sacks have been caused by Willy that is "stupidly funny."
  16. Pinball Clemons; victim of guaranteed win night?
  17. Owens plays with so much heart. Unfortunately, it causes him to miss a lot of games.
  18. For a 29-30 year old QB? Don't see it. Yeah. Willy will be a solid starter but Ricky Ray? C'mon man!
  19. Ricky Ray will go down as a Top Five (maybe Top Three) quarterback. I am truly not underrating him. In fact, I rate him as the best QB presently playing. The fact remains is that he is not at the same level he was even two seasons ago.
  20. It really depends on Ray. He used to be much more consistent but now he will lay a big fat egg every now and again (second half of last year's EDF for example).still the best QB in the league and by a large margin, at that... Well I think he is probably the best it certainly isn't by a wide margin anymore. When he's on he's darn near unbeatable but Ricky Ray has had his share of bed crappings in recent memory. The margin might be wider now than it has been in quite a while truthfully. With no Calvillo and Burris being pretty washed up right now who is challenging him? Only Durant left as a proven guy and I know this will break your little Rider fan heart, but Ray is much better than Durant, and I say this as one of the few people around here who doesn't mindless **** on Durant just for being green. Your condescension at times is more then a little annoying. Actually, Darian is but one of a few quarterbacks who are close to Ray's dominance level (remember, I do think Ray is the best). Mitchell, DD, and Reilly are not that far off and in a season or two Willy may be there as well.
  21. It really depends on Ray. He used to be much more consistent but now he will lay a big fat egg every now and again (second half of last year's EDF for example).still the best QB in the league and by a large margin, at that... Well I think he is probably the best it certainly isn't by a wide margin anymore. When he's on he's darn near unbeatable but Ricky Ray has had his share of bed crappings in recent memory.
  22. Not my style. Unfortunately that seems to be more the approach of some of posters around here who are intent on stalking me over there and quoting me completely out of context.Your whining about that is insufferableMaybe if some posters on this board were a bit more dignified in their methods I wouldn't be "whining". This is classic coming from a "well your province really sucks" kind of mature poster like yourself. I don't quite think I said that. I took issue with the fact that someone said Winnipeg was just regina with more people shitting in potted plants. Which is entirely untrue. Plus you shouldn't have put quotes around whining since that is eaxtly what you're doing. You trashed Regina, the rest of Saskatchewan, and then you (or somebody similar) started taking pot shots at Brandon. Anyway, you are the last person who should be talking to me about posting etiquette. Had someone pulled this crap on you, you would be equally as offended and you would have every right.
  23. Willy is still a relatively inexperienced starter despite how well he's done. Willy will get even better at avoiding pressure and getting rid of the ball thus cutting down on sacks. And just how many sacks do you think he can avoid with more experience if he still has the same O line? That o-line will improve, get healthier and some new personnel. Willy has done an impressive job but all quarterbacks are guilty of contributing to sack counts at times. Bottom line? Wylie only makes the Bomber O-Line better. You didn't answer my question. read it carefully. Haha. You want an actual number? Ok. Uhm, anywhere from 7-10 a season.
  24. Would you rather the head coach announce that his d coordinator is garbage and useless and that with him controlling the defense that we have no chance to win? I thought people hated Burke for throwing players and other coaches under the bus yet now the fans demand it? I want the club to handle the run defense issue quietly by adding players, changing schemes or if necessary let go of etch during the off season. I would lose a tonne of respect for o Shea if he started spouting negative things to the media. This is exactly right. How O'Shea handles this in the media and in the dressing room are likely two very different things.
  25. Westerman would be a solid pickup. Quality National defensive lineman are worth their weight in gold.
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