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Posts posted by Nolby

  1. 2 hours ago, Super Duper Negatron said:

    Ack! Why is the game at 6?! I just assumed it was at 8 and bought tickets to take my kids to the Goldeyes game. I just know some strike tracking nitwit with headphones is going to be listening on CJOB and ruin it for me, just as I am leaving the park thinking I am home free.



    I'm at the in-laws out of town for the night,as long as there's a game on at any point for 3 hours then I'm happy...

  2. 1 minute ago, BomberfanMKS said:

    TBH  - I'd like to see him get a full season + pension with the Jets this year and sign with us halfway through next year... Zack will be 35/36 next year... Give Strev a full season and a half as an active backup and maybe a transition year with ZC/Strev as an A/B qb combo.   Don't see ZC playing much past 38 tbh.

    Keep the hogs and he plays until he's 50!

  3. 12 minutes ago, Mike said:

    Nobody cares that making a schedule for your dodgeball league is hard. This is a professional sports league where people can lose their livelihoods based on things like a win-loss record. Having such a slanted schedule for certain teams shouldn’t be acceptable and saying “it’s hard” isn’t an excuse.

    Professional football teams should never be playing 3 games in 12 days. Period. BC gets their last bye two weeks after we get our first. That shouldn’t be acceptable for either team. Look at how many teams play the last game of the week off a bye. It’s a joke.

    I believe through the first 6- 9 weeks that every single team should of already had at least 1 bye,they need to keep these bye weeks consistent every single year. I understand covid has played a serious role in messing this up but how has every team in the east plus two teams in the West have already had bye weeks and we're still chugging along?? We set ourselves up very nicely for late bye weeks,could even be beneficial for us but they need consistency.

  4. 15 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    We need a bye week in the worst way, but still have this brutal game at McMahon, and then a home and home with the Larks. Super tough stretch here before we get a break...

    Our bye week is deep into the season but that's a solid time for us (due to our record) to rest some players here and there for the playoffs. Sask and BC have already had their first couple of bye weeks,gonna be real rough for the Riders the rest of the way,BC may get bogged down too.

  5. 41 minutes ago, Booch said:

    Don't think anything was broke cause they were looking at it on sideline with him sitting up on trainers table with legs hanging over edge...with broke leg...pretty sure nobody would sit like that..let alone be examined that way...but who knows...he looked like he in some discomfort

    The trainer was feeling up and down the leg and stopped just higher of the ankle and you could see that's where the exact pain was. Can only guess but my hunch is it's broke.

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