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Rod Black

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Everything posted by Rod Black

  1. Well I’ll check. But I’m pretty sure it was the Sampsonites. They both start with an “S”.
  2. If you try a google search you’ll see that he has a sister by the name of Mary Simonise. She spends her winters in Aspen and is quite the philanthropist. They come from a successful family that made luggage using the name as the brand. https://www.samsonite.ca/shop-by-brand/samsonite/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIpqO4-Ii23gIVhf5kCh2gtwmREAMYASAAEgKAUfD_BwE
  3. Monday, Edmonton, Catholic high school, Spanish classes. Kids will be learning “No Maas!”
  4. Thanks JBR. There goes what I thought was an ok conspiracy theory.
  5. I never said I hated the schmoes! Lol
  6. Peterman, who I have liked, and Simonise playing would provide insight into their future development. This could be the last we’d see of Maas as the Schmoes HC. I’d take that bet.
  7. It’s a Back peddling, side stepping, silly walking, tap dancing, figure skating......douchey bag obtuse waste of skin. Exceeds all job descriptions of a troll.
  8. How about the Harris nomination costs the team less money in incentives than the Powell nomination? Just speculating, and wouldn’t be surprised if money is involved in this round of nominations. They’d guard that secret with a cone of silence that actually works.
  9. 100 million is a lot of money for any province, including the smallish Nova Scotia provincial budget. The city council decision is a step forward, with huge challenges ahead. If successful with a franchise and new stadium, 8 cities could boast fine facilities. I’d like to wish them luck.
  10. So the candidates for each award were indentified by the FRC, I think that’s the Football Reporters and the Head Coaches. What’s the process? The HC presents names from their team and discusses its local FRC reps and the FRC decides the divisional candidates and eventual individual winners? So in your query, is it Campbell valuing Harris over Powell? Can’t seem to agree that the Local FRC would want to create much conflict with the HC in order to maintain a working relationship.
  11. Well, IGF was partially built with federal money. As far as Trudeau goes, that guy is a tax grabbing machine and will do whatever he has to in order to bribe or buy votes. I do hope that Halifax can be successful. Historic event if the CFL could get a team there.
  12. The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree.
  13. Wow! And ffs. Even smaller world! I’m drinking coffee from an In-N-Out thermal mug as we speak! Lmao.
  14. Howdy. Attached is the link for ESPN and the network of theirs that will be televising the playoff games. https://www.cfl.ca/watch-2018-cfl-broadcast-schedule#ESPN Last year I watched the game In Palm Springs on a ESPN network in the lobby of our hotel. Only one other person had any kind of interest in the game, but I would describe it as his curiosity in passing rather than as a fan. We are mistook as University of Washington Alumni. The point being CFL fans are rare in California. Buffalo Wild Wings has always been very accommodating because they have so many televisions. I have confirmed with staff other games, rather networks, availability a day or two ahead. Had the Jets been scheduled to be in SoCal on any of the playoff dates, you would be able to find a cluster of Winnipeg fans near the hockey facility.
  15. Know what ya mean.
  16. That’s my ear worm for the day! 😆
  17. Have seen what you describe a few times, yes. What is different this time he directed it to an individual. At best the question is in very poor taste. At worst, a complex question, which if answered with a simple yes or no, leaves the respondent in a position falling into a trap and be further accused of heinous acts. Assaulting kids, is over the top violence. Hell, ripler would understand that telling his sister “she’s fat”, is not a joke, but malice. Ripler asked the question in bad faith, it’s not a joke. But of course, that’s what SK fans do. Fight on this site. Fight with players, try and disarm, assault, a policeman at a game, players accuse bomber fans of spitting on them, and on and on. Worst fans of any sports team.
  18. Double standards are fine according to SK fans.
  19. Despicable comment by that rider fan. Maybe his post should be removed. Horrible accusation. Trying to sound like pouring beer, assaulting, on a little kid occurred. That doesn’t even qualify as a bad joke.
  20. Your trying to stir things up. There are over two hundred cameras in and around the stadium. Winnipeg Police, University Security, Bomber security management will tell “it never happened”. The accuser was a welfare mother posting on Facebook. Good on Wade, he gave her free stuff. These are facts. Even if the facts disappoint you, it sounds like you wanted a kid to get dumped on to support your stories. That’s uncool man.
  21. 5 guys. You like 5 of ‘em. “On the one hand, I got five fingers. On the other, nuttin”. Honest, I understand completely!
  22. I can’t believe how long the third quarter lasted. Now you have mentioned it, the quarter was truly impressive. Fog rolling in, Bombers rolling up points. Players enduring with snapped digits. Defence smothering the favoured opponents. Classic. A game to remember.
  23. 511 yards offence. No reason they couldn’t have had like 1100 yards if Streveler had started against that soft Calgary team that is in first place.
  24. On Sports Center, BLM was asked about the fog. He responds “ that was smoke from them scoring and blowing their gun.” Honestly, maybe he got that right!
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