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Posts posted by Nolby

  1. 53 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    We looked like a tired club that just played 10 straight weeks without a bye last night. I am not offering this up as an excuse, but it is the reality. The heart was there but the legs simply weren't. A stretch like that is especially tough on the guys in the trenches and it showed last night. Leggs had an awful game or we still win. I'm not upset at all by this loss, nor am I concerned about it in the least. We will come back refreshed and go on another roll with a few of our starters coming back to the lineup. Losses are never good, but if there is a silver lining to it I feel that it will serve to motivate Walters if any good ex CFLers are cut in the NFL the next week or so. 

    Prior to this game, I would have put the odds of us going hard after Desjarlais (if he is cut) as slim just based on what offers he will receive....now I think we would be extremely competitive in bidding for his services. I wouldn't have thought we would look at many ex-CFL cuts at all...now I think Walters will make a splash if someone is available to push us even more over the top.

    You could put up any club and ask em to go 9-1 in a 10 game stretch and likely no one would do it. 9-1 is damn impressive and although last night's loss stings bad were still using our oxygen tanks at the top of the mountain.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Rod Black said:

    Bailey tweeted “win as a team - lose as a team”. Something like that. Great that the players have Leggs back. 

    let’s not forget a bad PI call. An offside at the goal line. A fumble leading to a td. Most times we have come out on top of games like this. A  9 - 1 record is still best in the league. 

    With tie breakers,9-1 still has us in the lead by a lot

  3. 2 minutes ago, Tracker said:

    My thoughts exactly. The Bombers had several opportunities to ice the game, but it didn't happen. Few expected to run the table this season, but to lose in such a manner where the game was within reach but fumbled away is galling. We need to cut Liegghio some slack. He choked, plain and simple when the game was on the line. but athletes early in their careers have been known to do so are still have stellar careers. Its way too early to tell if this is a chronic issue or a rookieism.  The O-line was terrible from start to finish but 10 games without a breather and multiple injuries will do that. We need to back away from the edge.

    Were on to Cincinnati

  4. 1 hour ago, wbbfan said:

    His leadership also can’t be under valued. The wr core is pretty fresh faced this year. 

    mike sims walker too. Chris brazzel. Who was that we we picked up from Toronto’s pr before the play offs in the khari era who had a great effort in the play off loss then disappeared? We’ve seen lots of flashes in the pan at wr. 
     I’m hopeful for agudosi to be more. And it’s a great situation to be in with that much depth. But no need to fix what isn’t broken. 

    I wouldn’t say we’ve had a very good oc in a very long time tbh. Various shades of mediocre to good ish with the odd all time terrible mixed in. 

    I'd say our OCs offered us flashes/teasers of what good offense can be but none of those OCs could generate consistency.

  5. 29 minutes ago, TrueBlue4ever said:

    Open question for the group - when Agudosi heals up, and assuming everyone else stays healthy, who would be your starting 5 receivers?

    A) Ellingson, Schoen, Bailey, Demski, Wolitarsky 

    B ) Ellingson, Schoen, Agudosi, Demski, Wolitarsky

    C) Ellingson, Schoen, Agudosi, Bailey, Demski (drop to 7 starting Canucks)

    D) Ellingson, Schoen, Bailey, Wolitarsky, Agudosi (make Demski the back-up RB to Oliviera) 

    E) remove Oliviera and run a six receiver set!

    F) other

    C. I believe that's the best receiving corps we could put on field. You got a big body at wide and a scary set of slot receiver's.

  6. 46 minutes ago, TrueBlue4ever said:

    3Down has been talking about this. Apparently with a win the Bombers would be the first CFL club ever to win 400 home games in their franchise history. Calgary was at 399 but the Bomber win two weeks ago denied them the claim to be first. And the Bombers play before Calgary this week. FYI Edmonton has been stuck at 397 home wins since 2019. 

    "If you wanna crown em then crown their asses!!!"

  7. 1 minute ago, TrueBlue4ever said:

    I ran some of the permutations based on the East remaining head-to-head match-ups. If the Bombers win their next two games (taking them to week 12), they will guaranteed finish ahead of two of the East teams by season’s end, but will not clinch a crossover spot in week 12 unless Edmonton loses twice more by then - so it is possible they could clinch at 11-0 but dependant on specific factors not yet determined. The earliest guaranteed time they could clinch with no help from other teams is the Banjo Bowl if they win everything up to and including that game (go 13-0). Realistically, 13 wins should salt away a home playoff game if not the division title, but this is the mathematical clinch scenario. 


  8. 8 hours ago, Booch said:

    BC is a good team...not a great team...they feast on the also rans and the idiots (Jones' plan in EDM)

    Rourke is got the tools ..but if a good game plan is applied to him...like we did...he's just a QB...he got some lucky big plays...but replay that again and I bet all 3 may be incomplete...they don't scare me ...CGY does....

    I get all the hype...CDN QB has media all haha and horny and he has put up decent numbers but their sched and the Teams they have played has been very favourable to them...let's see what they do on the road..in bad cold weather games come Oct and nov

    BC relies heavily on the big explosion pass plays,take those away and BC comes down to earth real fast.

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