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3rd & 1

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  • Birthday April 9

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  1. As a Rider fan I agree with your assessment. The Riders need their Defence and Special teams to step up. While the offence just manages the game. If the Bombers hold onto the ball they win.
  2. Rain fire for someone who wants to talk football? Ok? im glad that Bimber fans have this sense of security from the last meeting. However this game the Riders will have more than 1 practise to get ready. When you play on a Thanks giving Monday. Then the players get their CBA League mandatory time off. They head back to work and practise on a Thursday, fly to Winnipeg on Friday and play on Saturday. So I guarantee you that no one owns anyone and it’s going to be a smash mouth football game. From the post I read earlier on the home page with the Subject name Next Sunday. Looks like history may be repeating itself. Good luck man I hope the refs do a good job and neither the Bombers or Riders get a bad game changing call
  3. Ya I’m not sure why it takes so long to get rolling on the site. As a Rider fan I went through the same bull when I registered. Hang in there it should be working by tomorrow. I’m reading a lot of smack on here as I should. But if anyone thinks the Western final isn’t going to be anything but a knock down, smash mouth rocking football game.
  4. Why do you sound so desperate? Your total disrespect shows just how weak your cause really is. Comments like yours bring down all the really good Bomber fans! First off no Head Coach publicly announce lies about the health of a player. If you haven’t noticed no one is playing around with Head Injuries. Also name one fricken public announcement from any CFL head coach this year that was a lie! ... tick tock, tick tock buzzzz! times up ... the answer is not one of them SK has 2 weeks before they play again. If the Head Coach GM of the Riders wanted to play any head games at all. He would be best not to say anything.
  5. Ya I see your point Northern Skunk. Some of the older fans are set in their ways. They can not accept that the other fan base can be just as or even more intelligent than themselves. Usually you can pick out the juvenile ones by their expressions. Good examples are..... “Book it” after their comment. Or even when a team is doing fairly well in the standings they might say the competing team “Sucks” I think the most juvenile comments are when they move away from comments about the team or the game itself. Trying to make it more personal. I always chuckle when they bring up words like “Farm” and think that it’s a nasty word or profession . Anyone that is embarrassed about a type of profession that feeds the Family, the City and possibly the Country. Really needs to grow up. A Bomber fan in here was knocking the Riders after they released Duron Carter. Calling Mosaic a shithole and a farm. I replied saying something like... talk about a hippo calling the pig fat! Here are the top 10 exports of Manitoba he really missed it on that comment top 10 Manitoba exports 1. Canola and Products 2. Pork and Products 3. Wheat and Flour 4. Potatoes and Products 5. Soybeans and Products 6. Live Swine 7. Oats and Products 8. Total Live Cattle 9. Barley and Malt 10. Dried Peas
  6. You are 100% correct Big Jay. All I meant is that Jones wasn’t wearing it in support of a Player that was just charged with DUI as some were thinking to add to your comment. The players insisted he continue to wear it because it brought good luck. That is until they were Molli Whopped in Winnipeg a couple weeks ago.
  7. I hope the Western Semi final is between the Riders and the Bombers. So bring it on; Rider fans have been waiting since 2013 for a play off game in SK. JCon I would suggest most CFL fans are going to get enjoyment out of any team beating the Stamps. They have been the King of the regular season for well over a decade. It’s natural to want to see the top dog that’s been there a long time fall to those under them. Then in this case it helps not just the Bombers, it helps the Riders too. Of course SK needs to beat a hot streaking BC team! I understand you not wanting any enjoyment of any kind going to Rider fans for a Bomber accomplishment. I get that. However I can kind of remember many years ago when Bomber fans were praying for a SK victory in order to put the Bombers into post season play. Depending on the games this coming weekend. Believe it or not the rolls may be reversed and Bomber fans may in fact be looking for the Riders to help out the Bombers. A Riders Victory May be needed in order for the Bombers to get third place, heck maybe even 2nd place. If that is to take place, I’d be just fine with Bomber fans getting enjoyment out of a Rider Victory. My aging personality is kinda like old Red on Shawshank Redemption. Enjoyment should be felt by all. I lived on the West Coast for 7 years. 1998 - 2005. If charged with Impared driving, a BC Lions player could remain silent on the issue. Then easily play through the whole ordeal. The Police there or in Toronto are not going to inform the league or the team about a DUI arrest. Simply because they don’t know that person is employed by a professional sports franchise. Last but not least. If the Riders don’t win their 3rd Grey Cup of this new Millenia. Then I would like to see the Bombers take it all and win their 1st of this Millenia. That last paragraph above reads like a burn... but that was not the intention.
  8. Hey Cody T. Good post! I know exactly what you mean. Sadly it dosent matter how hard decent, respectful Bomber fans try or the same for Rider fans to try and keep the fan base in check. To me the best comments from any fan base are those that are made with common sense. The Bombers and Riders have great support from their fan base and the fans that comment on social media are anywhere from 11 to 77. So it’s harder to keep the young juvenile fans in check. They are going to be pretty darn rough. Plus a lot of the fans make ridiculous comments because they are uninformed. As I stated in an earlier comment. The 31-0 shellacking the Bombers gave the Riders came about due to being totally unprepared. Not due to laziness or poor coaching. Bomber fans don’t know the circumstances leading up to that game. Riders played Thanksgiving Monday. Barely squeaked by the EE. Then the players had their league Manditory 2 days off. So there goes Tue & Wed with no practised. Then Practise “only once” on Thursday, fly to Winnipeg on Friday, play Saturday. Those circumstances were a perfect combination for a beat down which we all saw happened! No excuses, they should have been better far more prepared. Their is a positive on that beat down. That is the lesson learned from lack of preparation. To rebound and beat the team with the best record in their own back yard. Plus take the 3 game series!
  9. JCon you are 100% correct in that all teams deal with this messy stuff. The League needs to step up and make it clear this is not going to be tolerated. Can you imagine how many players in the large centres have quietly gone about their business without any repercussions after being charged with D.U.I. Only because of the fish bowl effect the Riders have here in Regina. Plus the status of the player brought all of this to the forefront. Not to mention one of the largest sponsors of the green team is SGI. that being the insurance company for all of SK road vehicles. The Riders get behind SGI and promote the safe ride home program. Along with many other anti Drinking and Driving campaign’s. So no matter what I don’t believe there would have been any way for Jones to truly allow Charleston to play. I’m hoping it’s a 1 game suspension and be made to speak at as many SGI anti driving campaigns as possible. As Humans we make mistakes and need to be accountable. Yet I don’t want the man to lose his livelihood because of it. Had someone been injured than of course he would be finished. Sitting out the most important game of the year and a chance to play in front of his old fans took its toll. On a different topic... Come on Bombers beat those Stamps next game. Put them on a 3 game losing skid! Except Calgary; we all know what that feels like. Let them feel that anguish!
  10. Just an FYI... the Neil Hughes shirt Jones is wearing and has been wearing all season is for a Regina player that played many years for the Green and white. Also it was GM\HC Chris Jones and President Chris Reynolds that made the call not only to bench Charleston Hughs but fine him the maximum. It all came down when the Riders received all of the information from the City Police. That takes time; No GM is going to make a benching call from what is reported by the media. There certainly was back lash from MADD which quite frankly there should be. Plus a local sports writer was pretty vocal. They too don’t realize that someone running a team has to wait for all the info, unlike those who can spend all day on the seriousness of the matter. Sadly the League dosent have a policy regarding impaired driving. We can probably feel confident that Randy Ambrose will soon implement one.
  11. BBRT.... Mighty big words ... You don’t fear the Riders. Yet they had no problem dissposing of the Bombers not once but twice when they had more than 1 practise to get ready. The way they just beat Calgary in Calgary is good proof of that. The Riders own the best of 3 on both Calgary and Winnipeg. Sorry but teams that suck are not able to do that. Plus they have the best record against Western Opponents. I challenge any team to play on a Thanksgiving Monday. Then give your players their mandatory 2 days off. Practise on Thursday. Fly to Winnipeg on Friday. Then play on Saturday. I don’t care if your the New England Patriots playing Miami. One practise before an opponent is going to get you in deep trouble Truthfully im glad the Bombers beat up SK. It helped in waking up SK. It helped the Bombers to possibly end the EE season. Also if the Bombers and BC both beat Calgary. Then Calgary could end up in 3rd. The Bombers could end in 2nd and if SK beats BC in REGINA next week they could take 1st Saying it multiple times that a team sucks that could possibly take the West just shows ego is getting in the way of knowledge. Just remember that an open mind is the essence to intellect
  12. The only “**** hole” as you put it seems to be the breath of someone that writes like that. Your comments are foul, uncalled for and completely grade school juvenile. How can the Bombers beat the Riders at the Stadium referred to as the gem of the league by both TSN and the CFL front office. It was only a couple weeks ago when Willy Jefferson beat the Bombers offence almost single handily on Bombers soil. Right after beating the Bombers the week before. I’d be more concerned about SK embarrassing the Bombers at home one more time before any playoffs start.
  13. I agree. The Riders may not be winning pretty. The facts are they are winning. I believe the only reason SK lost to the EE was simply because it was Collaros first game back. He was still in game 1 mode. There in no way Jones lets second place slip away now. SK beat BC in BC and barely lost to Edm at Common Wealth. The battle to see who visits Mosaic in the Semi will continue between the Bombers and Esks right until the last game. Check your stomachs health because next week it’s hard not to hope for a Riders win. Cheering for green will make Bomber fans stomach feel green. A Bombers win and an Eskimo loss and Winnipeg owns 3rd by them self.
  14. Any time someone uses the phrase book it. I find the exact opposite always happens. As was the case here once again.
  15. I agree with your statement on the EE Defence. However Mike Reilly will keep his offence on the field far more than Johnny Manziel did. The trick is going to be shutting down Reilly’s explosive plays. The guy can step up and deliver that 40+ yard toss right into the hands of his receiver in full stride. No one has the arm strength to throw the ball like Reilly right now. Except maybe Streveler. So Richie no playing cover zero. Keep that safety in the middle to help out. Otherwise Reilly’s 50-50 bombs become more like 70-30. Got my PVR all set up for the game on Saturday. Work till 6PM but won’t miss a play. Tough to beat the Esks at Common Wealth.
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