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Posts posted by Nolby

  1. 9 minutes ago, bearpants said:

    I know you’re saying this tongue-in-cheekily… but if we actually did lose O’Shea after this year… the more likely replacement would probably be someone like Buck or Younger… or someone else internal 

    I think I'd take younger,our offense has been much more creative and effective under Buck than Lapo, I could see Hall getting one last shot if it happened.

  2. 19 hours ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    I can't see Lapo being a permanent head coach again after this...maybe an interim somewhere if he's the OC and the head coach gets canned.

    Not sure how you could ever do a process of searching for a head coach and come up with Lapo as the best candidate.  He's got 5 years of just brutal results, especially on offense as an offensive coach.  His only playoff team was carried by an all-time defense.

    Some how some way I feel Benevedes still has a shot down the road as a HC......somehow......someway

  3. 16 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

    Friday night football and what is tsn doing right before the bomber game? Frickin tennis.  Tsn is such a trash partner for the cfl. 

    I could see both backs combining for almost 200 yards from scrimmage. 

    More like a sane amount. And as much as I love lawler at this point we don’t miss him. Ellingson for lawler is no loss. 

    Whether it does anything,I sent tsn an email regarding this exact issue. There's only 4 ******* games maximum a week and they have to air CFL wired instead of pre game coverage??? Tsn with bush league priorities,I hate Sportsnet already,don't make the list,TSN.

  4. 58 minutes ago, Bubba Zanetti said:

    Am i the only one that thinks were using the wrong guys as SB/WR like pretty much all the time?? Not much to complain about being 6-0 and back-to-back champs but man having Wolitarski and Bailey as WR's while having Agudosi and Grant inside just seems completely wrong.

    I 100% agree. It'll be interesting if Jones will throw Carter in here and there to cover Agudosi as they're similar in size.

  5. 59 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    Losers? Riders?

    Nevermind...same thing anyway.

    Yea...it is awesome. A lot of the diehards are starting to demand a change in culture. Even they realize it's a recipe for a lost season.

    I was reading how so many Rider fans were **** happy Craig Dickenson was conducting business behind closed doors with punishments or hard talks.......isnt this protocol for every team?? That fan base is just scraping and scratching for anything .

  6. 42 minutes ago, do or die said:

    Hope Jones lets Carter cover Agudosi, for a bit.....

    I don't think it totally matters now who lines up over him. Roberson had no shot at covering Agudosi and Roberson could be a top 3 db in the league. 6'6" is a size that is hard to cover for anyone.

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